Spring Break pt.2

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Caroline's POV:

I was dancing around when I heard 3 sharp bangs echo throughout the crowd. I looked to my right and saw a blonde girl on the ground bleeding out. My first thought was to find Luke and leave. I saw Luke looking around frantically for me but froze when he saw the girl on the ground dying.

"Luke ya big dummy I'm right here!" I ran up to him.

"Oh thank god my heart just about stopped." He breathed out.

Together we rushed to the nearest security guard to warn him about the situation that went down. We saw tons of medics rush around the girl.

Once everything had kinda cleared up we learned that the gun shot was just a Roman Candle firework that some guy tried to light up. It shot out only 3 of the exploding balls and they all hit the girl.

It was around mid day so we decided we should get some cheap quick lunch. Easton, David, and Mark stood out by Easton's white truck talkin about something I'd say rather interesting even though I could only see the facial expressions they constantly made at Luke. I walked over to the tailgate and plopped down.

"So what are y'all thinking about?" I smirked in a questionable way.

"Throwin Luke up on that very stage over there to perform a song in front of thousands of people by surprise." Mark said pointing towards one of the biggest stages in the Panama City beach fest.

"What about a band?"

"No worries we got that covered too we got his other buddies from Neyami Road to help us out." Easton finally said.

"Sounds like a plan then." I walked away smiling with half a slice of pizza in my mouth.

"Hey baby, whatcha doin?" Luke asked with a full mouth.

"Nothing just walking around looking to where we should go next."

"How about we go to see the small surfin competition they've got goin on?" He sipped his beer.

"I was thinking more about heading to see who's about to go on stage after we're done eating."

"Cool I'll tell the guys." He crushed the empty beer can in his hand and tossed it into the trash can like a basketball before goin towards the guys.

Easton's POV:

Luke came over to tell us that him and Caroline were fixin to go see who was about to perform on the main stage. Little did he know it would be him. He walked off to go hang out with Caroline which was the perfect distraction so we could go and get everyone set up and on stage fast.

"Carter! Walker! Hurry it on up and get goin so we can throw Luke on stage!" I rushed them up the backstage steps.

Luke's POV:

Caroline and I were in front row of the semi full concert area when I was lifted up. I looked down to see all of my brothers anxious to throw me somewhere.

"What are y'all buckheads doin put me down." I struggled trying not to laugh.

"We're doin you a favor." They all said in sync.

Before I knew it my feet were planted firmly on the stage. In front of thousands of judge mental lookin people. My heart was pounding, I looked to my side to see Carter smiling mouthing the words "go ahead."

I swallowed the lump the was stuck inside my dry throat as Carter strung cords to play a song I'd written a while back I called "Right Back Here to Me," but Carter thought "Good Directions," sounded better.

A bead of sweat dropped down my forehead, but a smile grew upon my face. It might just be my big break I thought to myself. One quick gulp of air and out came the lyrics like water. It was just as easy as Kelly said it would've been.

From the left side to the right, people began dancing and cheering. I grabbed the microphone off of the stand so I could be a bit more interactive rather than just standing around. I was giving high fives back and forth. The next thing I knew my hips were swingin in a way I never knew was possible.

I glanced down at Caroline who seemed to be enjoying me shakin it so kept doin. This is something I can see myself lovin. Every now and then I would blow a kiss towards her and she's blush. Man it was goin great until the cops showed. 3 security guys gather up everyone on stage and 8 others took up the rest of our frat and even Caroline. Hell we didn't care though we had a fun ass day.

I was sittin next to Caroline in the cell holding area before my name was called.

"Do we got a Thomas in here?" The police officer questioned.

"Yes sir that'll be me!" I hopped up quickly.

"Your out on bail by a Mr. Jonathan Curtis." He gestured to a middle aged man.

"Hey man who are you?" I walked up with tons of questions fillin up my mind.

"Well I'm the guy that might just get ya into the music business son." Jonathan said puttin his hand on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Jonathan Curtis. I work for a songwriting company in Nashville,TN. I seen you out there tonight. Did ya write that song by yourself?"

"Yes sir I did." I said shaking his hand.

"Well Luke are ya thinking about joinin the music business anytime soon. We could use a bright young man like you to help with writin songs." Jonathan told me.

"Actually yeah." I responded eagerly.

"Well that sounds great. Give me a call when ya get down there we'd like ya to swing by as soon as possible." He handed me a card. "I bailed your buddies out too." He walked away smilin.

"Uh Thank You Mr.Curtis!" I waved smilin.

I walked over towards Caroline and Easton and overheard the officer sayin we weren't allowed back in Panama Beach Fest unless we really become something more than just quote "rednecks hyping up dumb teens."

Easton looked about ready to punch him square in the face before I shared the news. Everyone was proud of me and excited and I ain't gonna lie so was I.

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