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Luke's POV:

  It was Monday. Ugh just the thought of the word Monday had me annoyed. What made it worse was the fact that I had to sit next to Caroline. I liked her a lot and it kinda broke my heart when she didn't show that last Friday.

I walked into class 5mins before the bell rang I didn't wanna be sittin there all alone if Carter or Mike decided to show late. I sat down and just kept my head straight not even acknowledging the fact Caroline was eyeballin me the whole class.

Once this writing class was over I quickly gathered my books and began walking toward the door before I heard a soft voice call my name.

Caroline's POV:

  It was Monday and that ment it was time for class, class with Luke. I felt embarrassed to even show my face in that class with him.

I walked in and sat down next to Whitney not saying a word to her. Luke walked in and sat next to me, my face was red. I tried to get his attention but he wouldn't budge he stood his ground and kept his eyesight away from me.

Class went by quick and Luke tried to leave quick but I felt the need to apologize after Friday.

"Luke." I called out after him

He turned around slowly his smile turned into a frown and he stood there staring at me.

"Look I'm sorry about Friday can I please just explain what actually happened then you can decide whether or not you hate me or not." I said.

"I don't know, I truthfully don't feel like talking about it right now." He responded

"Oh.. ok I understand." I said as a tear had began to build up in my eye.

I guessed he noticed cause he quickly jumped into action "I guess we can talk about this let's go get some breakfast at IHOP I'll drive." He said slightly smiling.

We got in his Chevy and the whole ride hear I was quiet only because he had the radio on and was singing along to George Strait.

I had no idea he could sing he sounded just like him and had the crooked smile George had too I found it quite attractive on him.

We finally pulled into IHOP he turned the truck off and jumped out to open my door, he's such a gentleman.

Luke's POV:

I helped Caroline out of my truck and we went and got a table. We sat down and I ordered a black coffee while she got orange juice.

"Luke.. I'm extreme sorry about Friday. The reason I didn't show well is because I've been super tired, that day I decided to take a nap and ended up sleeping through my alarm." She said as the waiter dropped off our drinks.

"I just thought you stood me up cause you didn't like me.. but it all makes sense now. Sorry I overreacted a bit." I said showing my smile.

"You didn't do anything wrong if anything I would've done the same." She said smiling back.

We didn't have enough time to order food because our next class started in 10 mins.

Caroline's POV:

"We better get goin. I don't want to be late, what class do you have next?" He said helping me in his truck.

"I have math right now, actually in like 5 mins"
I said buckling myself in.

"Cool I do too." He responded

We kept up a long convo up until we got to class then he sat by the frat boy Carter and his friend Mike.

I felt a ton better knowing the fact that me and him were on good terms. I just hope that this ends up going somewhere.

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