Full of Hurt

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Luke's POV:

"Caroline you're awake!" I said surprised.

She smiled at me then froze.

"Caroline you ok?" I asked confused.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she began to have a seizure. My heart was pounding and my mind went blank. Then it finally hit me to try and call a nurse.

I leaped out of the bed and began to try and run ignoring my foot being crushed all over again.

"I need a nurse!" I said shouting down the hall.

4 women pushed past me while the 5th assisted me into the lobby area so they could treat Caroline. I kept thinking to myself this couldn't be happening. I slouched down in my chair and placed my face into my hands that were resting on my knees.

The worst possible situations that I could think of ran throughout my mind. Finally I'd had enough of sitting in this uncomfortable chair I got up and went looking for the prayer room in the hospital since there hadn't been any creeks or anything that I'd usually go pray at.

I couldn't imagine what I'd do with myself if I lost her. At the very end of the hall was the place where I could think straight.

I got down on my knees carefully trying not to bust up my leg even more.

"Dear God I'm asking for you to please help Caroline and I through this tough time I couldn't live with myself if heaven gained her. I'm trying so hard not to break down but I keep losing it. My heart aches knowing that she's hurt and this time there's no way I could resolve it. God I'm asking that you keep her safe and help her heal and come back to me. I need her to be in my life Lord I can't loose any other person I love. She's my world all I'm asking is for you to watch over her if not I pray that you take her soul and have her waiting for me in heaven. Thank you for at least hearing me out. As for Chris let him know I need him to not be my guardian angel but to be hers. Amen." I slowly got up and worked my way back to my room.

I walked into my room to see everyone standing around Caroline I guess they'd just finished praying for her too cause all I heard was "amen." When I approached.

"There you are son. You need to sit down and relax you might as well break some other bone while your here because if you keep walkin around on that bad leg of yours, you're bound to break something else." Pa told me.

I leaned back and shut my eyes. I held in my tears for the rest of the night and tried to fall asleep.

*next morning*

I woke up to the sound of Pa and my doctor talking.

"Ah Mr.Bryan you're finally up!" The doctor said walking over.

"Yeah I guess what's goin on?"

"Well Thomas, once ya get cleaned up and stuff you're free to head home!" The doctor said excitingly.

"Yup." I said.

"Yup what Luther?" Pa questioned cocking an eyebrow.

"Yup I'm not going anywhere till my darlin wakes." I said crossing my arms.

"Stop bein stubborn boy and go shower so we can get goin, you smell like rotten onions." Pa said walkin out of the room.

I groaned and sat on the wheelchair the hospital provided for me. Mamaw pushed me into the shower area. She started up the shower and closed the door behind her.

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