During The Surgery

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Sean's POV:
Is he okay? Will he be okay? I think these things as I'm pacing around Mark's hospital room. I really worried and my side hurts so much even though it's only because of Mark. Calm down, Sean. I'm fine, granted I'm unconscious, but I'm fine. I freak out for a second until I remember we hear each other's thoughts. Are you really? Yes, I am. I love you,Sean,very much. Okay, I love you very much too Mark. I'll talk to you later, I'm kinda tired. You were induced with amnesia. I know. I stop talking to Mark and I curl up in a chair and pull on his hoodie he was wearing last night. A knock comes at the door and my ma comes in. "Hey, sweetheart.",she says. "Hi, Ma.",I reply. "You look worried. He'll....",I cut her off. "Of course I'm worried! My boyfriend has a tumor in his side! And why does everyone keep telling me he'll be fine? We don't know that!",I say suddenly angry. "Sean..." "Don't call me Sean.",I say cutting her off again. "Jack, you have every right to be mad and worried. I understand. I really do. But you have to be patient. And you have to stay calm. Or you'll just lose control and put yourself in a worse situation.",she says. And I know she's right. But she doesn't have eternity to love the love of her life and I really don't want him to die. She doesn't get that after almost 10 years I finally found the love of my life. I really have. They are almost done Sean, I'll see you soon. Good, I love you. I love you too. "Mum! Some things in my life you don't understand! Okay?",I say angrily as Mark is brought back in. I stare at his face and mouth, every thing that I missed in the few hours he was away from me. I slowly walk over to him. I sit down next to him. I massage his hand like he does for me. That feels great. I was hoping so. Well, mission accomplished. Can I lay down with you or do I have to wait? I would love it if you laid down with me. Will do, baby. Good, babe. Of course I lay down and wrap my arms around him. "Jack, I know I don't understand everything in your life, but I try to.",she says. "Just....just drop it ma.",I say. She nods and sits in a chair. I start to doze off. I soon fall asleep with him by my side.

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