At The Hospital

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Mark's POV:
Sean drives up to the hospital and I go in. He tells the person at the desk what is wrong and she hands him a clipboard. "I'll need help filling this out.",he says. I nod and tell him what he doesn't know. "Mark Fishbach.",a doctor says. We get up and follow him back to a room. I'm told to put on a hospital gown and to remove any metal on me. I'm apparently getting an x-ray. "Follow me please.",the doctor tells us. We follow and as I predicted I'm being told to take an x-ray. When they come back, he shows me a huge tumor in my side that's about the size of a baseball. "Ow, that must really hurt Markie.",Sean says. He is against my side(not the one that has the tumor) and my arm is around him. He rubs my other side for a few seconds. "Yeah, kinda does, but I've had another before. Can you remove this one with surgery?",I said. The doctor nods yes. "If you would like, we can schedule it for tomorrow.",the doctor says. Sean leans his head against my chest and I nod yes. "We'll have to find someone to take care of Chica for a few days.",Sean says. "I can see if Tom or mom or Stephanie can come down for a few days. They are the closest.",I say as we head home to get some clothes. "Okay, I would stay at home but I don't want to leave you.",Sean says. "I understand, they love Chica to death so any of them shouldn't have a problem with it.",I tell him. He nods.
M: Tom can you watch Chica for a few days?
T: Ask much as I love that dog I can't I'm flying out of the country tomorrow for work.
M: Okay, well hope you have a good flight.
T: And I hope your surgery goes well. Bye.
M: Bye.

M: Hey mom.
M's m:Hey sweetheart what's up?
M: Can you come down and watch Chica for a few days?
M's m: Sure, I'll be down tonight.
M: Okay thank you.
M's m: Your welcome, Buh-bye
M: Buh-bye
"My mom is coming down tonight.",I tell Sean who is currently playing with Chica. "Good, now come here.",he says. I come towards them and sit down next to Sean. He puts his arm around me. I lay my head on his shoulder. "Are you okay?",he asks. "Yeah, my sides hurting, and I'm kinda tired. Nothing new.",I say. He nods, and hands me a blood bag. "Split it with me?",I ask. He nods. We take turns drinking from the bag. I'm almost asleep on him by the time we're done. He picks me up and sets me on the couch. He cuddles next to me and I put my arm over him.
Sean's POV:
He asleep on the couch cuddled up to me. He's like a injured little kid who doesn't want anybody but his Ma. But instead of his Ma he wants me and only me. I hear our doorbell go off, and I silently get up and open the door. I smile when I see his Ma standing there. "Come on in.",I say. He comes in and said, "Where's Mark?"  "He's asleep on the couch. Chica probably took my place on the couch, next to him.",I say.  "Okay, is he okay?",she asks. "For the most part, but his sides the main problem.",I say. She nods. I know she's worried about him, after all he is her son. We walk into the living room and the first thing she sees is our Christmas tree. "It's beautiful.",she says. "Yeah, your son mainly did it. This is the first tree I've had here.",I say. "Really?",she asks. "Yeah I usually go back home to Ireland for Christmas and my parents usually always have their tree up by the time I get there.",I say. She nods. Sure enough Chica was curled up against Mark, as if she knew he was hurt. "Chica is absolutely adorable.",she whispers. I nod, and wake up Mark. "Wha?",he mumbles. "Your ma is here.",I tell him. He nods. He sits up and Chica licks his face. "Thank you Chica for the kisses.",Mark says. She wags her tail and looks expectantly at him. I lean over the back of the couch and pet her. "Mark, is your surgery tomorrow?",his Ma asks. "Yeah, me and Jack are going back up there tonight. We were kinda waiting on you so you could take care of Chica.",he says. "Well, I'll gladly take care of her. This definitely isn't your first surgery Mark.",his Ma says. "What do you mean?",I ask. "I've had a few surgeries before I met you, Sean. I have a few scars on my chest from a few of them.",he says, using my real name for the first time around his Ma. "Oh, okay.",I say. We head to the hospital and I can tell he's in a lot of pain.
Authors note:
I know some of you may not like this chapter because Mark is hurt. But please please please do not send hate to me or comment mean things about my story. I promise everyone, Mark is okay. But please don't spread hate through my story, it's  mean and it's rude. Thank you!

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