Mamaw's Day

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Luke's POV:

I woke Mamaw up with a nice surprise of breakfast which consisted of eggs, bacon, toast, jam, and coffee. I carefully plated everything and went towards her room.

"Happy Mothers Day!" I shouted waking her from sleeping.

"Thank you son." She smiled half asleep.

After she finished eating we all have her the gifts we'd gotten her except for Kelly who happened to still be asleep with Jordan and New born baby Kris. Lee had been making her breakfast too.

Lee has asked me to move Jordan,  and Kris to another room so they wouldn't wake up grumpy from him getting Kells food and not them. I picked up sleeping Jordan and laid her into my bed then next was baby Kris. I rested her little head on my arm as she was still sound asleep.

Kris was such a cute baby. She looked like Jordan did when she was younger. I didn't want to let her go, Jordan however had other ideas in mind.

"Uncle Lukeeee!" She tiredly said.

"What is it darlin?"

"Give me Kris!" She cried out.

"Honey she's asleep right now, when she wakes you can have her."

"No I want Kris now!" She started softly crying.

"How about if I lay with you then?" I asked trying to calm her.

"Bring Kris too?" She asked looking up.

"Yes I'll bring Kris too baby."

I went and laid down next to Jordan with Kris my bare chest she was lightly snoring which made me smile. Jordan snuggled into Caroline who wrapped her arm around her. She's gonna be a great mom I thought. Once everyone was back to sleep I went out to go help Daddy on the farm.

I slid my feet into my work boots then adjusted my hat and set of to go find Pa in the fields somewhere. As I assumed, he was out plowing.

"Hey Luke." He smiled looking down at me.

"Are you ready for Nashville?" He asked with a smile.

"I don't know are y'all sure you can handle all of this by yourselves?" I asked.

"Let's not forget I ran it with 3 kids running around the house and in the fields throwing peanuts at eachother, and randomly jumping in front of the tractor when I was driving it to scare me."

"Yeah sorry about that last one. Anyways I don't really wanna leave this place I love it here. It's everything I could've asked for in my childhood."

"Luke you're in college you stopped having a childhood when you'd fall asleep on the couch and still wake up on the couch because you were too heavy to magically appear in your bed." Pa looked at me as if I was stupid.

"I want my kids to grow up on these fields though."

"We'll go make your own fields, and go grow your own peanuts. My point is it's time to grow up Luke you've helped us long enough and were grateful for it, but were good parents and as a good parent I'm not gonna let you drop your dreams over some low paying farming job Thomas. You've got everything set up for you in Nashville you graduate college in the next 2 weeks. So I've talked to Mamaw and since you don't wanna leave IM giving you 2 choices. Either you go to Nashville after college or you stay here unemployed because I'm gonna fire you." Daddy crossed his arms.

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