Sean's Turning

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Mark's POV:
Sean looks so cute when he's asleep. He lightly snores. And his hair is so dang fluffy. And his eyes.....dang I'm really falling for him. He stirs. I look down at him. "You should sleep more, Markimoo." I smile and say,"I can't sleep anymore, Jackie." He looks into my eyes. He nods. "Awww, Jack you two are adorable.", a young woman says. I give him a questioning look. "That's my youngest sister, Marie.",he says. "Okay then.",I mumble. He gets up, and extends his hand for me to take. I take his hand and he pulls me up into a strong hug. He then coughs. "Geez I hate being sick.",he mumbles into my hair. I laugh. He glares at me, but I just smile up at him. He smiles back. "Marie, is my room as I left it?",Sean asks his sister. "Yes! Are ya gonna be staying for a while?",he excitingly answers. "Maybe, I needed a change, and I have a ton of paperwork to fill out. So I wanted to do it here.",Sean says. She smiles, and hugs him. "I missed having my vampire brother around.",she said. I smile at them. I don't want to ruin this. He has a family. I don't want to get in the middle of this. "Mark? Are ya okay?",Sean asks me snapping me back to reality. "Yeah, just a little hungry.",I say shyly. He smiles, and pulls me down a hall into a room. It has posters on the wall, that look like would be up for a teenage boy. "This is my room, of course before I was turned.",he tells me. "You were turned when you were in high school?",I asked horrified. "Yeah, I was a senior, and I just never took these down, cause I moved out soon after I was turned.",he says. I must of looked horrified because he stop talking. "I don't mean to intrude in your life.",I say. "It's okay, you just looked a little scared, so I stopped.",Sean says. I nod. He goes to a small fridge in the corner of the room. He tosses me a blood bag. And opens one for himself. I kinda glare at it. "Drink it." "Again, I don't like blood, but I shall try.",I say. He finishes his and starts changing. Oh my God, he has abs. "Liking the view?",Sean asks me. I blush and open my blood bag. He laughs. I pour half of it in my mouth, and swallow. I gag multiple times. Sean holds my hand and rubs my back as I finish the rest. He was still shirtless. "Better?",he asks still rubbing my back. "A little, I'm still not good with blood.",I say. He nods and rubs my back in circles. "I'm gonna tell you about my turning, okay?",he says. I nod. He puts on a clean shirt, and pulls me to sit in his lap on his bed. He fixes my glasses, and holds me around the waist. "I was about 20 when I was turned. I was held back a few years in school, and the day before my graduation, I got really sick.",he says pausing. He coughs and sneezes. I rub my thumb over his hand. "I was at home by myself, and our dog Gizmo. And about halfway through the day, a woman came in and bit me. Her name was Anna. She was and still is my Sire. I remember her being there when I woke up. And after a week she left. I trained myself and I haven't seen her since.", he says. He sneezes against and I lean against his chest.

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