Break Of Dawn

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Mark's POV:
He's drunk. And I doubt that's good for him. I didn't have a single one cause I can't drink, so he did. "Markie! Come get a drink please.",he says. "I can't drink Sean, I already told you this. And we need to get home, it's almost dawn.",I say. "But..",he starts but I cut him off. "Sean, come on.",I say pulling him by the hand out the door. I put him in his car and buckle him. I drive us back to his parents house. I pick him up bridal style, and carry him in. "He's drunk isn't he?",he mom says. I nod. She laughs. "He usually doesn't drink that much, it must be because of you.",she says. "Actually I'm a hundred percent sober. I haven't drank in years.",I say. "Really? Wow.",she says. I take Sean to his room and lay him down on his bed. He rolls over and pulls the trash can in front of him, and he throws up. I rub his back. "Why did you let me drink that much?",he asks. It's the break of dawn. "Because I didn't want to ruin your night by dragging you home after a few drinks.",I answer. "How the heck are you not throwing up?",he asks. "I can't drink, or it can give me a heart attack. And frankly I don't want to die, again.",I say. He makes the "o" face, and throws up again. "So, you are completely sober?",he says. I nod, and say "Yeah, you need to get out of that suit." He nods. I take off his jacket and tie and put them on his desk. He blushes. "I-i can do the rest.",he says. I smile and leave the room. "Why can't you drink?",his mom asks. "Um, I have a cell defect that doesn't allow me to drink, or I could have a heart attack.",I say. She nods. I take off my jacket, and undo my tie. I go back in Sean's room to see him in pj's. They have my logo on them. "Nice pajamas, Jack.",I say. "You should know, you packed them for me.",he says. I turn around and change in to my own pair of jacksepticeye pajamas. "SAM!",He shouts. I turn around to see him holding a jumbo septic eye. "Oh my, I haven't seen one of you in ages. I haven't even been on YouTube.",he mumbles. Wait how did this not click in my head! HE'S JACKSEPTICEYE! "Wait wait wait, you are JackSepticEye?"I ask. "Yeah. I haven't messed with my channel in ages though.",he says. Huh the things you find out at the break of dawn.

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