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*A Couple of Months Later*

It's been about 6 months since Luke and I started dating. No screw-ups, just a little bit of let's just say, having fun in between my studying times. The good parts for this year are I'm currently passing, mum approved of our relationship and Michael is finally dating Camilla. Meanwhile, Calum and Lexi are just being the cute, antsy couple they are. Hopefully senior year will be good, as long as Julia and her bitches are not interfering with my friends and my personal life.


*Michael's POV*

Before heading to English, I went to my locker to get my books. As always I see Ella and Luke together as they head inside the English classroom. The only thing I'm wondering is where's Camilla? Probably with Lexi and Cal I guess.

As I turn around to walk to the English classroom, I see the slut, the noisy blogger and the irrelevant one talking to... Camilla?! What the hell do they want from her? I quickly hide behind the corner to avoid getting noticed as I listen to their conversation.

"You know Camilla, we'll leave you alone on one condition." Katelyn said.

"Which is?" Camilla asked.

"Break up with Michael and convince Ella to go out with him." Julia blurted out.

Break up with me? Convincing Ella to go out with me? What kind of person who would break up with a dude and jump into another relationship with a dude? Oh that's right, Julia. I guess she wanted Luke all to herself. I may hate that fuckboy, but I'm not letting Ella be broken-hearted. And I'm sure as hell in not ready to break up with Camilla.

"Why would I want to do that?" She scoffed.

"Do you want us to leave you alone or not?!" Maddie asked, raising her voice, causing Camilla to flinch.

"Yeah but-"

"Just do what I said!" Julia cut her off.

Camilla sighed in response as she walked away with her head down.

Is she really gonna do it? I'm not letting her leave me. Without her, how am I find a prom date? The rest of my friends are good to go and then there's me. I can feel my heart tore apart from hearing the conversation. Why Camilla?

*End of POV*

Before the bell rings, Michael walked slowly to his seat next to me. As always, Luke skipped English class so it's pretty much a decent period for Michael since he doesn't need to hear or see his presence. For some reason, Michael is all silent, which is a sign of not being himself. Was it because of yesterday? I let him know where I was yesterday or was it because he wanted to hang out with me? I mean c'mon I'm dating Luke and Michael is dating Camilla, unless they're somewhat not in good terms at the moment.

As we're working in partners, I scoot my desk next to Michael's desk as we begin to answer questions from the book on paper. Still, he's not the way he is. I wonder what happened to him.

"Michael is there something wrong with you?" I asked, "You know you can tell me."

"Well I feel like shit." He replied.

"Well what's up? Why are you like this today?"

"Because," Michael spoke, "I overheard what the Popular Princesses said to Camilla. They wanted her to break up with me and convince you to go out with me."

"Of course it's one of Julia's tricks, using your girlfriend to get what she wants!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up.

"No shit Sherlock." He said.

Then his phone buzzed and seconds later my phone buzzed. If only it's already lunch period or study hall since we can't use our phones in class. While Mr. Carson isn't looking, Michael and I quickly checked our phones and turns out, our texts are from Camilla. The only difference is the text messages. I would've thought she would speak to him in person privately since it's better than doing it via messaging. I mean, that's bad timing since we're both in class and prom is coming soon. Also, c'mon, as much as I like being friends with her, but she shouldn't be telling me what to do. I can't just break up with Luke and hop in with Michael because I'll just be hurting them inside. Besides I've been dating Luke for 7 months and still going strong whereas Michael has been dating Camilla for almost 5 months and now she wants a break up just because the Popular Princesses said so. Nuh-uh.

Michael and I quickly put our phones away and after the bell rings, we both rushed out and before we split to find our loved ones, we both ended up seeing Luke with... Julia?! While Camilla and the rest of the Popular Princesses are with them being all happy about it?! And both Luke and Julia are happy?! Not to mention he kissed her on the cheek. What the hell?! At the sight of it, Michael feels like punching multiple walls 'till he breaks both of his hands when I'm in the brink of activating waterworks in my eyes. Instead, Michael drags me to the janitor's closet and shuts it without anyone noticing. Great, a janitor's closet filled with cigarette scent. Not surprised.

"Ella, you didn't see what I see, do you?" Michael said shakily.

I nodded, "Talk about double heartbreak."

"You can say that again." He said.

A tear fell out of my eye. Then all of a sudden the waterworks are activated. To avoid seeing Michael being in an emotional wreck, I hide my face in my arms.

"Why?! Why do the good memories become bad?! I didn't do anything but making and fulfilling them!" I mumbled through sobs.

Michael pulls me to his arms, now sobbing through his chest as he rubbed circles on my back to soothe my crying and I lightly tugged on his black jean jacket. No, I just can't believe that Luke did this to me and not to mention Camilla doing this to both her me and Michael. I knew I should've listened to everyone who warned me, even my mum and Ashton. I guess I'm being played by his game of love. Fall in the trap and that's it, game over.


(A/N: Sorry if it sucks. I'm trying to get back in the swing of things. But anyway, I may get this fanfic done by next month, hopefully. Besides, I haven't given up on discontinuing this. So don't worry, more chapters coming soon!)

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