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Caroline's POV:

I've been talking to Luke on and off not in a dating sorta way it's just been like that I've been busy with school and stuff.

I really wish I had time to hang around him he's an amazing person to talk to he's been the only guy that I can actually carry a conversation with without it being awkward.

I'm really starting to develop lots of feelings for him. I've only had those types of feelings with my ex, but lemme tell ya he's my ex for a reason. I'm not goin into detail so I'll keep it short he cheated on me like 4 times in the 1 year we had been dating. It broke my heart he left me feeling insecure but Luke doesn't make me feel that way.

Everything just feels right with him.

Luke's POV:

I've kinda talk to Caroline every now and then but she's really busy all the time like I am.

Tonight me and my buddies are goin out and startin up a bonfire off of Buckalley Rd. It's a nice secluded place where Chris used to tell me he would go for his bonfires.

Everyone is inviting their girlfriends and stuff so I think I might invite Caroline so we can just go hang around and talk to eachother.

I miss seeing that beautiful smile of hers. I just gotta make sure she's free tonight.

Me and Caroline exchanged numbers at IHOP so we can call each other when we feel like talking.

I dialed her number and was hesitant to click the green button I didn't wanna be rejected but I clicked it anyways.

It rang 3 times before she picked it up.

Caroline's POV:

My phone stared buzzing in my back pocket I reached for it to see it was Luke calling me.

"Hello?" I said picking up the phone.

"Hey, Caroline it's Luke.. me and my buddies are hosting a bonfire off of Buckalley Rd. I was just wondering if you'd like to come and hang around for a bit." He asked on the other line.

"Yeah tonight's perfect what time should I be there?" I asked.

"Oh don't worry about driving. I'll pick you up around 8 sound good?" He said.

"That's perfect see you then." I said back.

"Alrighty bye." He said hanging up the phone.

"Bye." I said putting my phone away.

Luke's POV:

Caroline said she's up for hanging out with me tonight. That whole day I had been walkin around with a stupid grin on my face I couldn't wait to see her.

Around 6:30 I jumped in the shower to start getting ready I needed to pick up a few things before the bonfire.

I hopped out and brushed my teeth and put on Caroline's favorite button down red flannel on me, my black boots, and my dark blue tight jeans. I styled my hair so I didn't have to wear a hat and have it smelling like smoke afterwards. I sprayed my favorite cologne on and headed to Walmart.

I picked up some hotdogs to roast around the fire, along with some paper plates, and waters.

I drove to shell gas station tanked up my truck and ran inside to pick up a bag of ice, pack of cokes, some mints (just incase we got pulled over), and a 20 pack of Miller lite and lastly a bottle of Jack Daniels.

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