No longer my home

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I began to pack my stuff. I just replayed him finding her over and over again in my head and then I remembered when he found me. I felt like couldn't breathe. Then as we started banging on this door hoping someone would hear, I heard my name being yelled. It was Ezra. I felt like I was about to pass out as the smoke got closer and closer. finally the door opened and I couldn't see. I turned around and I was in shock. I mumbled 'oh my god' to myself. I ran to him as he picked me up in his arms. he saved me. 'I thought I lost you' he said and all I ever wanted to say in that moment was you'll never lose me or you found me but I couldn't get any type of words to form. I never wanted to let him go. he will always be my hero. The

I continued to pack my things up because I didn't want nicole having to come here and see all my stuff scattered throughout this apartment. I got the last of my things packed as I looked at the photo of Ezra and I sitting down together with his arms wrapped around me as I sat in his lap and me just showing that ring off smiling big. I smiled and threw the picture at the wall. I looked down at my ring and smiled again as I remembered him proposing to me in this exact spot.

"You told me once a long time ago that you couldn't imagine your life without me and I told you that I wanted you in mine and that we would figure something out. and then we spent years apart... a world apart. five years later when you walked in the door, after all that time , it felt like the last flat stretch of a roller coaster ride, right before it comes to a stop... where your stomachs flipping out and your knees are weak but you can breathe again. That's when I knew, I want you in my life Aria, for the rest of my life, I don't ever want to let you go."

My aching body fell to the floor and began to cry. I laid there on the cold hardwood floor. it's so quiet here and I feel so cold. this house no longer feels like home. I got up and looked in the mirror and saw the shadow of a broken-hearted girl. I pictured us walking to the alter for better or for worse. I just can't figure out why I'm left alone to cry. he can't hear me cry.

I started remembering how we met and how our future looked so bright. then it went down hill I don't even know why I'm still surprised.

"Hey you alright down there?"

"Yeah I'm just a bit jet lagged."


when we first met I tried ignoring him. then he moved closer and then I saw his eyes and I froze up. I held my breath. Right from the start I knew I found the home for my heart but now I'm not so sure.

I saw all my dreams start to die as I slowly shut the door. I set the key under the mat and headed to Hannas. when I walked in her and Spencer were waiting for me with open arms. I wrapped my arms around the both of them as I began to cry. we eventually sat down on the couch as I began to pour my heart out to them. I heard Spencer and Hannas conversation as they went to get me more tea.

"she has to find Ezra. there's no place she'd rather be than with him. they have history. he can't just choose nicole over Aria right?" Hanna asked Spencer. Spencer grew quiet which means she shrugging her shoulders saying she doesn't know which isn't too often that spence doesn't know something. she knows everything.


"they were so happy together." I sighed

"I know." Spencer said

"they transformed everything they touched."

"do you think he will choose her?" I continued

"I don't know." Spencer said picking up the tea and walking it to Aria

aww what do you think will happen between ezria? what do you think he will say? how can he make this up or will he?

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