First Gig and Much More

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Luke's POV:

Tonight I got a gig to play at Buckeyes. If I draw in customers and they like me that means it gives me more opportunities to start out my singing career.

I called up Caroline to see if she was goin out to watch me tonight.

"Hello?" She said answering the phone.

"Hey Caroline, I was wondering if you were still goin down to Buckeyes tonight to watch me play." I asked her.

"Oh I don't know I don't really feel up to doing anything tonight sorry Luke." She said.

The line went quite.

"Oh ok I was just wondering." I said trying not to get mad.

"Luke." She said softly.

"Yeah." I said.

"Of course I'm going." She said laughing.

"Oh thank the Lord my heart dropped for a second." I said smiling through the phone.

"I can tell you're smiling right now cowboy. I'll see you at 8." She said giggling.

"Ok baby I love you see you at 8."

"I love you too Luke." She hung up.


I put on my boots and I was out the door.

I went through the back and set up with Carter.

Crowd started low and began building up. I kept looking for Caroline.

I kinda started getting worried when I was half through my 3rd song ,then she finally walked in looking a little bit sad.

We made eye contact and she smiled a little bit. I knew something was bothering her and I was extremely determined to figure it out.

I finished and walked off stage towards her. She was drinking water so I just kinda assumed she wasn't feeling well.

"Hey baby." I said kissing her.

"Hey Luke." She said trying not to show her sadness but I could see right past her.

"You wanna go back to my dorm?" I asked her lifting her chin.

She shook her head up and down.

"Kay let's go then." I said wrapping her in my arm.

We got in the truck and she just laid her head on me I held her then I felt something wet fall on my shirt. She was crying.

I pulled the truck to the side of the road and slid her into my arms again.

"What's wrong tell me please baby." I said kissing her head.

"Can we talk about it when we get back to your dorm?" She asked talking into my shirt.

"I guess so but I wanna know everything." I said buckling up.

The rest of the ride I just let her lay in my lap while I played with her hair.

I got outta the truck then helped her.

"Alright come on."I said pointing to my back

"What?" She said giggling.

"Let me give you a piggy back ride inside." I said smiling.

"Fine." She said hopping on.

I grabbed my hat and put it on her backwards. She kissed my cheek and for the slightest second I saw that smile come back then it was gone.

I carried her in and dropped her off at my bed.

"C'mon Caroline spill it now." I said grabbing her and making her lay on my chest but she got up swiftly and faced me.

"Are you sure?" She said letting a tear escape her eye.

"With you I'm always sure." I said.

"Ok." She said breathing in deeply.

"Lately I've been off. Like every morning I kept getting sick. I didn't know what it was. Then all it once it stopped. I went to the doctor today and he said that I was pregnant. But not all he said that I lost the baby." She said putting her hands in her face.

"Wha.. Wha.. What?!" I said in complete shock.

I got up fast.

"Was was it mine?" I asked her trying not to cry.

"Yes." She said into her hand.

"I'm sorry I caused this. It was all my fault I should of used a condom. I'm never supposed to cause you pain but I've cause one of the worst kinds of it." I said sitting on the couch running my hands in my face.

"Luke it's not any of our faults. It's okay neither of us knew." She said sighing.

I walked over to her and held onto her tight and we sat there and cried for a little bit.

"What was did the doctor say?" I asked her.

"No drinking or Sex for 2 weeks then he gave me a roll of condoms." She said.

"Don't worry anymore we can get through this together, and I'll start by double checking all the time." I told her.

"It's ok Luke. Ill still love you always. Can we go to to bed I'm getting sleepy." She asked.

"Anything for you." I said giving her a big kiss.

I took my shirt off and gave it to her then took off my pants and boots.

I crawled into bed and held her tight.

"Goodnight Caroline, I love you lots." I said kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight Luke, I love you lots too. And hey you did amazing tonight." She told me kissing my chest.


Hey guys hope ya enjoyed!
I've got many more ideas coming soon!!
Pls like!
Friendly comments welcome!
I might not post as much this week only due to state testing hope y'all understand thanks!

- Trinity

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