The Move

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Mark's POV:
M: Please Tom, I need to talk to you and I need help moving.
T: Fine, I'll be there in a few hours, do you want me to meet you at your apartment or your new roommate's?
M: The new apartment, there's someone I want you to meet, and mom or Stephanie doesn't know what I'm going to tell you.
T: Okay see you soon.
M: See ya.
"Is he coming?",Sean asks me. I go and wrap my arms around him, and say,"Yeah he needs to know and he needs to meet you." He nods. "Jack! Do you want some breakfast?!",his Ma shouts. "No! I can't eat real food anymore! You know this!",he shouts backs. "I love you, Sean.",I tell him. "I love you too, Mark.",he says back.
3 hours later:
A knock awakes me and Sean from a nap on the couch. "I got it Markimoo.",he says to me. I nod. "Is Mark here?",I hear Thomas Jason Fishbach say. I fall off the couch. "Owwwww.",I say seeing as I landed on my really bad sunburn. "Yeah I guess he is.",Tom says. I hear Sean laugh and invite him in. "Mark you okay?",Sean asks leaning over me. "I landed on my sunburn. ",I tell him. "I'm sorry,babe.",he says helping me up. "Babe? Mark explain",Tom says. "Tom, this is my boyfriend, Jack. Jack, this is my brother Thomas Jason Fishbach.",I say. "My pleasure is yours.",Sean says. "Ditto, Jack. Just don't hurt my brother.",Tom says. Sean nods. "Now what do you need to talk about, that mom and Stephanie don't know.",Tom says. "Uhm, remember when you could have swore on your life that vampires were real?"I ask. He nods. "W-we kinda are.",I say. He looks surprised, and takes a step back. "We?",he asks. "I'm one, and so is Jack, and there's a whole council full of them.",I say. "Y-you were turned?",Tom says. I slowly nod. "YES! I KNEW THAT VAMPIRES WERE REAL!",Tom shouts. I laugh. "Okay calm down.",I say. Sean wraps his arms around me and leans his head on the back of my neck. I jump not knowing it was him. I smile down at him. "You have to tell Mom and Stephanie or they are gonna think you're sick.",Tom said. "Stephanie already does, and I don't wanna scare them.",I say. "What would Dad do?",Tom asks knowing I know the answer. I must have started to cry because Sean was trying to get me to calm down. "Dad would have told them, but I'm not dad.",I say trying to stop crying. "Mark Edward Fishbach! You can do anything you put your mind to, you just have to believe and press b to blow.",Tom tells me. I nod, and laugh. "Mark, hun, you okay?,"Sean's mom says.i nod. "This is my brother Tom, he came to help me move.",I say. She nods. "How about we go over *sneeze sneeze sneeze* to your apartment and start moving you? *sneeze*",Sean says. "How about you go to a doctor?",I say sarcastically. He glares at me. Tom hands me an umbrella. "Let's go, that should be big enough for the two of you.",he says. We go outside and I hold the umbrella over me and Sean. He stays close to me. Soon we are at my apartment, and my mom and Stephanie is inside. "TIM! MY LITTLE BISCUIT!",I shout seeing my old dog that stayed with my mom. Sean laughs as I cuddle the dog in my arms. He smiles down at me. "Mark has something to tell you two.",Tom starts to say,"and remember what dad would do." I almost break down again. "Mom, Stephanie, I'm not sick. I'm.......I'm....I'm a vampire.",I say. "Awww our little vampire!",they both say. "Oh my gosh they act like twins.",Sean says. I smile and he pulls me into a kiss. Oh my gosh this sparkly vampire has some guts to kiss me in front of my mom, stepmom, and my brother. *sneeze* he sneezed into our kiss. "I'm sorry, baby.",he whispers. "It's alright.",I whisper back.
Sean's POV:
"You must be Mark's boyfriend! He talks about you all the time!",Mark's mom says. I pull away from our kiss and he takes my hand in his. "Yeah he is.",Mark says. "You must be amazing to attract my son. He hasn't dated anybody in ages.",she says. I smile and say,"I guess so, he can be a little confused sometimes.",I say. Mark glares at me, and I grin widely at him. He then smiles and shakes his head. "Alright let's start loading your car and Tom's.",she said. I grab another umbrella, even though I would love to share with Mark again. We start going up and down the stairs holding boxes upon boxes. We loaded as many as we could into the two cars. Then, we drove to my apartment and did the same thing, but we were unloading it. "Sean, you eye is green.",Mark says as he trying to stop his own craving for blood. "I know I haven't ate today, and neither have you.",I say. "I just don't want to scare my family, it would just be a huge change to see their son who couldn't see blood without gaging to just gulp a whole bag down.",he says. I nod, "I'll be back in a sec.",I say. He nods. My ma was talking to Mark's family. I quietly walk past them into my room. I look around for Sam. Sam is my septic eye that I was planning on giving to Mark for Christmas but I had planned to get him something better. I grab Sam and my flat cap. I walk back out to Mark and put my flat cap on his head. Then, I hand him Sam. "Awwwwww! He's adorable!", he says. I smile. I see his eyes start to fade from brown to red. Calm down Sean you can calm him down. I pull Mark outside to my back yard. I put my wrist out to him, but by the time he sees it he faints. Oh God oh God calm down pick him up and carry him inside. I slowly pick him up bridal style and he rests his head against my chest. I walk him back inside and lay him on my bed. I cover him up and walk out to my kitchen. Both of our moms are there talking and eating a biscuit. I try to slid by my ma and get to my fridge but she sees me. Really? Of all times to notice me it's now?! "What do you need Jack?", my ma says. "Uhm......",I start to say but Mark's mom cuts me off. "You two need to eat don't you?",she says. I smile. They both move back into the living roomand I quickly grab two blood bag and head back to my room, where Mark is still unconscious. I open the first bag and slowly pour it into his mouth. He gags, and tries to sit up. I push him back down. I hand him the bag and said,"Drink it. Your pretty weak." "But..." "No, drink it.",I say. He stops trying to get around it. He pours the rest of it in his mouth and lays back down. I open my own bag and slowly sip it. I sit and watch him slowly fall asleep. By the time I've finished my bag he's asleep. I smile and lay down next to him. He pulls me against him and puts his arms around me while we fall asleep. I snuggle up to his chest and I soon fall asleep.
Felix's POV:
How could he? Just ditch me for that doof. I'm the one he should be with. I step off the plane in the town where Jack lives. I get to his apartment and knock on the door. His neighbor comes out and says,"Young man, Sean is asleep his mom and his friend's family left about and hour ago." "Crap, okay thank you.",I say and she leaves. "JACK OPEN THIS DOOR!",I say through the door. It opens and a dog and Mark stand there. He picks up the dog, and says,"What do you want Felix." "First, you don't live here, second I need to talk to Jack.",I say. "First, I do live here, and second Sean is asleep.",he says mimicking the way I said it. "Oh shut up.",I say. I push past him and say,"Jack! I need to talk to you." "Get out of my apartment Felix! I'm not going to listen to a word you say! Now get out of mine and Mark's apartment!",Jack shouts. I push Mark to the ground and say,"Stay away from him. I love him more than you ever could. He's mine." "You know what you Swedish idiot, I'm starting to see why Sean doesn't like you.",he says pushing me off of him and then punched me in the face.

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