Things we said today

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"I wish I never laid eyes on him."

"on Ezra fitz?" the interviewer confirmed

"I wish we never met." I nodded

"if we never....look you don't know how hard it's been to watch. I've lost friends. I've watch my friends and family being harassed over my doings not theirs. I've read some stories how it's all a publicity stunt for the book and possible movie. I've heard it all. I wish I never laid eyes on him because of them. My friends and family. but also because I've worked so hard on myself for the past five years making a name for myself finally. but this is all something that could go away because I laid eyes on him. even while I was in a relationship. if I had never laid eyes on him I wouldn't have fallen in love and neither would he. There would be a few less lonely people in this world sure and a lot less pain. and no heartache for others. but is the love of two people really worth all this destruction? If there was a voice who would choose this kind of love? so I wish we never met. but we did and I tried to kill it I did. I tried to hide and stop loving him but I couldn't. I won't ask for forgiveness from anyone I won't, just don't ask me to fall out of love with Ezra fitz because believe if I could I would. "

"Were you ever actually in love with Liam?" she asked

"yes, I believe in my heart I was."

"how do you stop loving someone?" she asked

"I don't think you ever stop. I think it still aches somewhere down deep if it was true. when I first saw Ezra again for the first time in years I felt it. I didn't know what the ache in my stomach was but now I know. if I wouldn't stayed away maybe I wouldn't have fallen in love all over again."

"there were rumors you and Liam were engaged. is that true?"

I looked at her and back down at my hand. and trickled with my fingers.

"I was... yes"

"did you say yes knowing you were in love with Ezra?" She asked

"I honestly don't remember. look, at one point in my life I thought Liam was everything."

"there are also many many rumors that you and Ezra are expecting a child?"

"no...... no. we just figured us out. I don't think we are ready for a kid. maybe one day, I hope." I smiled

"have you talked to Liam since that night?" she asked

"no actually i haven't. I mean I've heard how he's doing. I mean I still care for him. It still hurts knowing what I did to him in front of everyone."

"Aria so to conclude can you tell us what it's like, what it feels like and what you see to be in love with Ezra?"

"it's like... well you know when you are under a bridge when it's raining and it just stops? he's my bridge. I like the way I feel when he looks at me. its like I want to believe in myself. It's just we looked at eachother a little to long to be just friends I guess you could say. and if I told you all what I see in him, you'd all fall in love. He's my one in a million and I'd never give him up for anything. thank you for the opportunity." I said walking away as I began to cry. I picked up my phone calling Ezra.

"where are you? I need you. Please."

"Aria it's okay. when's your plane leave?"

"in the morning." I said as my phone died hanging up on Ezra.

"I need another beer and were out let's head to the bar. it's going to be hard to get out with all these cameras downstairs but oh well. let's go Caleb."

we walked downstairs and walked out the doors and the paparazzi surrounded us.

"Ezra did you catch the interview?"

"how did it make you feel?"

"did it sting a little at certain parts?"

we ignored all the questions and jumped in the car. aria finally called a few hours later. she caught an earlier flight and needed me at the airport. I dropped Caleb off and went and got her.

she ran to me crying.

"Ezra please don't let me ever go to anything like that ever again alone. I can't."

"I won't." squeezing her tighter, kissing the top of her head. I heard small camera like sounds as people around us took photos. we can't get away from this. I hope we do.

a week later....

"Ezra I told you countless times! if we go into this broken they will eat us alive! you can't believe these rumors!"

"Aria I don't care! rumors or not! I'm tired of this all!"

"being in a relationship with me?"

"no Aria quit twisting everything I say!"

" look I need to go and clear my head. and clearly you do too. I'm going to go stay with my friends for awhile. I'll be back soon."

"fine go." He said as I grabbed my bag and opened the door and turned back as he just stood there not saying anything back like he once did. this arguing is useless now. he didn't say anything. not even an I love you. I put my head down and walked out.

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