Christmas: Part 2

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Mark's POV:
I try to sleep, but it doesn't come. Marie is singing as Sean suggested, but it doesn't help. "Is he asleep Marie?",I hear Sean ask. "I'm not asleep.",I say. "I tried Jack. I'm sorry.",Marie says. "It'll be okay. I can try.",he says. I look up at him. "You look exhausted Markie.",he says. "I am, but I can't fall asleep. I'm used to you being here with me.",I say. He sits down a small bag that he had in his hand on the coffee table. He lays down next to me and I wrap my arm around him. I feel his breathing slow. And I hear soft snores coming from him. I soon fall asleep as well, knowing he's by my side.
A few hours later:
I wake up to him sprawled out over me. I smile and text Tom to bring me my hoodie. Sean is freezing cold and he isn't wearing a jacket so I'm putting one of mine on him. "How are you going to do this?",Tom asks me. "Because I'm not the one going to be wearing it. He is.",I tell him and motioning to the Irish vampire that is sprawled out on top of me. He hands the hoodie to me and walks away. "Baby, wake up for a second.",I say. He glares at me and then shoots up and grabs the bag off the table and rushes into our bedroom. When he comes back in give him a weird look. "It's a surprise.",he says. I pull him onto my lap. His legs are on either side of me and he's basically sitting on me. "Arms up.",I say. He puts his arms up and I pull the hoodie over his head. He leans down and kisses my lips. Later that night, momiplier makes supper and we all sit in the living room telling stories as we eat.
Sean's POV:
"Jack tell about your turning!",Samantha says. "I don't know, Sam.",I say. "Pleeeeeeeeaaasssssseeee,"she begs. "Fine, I was about 20, when I was turned. I was a senior in high school, and the day before graduation I got really really sick. So of course I stayed home. And I was asleep in my room, when this woman came in and bit my neck.",I pause. Mark is holding my hand and the other hand is rubbing my neck where Anna had bit me. "She is known as my Sire. Her name as later found out is Anna. After a week she left. I knew nothing about what I was or how to control it. So I kinda learned all on my own.",I finish. Mark squeezes my hand. I squeeze back. "Mark you tell a story.",I say. "About what?",he asks. "About how you met Jack.",his Ma says. "Uhm....Okay, I guess. Uhm..I met Jack almost a year ago, I was on my way home from the store, and I took my usual shortcut through this alley behind my apartment, and I saw him actually draining a person.",he stops for a minute to eat. "And you wound up dating him?",Tom asks. "I'm getting to that,ok? The next morning he came to my apartment and was trying his best to stay out of the sun, and I kinda pulled him into my apartment. He actually fainted, because he hadn't ate or something like that, and that was the first time I ever went into this very apartment, and it reeked of blood.",he stops again. "At the time he couldn't handle blood. So that was definitely something he remembered about this apartment.",I say. My mom laughs. Mark nudges me, and kisses my neck. I smile. "And then he 'accidentally' turned me." "It was an accident!",I say. He laughs. "But then we took a trip to Ireland, and I met his parents, and soon after we were there we were dating.",he finishes. "Awwwww! You two are so cute!",his stepmom says. I smile and take mine and his plates to the kitchen. When I get back, Mark pulls me into his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me there. "So with it being Christmas eve, the McLoughlin family has a tradition. Everyone opens a present. Just one. We would love it if Mark's family would join in too.",my pa says. "We would love to.",Mark's mom says. "Dad, who is gonna be santa?",Samantha asks. "I would say Mark, but he needs to rest, so I'll choose Jack.",he says. "Yay! I haven't been Santa in years.",I say. Mark smiles and let's me up. I hand Mark the one from my mom, and so on. "Which one is mine?",I ask. "The one on the tree dear.",my ma says. I look all over the tree, and I see a small box. I sit down in Mark's lap. "That's one of the few I got you.",he whispers in my ear. I smile and count to three and everyone opens their present. I gasp when I open mine. "Oh my gosh.",is all I manage to say. Mark hugs me. I get up and go get the ring I got him. I get on one knee and say,"Oh heartthrob of youtube, will you please marry me?" "I asked you first.",he says. And he had. He had got me a small green engagement ring, and had a note asking me to marry him. "Just answer.",I say. "Of course.",he says. He puts the green ring on my ring finger and I did the same with his pink one. "It's about time.",my brother Matthew says. I smile and kiss Mark's cheek, as I sit down in his lap.
In the morning:
I wake up on Mark's chest, at first I'm confused as to why he's wearing the ring I bought him but I soon remember. "My handsome fiance.",I say as I look at him. "Thank you Sean.",he mumbles. He scared me and I fall backwards off of our bed. "Ow.",I mumble. He looks down at me. "Are you okay, baby?",he asks. "Yeah, I'm fine Markie.",I say then it hits me. It's freaking Christmas. "Holy crap it's christmas!",I shout. Mark smiles and says,"yep." I lean up and kiss him. He pulls me back on the bed, and he continues to kiss me. I fall into sync with him. "JACK! MARK! COME ON GET UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS!",Samantha shouts. "SAM PLEASE GO AWAY! GIVE US A FEW MORE MINUTES!",I shout back. "Fine!",she yells. I kiss him again. A few minutes later I pull Mark out the door and into the living room. We open presents and eat cereal. We laugh at jokes that were told. Around noon, me and Mark and Chica are all asleep on the couch. Mark holding me, and Chica on top of both of us. I look at Mark, sleeping, and I'm so happy that soon he'll be mine and mine only. I kiss his nose. "I love you.",he mumbles. "I love you too.",I say. That night we go to sleep together, and I kiss him until I pass out from exhaustion.

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