The Parents

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Mark's POV:
I'm moving in with him! I'm moving in with my boyfriend. I can't believe he really wants to. "Earth to Mark!",My mom shouts in my ear. "Geez Mom, can I not think?",I ask. "Not when you are packing all your stuff to move in with a guy I don't know! And you haven't ate all day. What's wrong? Are you sick?",she asks. "He's nice mom I'll see if he can come help in a little while, and nothing I'm fine, I'm just not hungry.",I say. I haven't told her that me and Sean are vampires. It would scare her to death. "Are you sure? You look kinda pale. Are you sure you aren't sick?",she asks. "Yes, now, I'm going to go call Jack.",I say.
Phone call:
M: Hey my mom wants to meet you. Do you think you could manage to get here without being hurt?
S: Maybe, but I don't wanna risk it. I'm sick enough.
M: Okay I'll come get you. See you soon, Jackieboy.
S: Okay, you too Markimoo.
End of call.
"Mom I have to go get him I'll be back soon. ",I say. "Okay.",she answers. I quickly run down to my car, and get in. I drive to his apartment and run up the flights of stairs. "Come on Sean! Open up!",I say. He opens the door and pulls me inside. My arms feel like they are on fire. "Have you ate?",he asks while rubbing sun screen on my arms. "No, my mom doesn't know yet.",I say. "Okay, here.",he says handing me a blood bag. I have actually gotten used to the smell and taste, to the point I don't gag as much. "You shouldn't have risked coming to get me.",he says starring at me. "I wanted to. And I had to get away from my mother.",I say. He laughs. He pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around his neck. He has his arms wrapped around my waist and is leaning his head against my chest. I hold him there for a few minutes. "We should get going.",I say. He nods and starts having a sneezing fit. "God bless you.",I say, and pick him up bridal style. I walk him outside and shut our apartment door. I quickly run down 3 flights of stairs and put him in my car. I get in and I drive to my apartment. "Come on i say picking him up again. He sneezes into my chest. I smile and hurry up to my apartment. I set him down and pull him inside. "Owwww.",I say sliding down the door. "Mark are you okay?!",My mother asks worriedly."I'll be fine.",I mumble. Sean bends down in front of me and pulls me up. "Oww, Jackie.",I say. "Sorry, Mark.",he says. I go into my bathroom and find some sun screen. I toss the bottle to Sean who could use some too. "Why are you handing this to me? You are the one who *sneeze* needs it.",he says. My mom is looking between us trying to figure out what is going on. "Mark you never get burnt this easily.",she says rubbing my arms. "Ow! Geez,",I'll say walking away from her. Sean hands the bottle back to me and rub sun screen on his face. He smiles at me. He takes it and rubs some on my face. "Mark? Are you and him......together?",my mom asks. "Yes, we are. Mom, this is Jack.",I say blushing. He sneezes. "Jack, miss.",he says holding out his hand for her to shake. She shakes his hand and says,"Stephanie, Mark's stepmom." He smiles politely at her. I rub sun screen on my arms while they introduce each other. I wrap my arms around Sean's waist as he talks to my stepmom. He looks at me and grins. "So, where is your Dad?",he asks me. "Uhm, he died a couple of years ago.",I say. "Oh I'm sorry.",he says. I nod. "I would love to meet your family Jack.",Stephanie says. "I would let you but they live in Ireland, where I grew up. I just got back from a visit with them. But I'm sure you'll get to see them on Christmas. They plan on coming to see my apartment for the first time.",he says. Christmas was next month. I couldn't wait. "I would love that. We get everything packed except the food in the fridge. "Do you want me to see if Tom can come help you move?",Stephanie asks. "I can but thank you.",I say. She nods. "Take care of that sunburn.",she tells me. I nod. "It was a pleasure to meet you Jack. Be good Mark."Stephanie says and she leaves. Sean and I go back to his apartment and snuggle together on the couch and fall asleep.
Sean's POV:
I hear a knock at my door and I slowly move out of Mark's arms. "Ma?",I asks tiredly. "JACK! Top of the morning sweetheart.",she says. "Ma, we were asleep.",I say. "We?", she asks. "Me and Mark.",I say tiredly. She nods. "Can I come in?",she asks. I nod and she closes the door behind her. I go and see what time it is. It's 12:45pm. "Ma, why are you here at 12:45 at night?",I ask. "It was 8 in the morning in Ireland, dear.",she says. I nod. "I'm going back to sleep Ma. You can watch tv in my room.",I say. She nods, and walks down the hall to my room. I lay back down next to Mark and I snuggle up to his chest. I feel his arm move around me and pull me closer.

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