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Mark's POV:
I wake up to Sean's soft snores. I was asleep on his chest, and his arm was around me. I smile at how adorable he looks. He starts to stir. "Morning, my little biscuit.",I say to him. He smiles and says,"Morning to ya too, Markie." I pressed my lips to his. He pulls me closer to him, and I gladly come. "Hmmm, interesting, very interesting."I hear a Swedish voice say behind us. I kiss Sean harder, and he doesn't object. We pull apart for air. "How sweet. He gets all your attention Jacky, what has he done for you?! I bring you your favorite flowers, and your favorite type of blood as a peace offering and you don't take either! I came all the way from Sweden and what do I get? I get to see you make out with him.",Felix says. "Shut it, Felix! I don't have to obey every order you say. I'm not your little play thing.",Sean says to him. I stare at him and just watch his reaction. "But I deserve you more than he does!",Felix argues. I move off of Sean. He stands up and starts gathering his clothes and mine. I give him a questioning look. "We're going home.",he says. "Oh, okay.",I say. "You aren't leaving again.",Felix says. "Yes I am. I came back to spend time with people I love not to fight with you Felix. And I have a ton of paperwork to do. So yes I am leaving again.",Sean says. We both change into warm clothes. I slid on my pink high tops, and he slides on his septic green ones. He grabs his bag and mine and pulls me by the hand down the hall. "Ma! Pa! I'm leaving!",Sean shouts. "What? Why?",his mom says. "I have to do something back at my apartment. It needs to be majorly cleaned, before the people come to inspect.",he lies. "Okay, be careful.",she says. "I will Ma." We leave the house and it's dawn. "Crap. This might hurt.",he mumbles. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he starts to lift us off the ground. He puts his arms around my waist, and soon we are over the ocean. I cling to him tightly. "You gotta get used to it, sweetness.",he whispers in my ear. I groan. He laughs.
6 Hours later:
Sean's POV:
He's asleep with his arms hanging loosely around my neck. I have my arms tightly around his torso. His head is laying against my neck, and I'm humming softly. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy. When skies are grey... You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away. "Keep humming, please.",he mumbles. I smile and continue to hum the song. We get to my apartment and few minutes later. And I'm exhausted. I pick up his legs and start up the stairs to my apartment. When I get to the third floor, my neighbor is outside. "Sean! You've been gone awhile.",she says. "Yeah, I was visiting my family in Ireland, and I was out this morning with my.....uhm...friend.",I tell her. "Oh how sweet!",she says. I nod and go into my apartment. Mark gags. I pull his hoodie up over his face. I set him down on my bed. He rolls over onto his side. I smile. I go back into the main room and immediately start cleaning. About 2 hours later I'm done and my apartment doesn't reek of blood anymore. Mark walks in. "Wow, it doesn't smell like blood in here anymore!",he says. "Yep, I was hoping.....",I start to say. "What?",he asks. "I was hoping you would move in with me?",I say. "Of course!",he exclaims.

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