Worth it

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I'm panicking. It was true. Lana was taking more pills then she was suppose to. She lied about it then She admitted it and ran away. I keep calling her but she won't answer. I call Blake next "Hello?" "Blake have you heard from Lana?? I confronted her about the pills and she admitted it and we fought, now she's gone." I rambled. "What the fuck! No I haven't... I'm sorry Francesco. I'll try to call her too." "Thanks. Let me know.." I said hanging up.

Lana's POV
I just realized what I've been doing and I'm scared...I can't fall back into my old habits. Tears start to fall down my eyes as I drive down the road. I hate myself so much. Francesco is probably so disappointed in me. I wipe my eyes but they just start to fall some more. My phone keeps ringing but I ignore it, I can't face anybody right now. I'm feeling like the old helpless Lizzy grant again, who lived on drugs. The only person I can face right now is Jimmy, he knows what it's like...I drive to his house and Knock on the door, Katy answers "is, is Jimmy here?" I asked while tears are still running down my eyes.

"Stop coming here you're embarrassing yourself" she replied. Then Jimmy walks up behind her "Lizzy?!? What's wrong?" "It's nothing." I said walking away. "Yeah it's nothing babe." I hear Katy say. "Fuck off Katy!" Jimmy yelled. He runs outside and puts his arms around me "come inside" he said. Katy shakes her head and drives off.

Jimmy's POV
"Jimmy I fucked up! I'm doing it again" Lana cried. "Lizzy it's okay! Calm down, tell me what happened!" "I'm taking more pills again, more than I should be! And I loved it Jimmy...I fucking loved it and now I'm being like how I use to be!" I'm so shocked but trying not to show it, I know she's just under a lot of stress she doesn't mean any of it. "Shh Lizzy no you're not! Don't say that. You just had a weak moment that's going to happen, you're under a lot of stress." I said hugging her, she pushes me away crying "No you don't get it I'm turning into the old Lizzy again and I hate her!"

"Well I knew the old Lizzy and I loved her, I loved her so much." "I was a fucking drug addict! You loved me but I hated myself" "You're not turning into her, I loved you then and I love you now and I'm telling you that you're going to be ok, you're going to be ok." I said with my arms around her as she cries on my chest. "You promise?" She sobbed. "I promise." I said rubbing her back. I kiss her forehead then sit on the sofa as she curls onto me.

It's an hour later and Lana is asleep on my couch. She looks so worn out. God I feel so bad for her...and Francesco, he must be so worried. I pull out her phone and call him "Lana?!? Where are you!! Are you ok!!??" "It's Jimmy bud, she came to my house, she's ok, she's asleep on my couch, she had a melt down and cried her eyes out, she's really stressed and worn out." "Oh my god. I'm so glad she's ok. I've been so worried!! No one knew where she was, Chuck is freaking out. Thank you so much, for helping her Jimmy. And calling me."

"No need to worry she's fine, and of course..you know how much I care for her still." "I do. I want to Come see her, is she mad at me?" "No not at all, she thinks she's disappointing you. But I think you should wait until she's ready, to Come home and talk about it." "You're right. I'll call her tomorrow since it's late. She can never disappoint me. Thank you so much Jimmy." "You're welcome. I'll keep in touch." "Ok. Thanks, bye." "Bye." I said hanging up.

It's 11 the next day. I woke up early to make Lana food. I made her some soup and coffee. I look over from the kitchen and see Lana open her eyes "good morning mrs,Elizabeth." I smiled. "Hey." She half smiled back. I walk over with her soup and coffee while she sits up holding her head. "I made you some chicken noodle soup and some coffee." I said sitting next to her. "Thank you, you didn't have to do that." "How're you feeling?" I asked. She takes a deep breath then says "Just upset. Disappointed in myself." "Lizzy you have to make mistakes sometimes. At least you realized it." She just nods her head.

"I talked to Francesco." I said. "What did he say...." She said quietly not looking at me but looking down. "He said he was worried but he's glad you're safe and he wants to see you." "I'm not ready to face him yet.." "I understand. He will too." Lana sips a few sips of her soup then gets up "could I take a shower?" She asks. "Of course, come on." I said walking into my room.

I hand her a towel and some change of clothes, that are mine but are comfy. "Jimmy I- I just wanted to say, thank you for everything, for last night, and giving me reasons not to give up." Lana said staring at the ground. I put my fingers on her chin and lift her head up, she looks at me then I say "I've got you." I kiss her forehead then our eyes meet and I kiss her lips slowly. She smiles and walks into the bathroom.

Francesco's POV
"I want to fucking see her!!" Chuck yelled. "I know. Me too. But she needs time..I don't want to push her away." "I just want her to know we're there for her. God I feel so bad.. ". "Chuck we didn't know. What were we suppose to do?" "I know. I just want to hold her." "She could talk to Jimmy but not me.." "Francesco she loves you so much that she doesn't want to disappoint you. Jimmy has already seen that side of her, he knows how she was, he was like that too." "I know....I'm glad she had someone to go to. I just wish it were me." "I wish it was me too."

Lanas POV
I want to see Francesco but I just can't make myself. I was so into those pills that I physically fought with him over them...

After my shower I walk out to the living room and sit next to Jimmy. He smiles then puts his arm around me and hugs me tightly. I sit there silently, With my head on his shoulder, he knows I don't want to talk.

Jimmy's POV
Lanas sitting on the sofa staring into space while I cook dinner. I hook my phone up and start playing some old songs off of YouTube that Lana and I wrote together. She looks over at me and I grin "what're you doing?" She asks. "Just playin some old tunes, what're you doing?"   She laughs then shakes her head. There we go, that's the laugh I missed. I start singing to the song with the spatula..making Lana laugh more. "You're crazy." She smiled. "Maybe." I agreed.

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