Christmas: Part 1

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Mark's POV:
I was sent home the day after Sean's Sire, Anna, showed up. Ever since the day of my surgery Sean had been wearing my hoodie. "Mark you need a shower.",Sean says. He's starting a bath for me. "But my stitches!",I whine. "Don't make me get your mother.",he says. "Fine. I'm coming.",I say. "You know I love you right?",he said. "Of course. I love you too.",I say kissing his forehead. I start to take off my clothes and he turns around blushing. "Are you ever going to get over that?",I ask him. "Maybe, I don't know. Definitely not anytime soon.",he says. "Okay.",I say getting in the shower. He walks into the living room.
Sean's POV:
I start wrapping presents. Mark's is the first one I wrap. Then I start on my family's. He said he was going to wrap his family's, so I don't mess with them. He walks in the living room wearing one of my t-shirts, and a pair of sweat pants. He sits next to me and starts wrapping his family's. He's already wrapped mine. I saw it under the tree this morning. Christmas is in a few days. We've only been home for about two days. But it seems so much shorter. My family is supposed to be here tomorrow morning, and his is supposed to be here the next day and the day after that is Christmas. I finish all of mine and put them under the tree. After he's finished I put those under the tree. "You need to rest.",I tell him. "I know, but I don't want you stressing more than you already are.",he says. I sit down next to him and Chica comes and sits down in front of Mark. "I'll be fine. I have my family right here. You, and me, and Chica. You two are my family.",I say. He leans his head against my shoulder. "I'm glad to hear that I'm your family.",he says quietly. "Let's take a nap then we'll finish preparing for our families.",I say. He nods. I lay down and he wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep. I wake up to my phone ringing. It was dawn. "Mark we slept until dawn.",I say. I answer my phone.
J: Hello?
J's ma: Hey we just landed.
J: Okay, you know where I live. Just come in. We'll probably be asleep on the couch. And watch for Chica.
J's ma: Okay, bye.
J: Bye.
I roll back over and cuddle up to Mark. He puts his arm over me. About an hour later I hear our door open. It's my family and they don't wake us up, they just go to the guest room and go to sleep as well. In the morning, I'm the first up. I go into the kitchen and grab a blood bag and sit on the counter and sip it. I hear Mark gag at the smell of blood. He walks into the kitchen and sees me. He sits on the counter with me. I hand him the other half of my bag. He slowly sips it and he holds my hand. He looks at his channel, which he has managed to keep up. "Wanna vlog?",he asks. "I would love to, I haven't vlogged in years.",I say. He goes and gets his camera and comes back and sits back down on the counter. "Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and this is Jack. He's my roommate and he's pretty cool." "Hi, I'm Jack. Geez haven't heard you call me Jack in ages." "He's irish if you couldn't tell." He wraps his arm around my waist. "You all are probably thinking why do I have my arm around an Irish man? Well he's my boyfriend as well." "Mark! Geez!",I say getting up and walking to the fridge. "Jack, come back I don't like vlogging alone!",he begs. "Fine" I say grabbing an apple juice. I go back and sit down next to him. "Jackie!",Samantha shouts. And tackles me. "Ughh, Sammy.",I say. "Geez, okay guys I probably won't upload two videos each day for a few days. I recently had a surgery and I'll be spending time with Jack and both of our families for Christmas but as always I will see you in the next video Buh-bye! *waves*",Mark says. He stops the vlog. "Sammy why did you tackle me?",I ask. "I missed you!",she says. I hold her in my lap. Mark puts his arm around my waist and has his hand resting on my hip. "Awww smile!",My ma says. We smile and she takes a picture on her phone. Then, Mark's family comes in and I smile. "Tomorrow is Christmas!",i say excitedly. Mark laughs and says,"Yeah, our first Christmas together." Samantha gets up and mark pulls me into his lap. I smile at him. He rests his head against my back. "My side hurts, Sean.",he says quietly. I pull him into our back yard and put my wrist in front of him. "It'll help. I swear. It's better than a pain killer.",I say. He nods. I put my hand on his chest and he drinks some of my blood. I rub his neck and he stops. I lean against his chest and just hold him for a few minutes. "Feel a little better?",I ask. "Yeah, but not much.",he says. "You need to rest Mark.",I say. "I know, I'm just too excited.",he says. I laugh, and pull him into the living room. "Lay down.",I tell him. "Sean...please.",he begs. "No, lay down.",I say sternly. He lays down and I cover him up. "Sleep will help okay? If you need anything just say something, there's plenty of people in this little apartment.",I say. There's my ma, my pa, my two brothers, my two sisters, his brother, his Ma, his stepmom, and me and him and Chica. There's twelve beings in one small apartment. I lean down and kiss his forehead. "I'll see ya later, I'm going to the store.",I say, and I kiss his cheek. He grabs my hand and pulls me down into a short kiss. "Be safe. I love you.",he says. "I will, I love you too.",I reply. I walk into the kitchen where everyone is chatting and pull my ma away. "Come to the store with me.",I say. "Gladly. I miss doing this with you.",she says. I smile. "I usually go with Mark, but he needs to rest, so I'm bringing you.",I say. She nods. We quickly go out into the snow and I smile. "You're still a kid at heart jack.",my ma says. "I know. I hope I make a great boyfriend. I don't want to ever think Mark doesn't like me.",I say. "Jack he loves you. I see it in his eyes everytime you are together. I swear he loves you as much as you love him.",she says. "I hope so. There's something I need you to help me pick out and if you can't help I'll ask his ma.",I say. We quickly go to the store and we look at engagement rings. "I don't know what he likes Jack. I'm sorry.",Ma says. I nod and text Mark's mom.
Jack: Hey I need your help with something.
Mark's mom: Anything Jack, what is it?
Jack: I need help picking out a ring for Mark.
Mark's mom: Oh, I'll come get your mom and I'll be there in a few.
Jack: Thank you
Mark's mom: Anything for you two.

Mark: Sean.....I can't sleep.
Jack:Have you tried?
Mark: Yes. And I even have your Sam with me. I can't sleep.
Jack: I'll help when I get home, until then get Marie to sing for you. That usually helps me.
Mark: Okay. See you soon.
Jack: You too.
"Are you really going to propose?",his mom asks. I nod. "Not anytime soon but I want to go ahead and get it.",I say. "When?",she asks. "During pax. He wants me to be there with him and I want to do it then.",I say. She nods. We get a light pink ring that is his size, and it has a small pink mustache on it.
Authors note: This is gonna be in multiple parts because there's so many details that are vital to the story, so please bear with me.

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