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Luke's POV:

Caroline's physical therapy is draining us both. Thank God today's the day she gets released. We'd spent a whole 2 weeks in the hospital together and I never left her side. I helped her shower,change, and walk around.

"Ms.Boyer, we just need you to sign these papers quickly and you should be ready to go. Your prescription has been sent to the nearest Walgreens down in Statesburo and should be ready for pick up once you arrive." Nurse Nicholas said.

Caroline signed the release forms as I pulled the truck to the front with the help of Mamaw. Not even 2 seconds later out came Caroline in a wheelchair. Nicholas and I carefully lifted her into the back seat of the truck, even though she was numb from all the medicine we still didn't wanna risk her pushing around her plates.

She smiled at me when I came around the truck to sit by her. Together we both only had 1 working leg, 3 working arms, 6 broken ribs, and half of a small concussion left over. Mamaw had driven us all the way back to Statesburo so we could still be able to attend school.

When we got in the accident it was like on a Friday so we've both been out for 3 weeks already, we should've both actually been kicked out for missin so much but thank god we have paperwork to show how bad everything has been these past weeks.

As I was looking throughout the cards people from around campus had sent to me there was one that stood out the most. It was from a well known frat called Sigma Chi. I read deeper into the get well soon letter and at the very end it happened to mention a invitation to join the brotherhood.

I was smiling big inside but I couldn't show my excitement because we all know what that leads to, and we both can't do anything to help get rid of it.

I shoved the invitation into my backpack and crutched my way to Caroline. She was still hesitant to walk by herself so I was the one that would be going to her for the rest of our healing time.

"How ya feelin?" I asked her.

"Better that you're here." She smiled.

She snuggled into my side while we watch movies all day. I soaked up every moment of it.

When Caroline had fallen asleep for a nap I thought that it would've been the perfect time for me to see if I could still play the guitar with my messed up elbow.

I threw the guitar around my back and crutched my way outside. I didn't wanna wake Caroline even though she's been asleep for 2hrs already.

Is found a bench area right beside my window. I wanted to sit in the grass but I always end up looking like I got slapped with poison ivy.

I strummed my guitar stings back and forth making a rhythm that sounded like it'd go well with my other song that id been working on called Crash My Party.

It was a surprise for Caroline and I's 1 year anniversary. I was midway through when I heard someone scream.

I looked over and Caroline was lien face down on the grass.

Caroline's POV:

I fell asleep inside with Luke's arms wrapped around me. I had a dream or more like a nightmare where Luke and I had broken up because of me not being able to carry a baby.

The reason I couldn't carry a baby in my dream was because my pelvis crushed my ovaries in the car wreck, which isn't true in real life but still.

I was awoken for the sweet sound of Luke's voice flowing through the the window. I laid there and listened for a bit before deciding I wanted to go out and sit by him.

I placed my walker in front of me before pulling myself up. I took small steps and made my way outside just as I was about to approach Luke I thought:
"Hey Caroline why don't you try and make a giant step to get to Luke faster?"
I obeyed my minds command but ended up face planting into the ground.

Luke's vision shifted to me. I was perfectly fine only I was on the ground I didn't have any pain thank God, it could've been a ton worse.

Luke crutched his way right past me and back inside. I was so confused until he came back with a blanket in his mouth. He whipped it open and made us a pillow with the top of the blanket.

He picked me up with one arm and scooted me onto the blanket then laid next to me. Together we looked up and the stars admiring how they glistened across the sky like fireflies.

People were walking across the side walk saying how cute we were and calling us "the broken lovers." I laughed each time said it to us.

Michael Monaco and his girlfriend Lauren came and joined us at some point. So did Whitney alone and surprisingly Carter showed the same way. We all just laid around and talked.

No beer or anything just simple talking. It was kind of nice it having people slur their words in a conversation for once.

All of us turned in at 12 because we all had classes the next morning. Monaco helped me up along with Carter then they went to Luke.

Luke changed me into his shirt then stood back and looked at me up and down smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked giggling at the sight of his white teeth.

"Because you look so damn hot in my t-shirt." He winked his eye.

"Alright calm down now before your excitement works its way south."

He laid down and carefully wrapped his arms around me. I kissed him goodnight.

"I love you Luke thank you for sticking with me this whole time." I said kissing him another time.

"I love you too, I will always stick with you." He said smiling back at me.

Our eyes shut at the same time and before I knew it I was asleep.

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