The Wedding

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Mark's POV:
I cannot sleep. I just got to my mom's house, ate supper, and have went to bed. And I can't sleep without him. He's become an addiction, that I can't live without. I decide to text him.
M: Hey I can't sleep.
J: Neither can I.
M: :) We are twins then
J: Awesome, we really should try to sleep though. We do get married at dawn.
M: I know. Just wanted to say goodnight.
J: Well, Goodnight, I love you.
M: Goodnight, I love you too.
I soon fall asleep. Around 3am my mom wakes me up. I put on my suit, dress shoes, and brush my hair.  I really want to see him, but that's bad luck, even if he is a leprechaun.
Sean's POV:
I wake up at 3am, when my alarm goes off. I roll over and remember he's not there. I hate to have become addicted to him, but I have. I can't live without him. And we have eternity together. I get up, shower, and put on my suit. I put on my glasses, and brush my hair. I put on my dress shoes, and I head to where I'm supposed to meet my parents at. When I get there I'm blindfolded. "Really? Marie, help me.",I tell my sister. "It's bad luck to see the groom before the vows, even if we are irish.",she says. "Fine, but can I at least talk to him.",I ask. "I guess, he's blindfolded too so I'll put your hand together.",Marie says. "Okay.",I answer. I feel hands interlock with mine and I my forehead against Mark's. "Hey, Sean.",he says. "Hey, Mark.",I answer. He gently presses his lips to mine. "I wish I could see you.",he says. "I do too. I missed waking up with you.",I say. "I did too, you wouldn't believe how lonely my parents house can be.",he says. I'm pulled away by my mom. "Come on Jack. You will see him later.",she says. "Fine.",I say. She drags me into a room and fixes my tie. She smiles at me and starts to cry. "Ma...don't cry.",I say. "But you are finally getting married, and you are the last one to get married. You just...took longer to find 'the one'.",she says. I hug her, and say,"I know, I'm difficult. But, I'm picky about who I'm going to spend eternity with."  "I know dear, and I'm happy that it's Mark. He's just so good to you and our family. I love him to death, but you love him in a way I never could.",she says. I nod. She fixes my suit and we walk out to the alter.
Mark's POV:
Someone pulled him away from my arms. I don't want them to but I let them. I'll see him at the alter. Tom guides me to a small room where I change into a different suit, and Tom fixes my hair. We soon walk out to the alter.
No one's POV:
Jack stands at the alter as Mark is lead up the isle by his mom. "Who bestows this man unto this man?",the preacher asks. "I do,",Mark's mother says.  They go through the vows. "Sean, do you take Mark to be your loaftly wedded husband?",the preacher says. "I do.",Jack says. "Mark, do you take Sean to be your loaftly wedded husband?"  "I do.",Mark says. They kiss, and the group of their family and friends cheer. They kiss again, and eventually they leave and go home.

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