Christmas Decorations

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Sean's POV:
I Just realized that I've never bought a Christmas tree or stockings or any Christmas decorations. Woah. "Do you have a tree?",Mark asks. "No.........I've never really bought one. I've always gone back home for Christmas.",I tell him. "Oh my gosh! Sean William McLoughlin we are buying you a tree and anything else we need. And we are gonna have a great first Christmas together.",he says. I smile, say "Let's go then!" I'm suddenly excited about having my own tree. We get a traditional green fake tree, colored lights, a golden star toper, and a ton of little ornaments and stuff to make our own ornaments. We get home and set up the tree where a chair was. Mark helps put the lights on it, and I hold him up a little so he can put the star on top. We make a septic Sam, a Tiny Box Tim, a Mark, a Me, a Chica, and we make one with mine and Mark's fang imprints on it. We put the ornaments on an I step back to admire our tree. Mark is hanging something in the middle of the living room. "What is that?",I ask pointing to what he was hanging. "A little...ow.....mistletoe.",he says. I smile and walk out of the room. When I get back he is playing with Chica. "Awww! Picture for the card Markie!",I say holding up my camera. "Card?",he asks. "I send Christmas cards to family and friends.",I answer. "Oh . Okay.",he says. He sits up and Chica sits down next to him and he puts his arm around her. He smiles at the camera. *click* "That's a keeper.",I say. He pulls me into the floor with him and I extend my arm and take a picture of the three of us. Then he points up. We are under the mistletoe. I lean in and kiss his neck. "Sean,",he says but I cut him off, by pulling of his shirt. "Sean,....",I cut him off again by kissing his neck. "Sean,..ow.",he mumbles as I kinda tackle him. "What? Are you okay?",I say suddenly scared. "My side hurts, badly. It has been for awhile now.",he says. "Mark! Why didn't you tell me!",I ask. "I dunno. I thought it was nothing.",he mumbles. "I'm taking you to the hospital.",I say.

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