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Luke's POV:

I smiled for the last round of pictures Mamaw was taking. It was the last time I'd ever be student of any kind. I was moments away from graduating with my bachelors degree. Mamaw adjusted my hat and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving so me and Caroline could have a couple minutes alone.

"Well this is it." Caroline sighed.

"Yup finally after  years and years of school. I've made it half way to my life goal."

"Will everyone please take they're seats we're only minutes away from announcing our new graduates!" Someone on the podium announced.

"I'll see you afterwards good luck Luke love you." Caroline looked into my eyes before tippy toeing to get the final kiss of the morning.

"Alright love you too." I prepared myself and took my seat with Monaco and Carter.

"You ready?" Carter whispered.

"I guess." I brushed it off not wanting to think about leaving Caroline.

The pressure was on when the names began to get called up. One by one everyone shook our professors hand. First Mike went then Carter.

"Thomas Luther Bryan." My name was called out.

I gave a big smile and waved at everyone before shaking my the professors hand. We took some quick pictures and everyone cheered for me. I looked down and saw Mamaw crying and Caroline on the brink of doing the same. I stepped off stage and sat as the rest of the students received their diplomas.

Once everything was over I walked towards my family and gave them all hugs. Caroline came last as I just wanted to hold her in my arms. I cupped her face as my lips met hers. It was like everything in time had stopped. I pulled back and kissed her forehead and held onto her tightly.

Pa patted my back and so did Lee. We went back to Leesburg where Mamaw and Daddy were throwing me a huge graduation party for me Monaco and Carter with the help of Carters parents because Monaco's were back in Ohio.

The whole ride there we were quiet. Baby Jordan was sound asleep in the backseat of the truck as was Kris. There wasn't any room for Jordan's car seat in Pa's truck so I voluntarily took her and Kris never left my side so she tagged along.

I pulled the truck to the side of the road for a second and unbuckled Caroline's seatbelt. I slid her to the middle of the truck and embraced her. She let tears fall from her cheeks slowly but I knew deep down she was happy for me.

"Everything gonna be okay. I promise." I said kissing her.

"I don't know Luke I'm not gonna be with you I'm just worried."

"Don't be baby, I love you and you only." She sighed as I wiped away her tears and laid her head on my shoulder. She was quickly asleep like the other girls. I turned the key for my truck to start. It rumbled up and I continued on our journey.

Mid way through I heard baby Kris slowly start crying. I hurried up and finally pulled the over for last time and went to her car seat. We were already like 5 minutes away from home. I realized we were by Muckalee Creek, just as I unbuckled her from the car seat.

I picked up Kris and rocked her back and forth to try and calm her down. She wouldn't stop. I heard the truck door slam and two arms wrapped around my back. Caroline picked up baby Kris and swaddled her tightly. She stopped crying. I smiled looking down at both of them before taking Kris and laying back in her car seat.

"You're gonna be an amazing mother." I kissed Caroline's cheek as she fell back asleep.


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