The Council

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Sean's POV:
"Mark! Wake up or we'll be late!",I say. It's been two weeks since Christmas and today we are supposed to go see the council. "Ugh, it's so early.",he says. "Not really, it about to be dark.",I say pulling him off the bed. "Mark, this is important, now come on.",I say. "Fine.",he says standing up. He puts on his 'lucky' red flannel, jeans, and my blue hoodie and his glasses. He brushes his red and black hair and puts a beanie over it. I pull him out the door and hand him a blood bag. "We have to split it because we have to drink it on the way there.",I say. He nods and holds on to me. I hold him around the waist and about 30 minutes later we arrive at the council. Mark actually looks terrified and I don't blame him, I've only been here twice and it still scares me. I take his hand and pull him towards the door. The guard stops us and I give the password, Fishbach. He let's us through. "Why am I so important?",Mark asks. "I don't know. You aren't the first vampire turned recently. You aren't different, that I know of.",I tell him. He squeezes my hand tighter. We walk down a hall into a large room where the council is sitting. I don't sit and neither does Mark. "You can leave McLoughlin.",the head council man says. "No, you know I don't trust you. I'm not leaving him. He's scared out of his mind. No.",I say. "Okay then. You can enjoy this too.",he replys. Every council member stands and the table is taken below the floor. He's challenging us. Mark isn't ready for this. "Mark, remember what I taught you.",I say. "W-what? Why?",he questions. "Just do.",I say. The head council man charges at us and I put up a shield around me and Mark, but I'm dragged away from him. Mark uses what he knows and what I telepathiclly tell him. He wins and I drag him outside and I take us home. "D-did you know they were going to do that?!",Mark asks angrily. "No I didn't. They never did that with me!",I shout. He flinches at my yelling. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to scare you.",I say quietly. He curls up to my chest and this is when I see his hand is bleeding. "Geez, how did this happen?",I ask examining his hand. "I dunno, I didn't even notice it.",he says. I wrap it up, and I pull him into a hug.

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