Coffee Secrets ( Harry Styles fanfic)

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"Today we are acknowledging the biggest Scandal I'm afraid the worlds ever seen. Bigger than Angelina Jolie making out with her own brother. Everyone is familiar with One Direction. Am I right? I'm sure everyone's heard all the Celebrity love stories before. Well here's a twist for you. Imagine, the biggest upcoming boyband ,One Direction, member Harry Styles falling in love with a girl nobody even knew existed. Otherwise known as Coffee Girl..."

Coffee girl. That was my identifyer.

That name would be forever branded as my reputation. The girl who broke Harry Styles heart for 50 grand, otherwise known as Coffee girl.

I have a name. No one cares. I dont even like coffee anymore if that matters.

It doesn't.

"...To only find out she was hired to go out with him for 50 thousand dallars. That's alot of money. And the part that probably shocked everyone the most was that every single fan was in on it. In all my years working as a reporter, even after finding the deepest secrets of all time, I'm afraid this takes the cake. Today, in a very special interview we're gonna talk with the One Direction's fandom's biggest secret. Coffee girl" The interviewer announced to his audience. I didn't expect much more than "Boo's" from the audience. And the random "you suck" or the best out of all of them "Harry Killer". Hearing all this hatred towards someone, towards me, didn't even come close to the pain I felt for hurting Him..

My palms were sweaty. So so sweaty. I kept wiping them on the hem of my black dress. Oh how I hated dresses. Looking back, you probably wouldn't have cought me dead in a dress. Not before I met them. I changed just for this. But not for the reasons everyone thought. And that's what I'm here for, to clear my good name. However good it could be cleaned. I didn't care. Everyone heard his side of the story. And I do mean everyone. Turn on your TV. They've been talking about it on every channel for the past couple of days. If you haven't then you've obviously been living under a rock.

"You're almost up" a guy with a headpiece said peeping in the green room. He didn't look at me. Figures. His heart also went out to Harry. Everyone had their opinions. And everyone took sides. And even after all I went through for them, not one fan took mine. Not a single one. And it was their idea.

"You're up" he said motioning me to follow him. I slowly rose from the couch and did as he ordered. I swear my heart was falling out of my chest with every step I took toward that stage. I would have almost chickened out if it weren't for the reassuring smile Louis gave me as I passed the boys dressing room.

Somewhere along the lines, louis had found out. Probably between the time where pretend in reality had some how jumbled into one, and I found myself falling for Harry.

I took one last breathe as I listened for my cue.

"..Coffee Girl!"

And exactly how I said they would react is how they did. I half expected someone to jump out with a basket full of tomatos and throw them at me. But no one did. Everybody kinda just stared at me as I walked nervously toward the one and only Jay Leno. I didn't really know why I chose him out of everyone else to give the interview to, but I figured he'd lighten the mood a little and leave me at least a confident as I told my side of the very popular, very public story.

"Before you ask any questions" I bagan, fiddling with the hem of my dress again. If Harry were here he'd tell me to stop. And I subconsiously did, for him.

"Id like to start off my saying that my name is Lux Valentine, NOT coffee girl" I stated, somehow gaining confidence. If I was gonna do this, I was gonna do it the right way. And that wasn't as coffee girl. It was as myself.

Jay gave me an encouraging smile before he grabbed the cards he had, off of his desk.

"So ,Lux, you came here to tell your side of things right?"

"That's right" I said swalling the breath I had been holding.

"Should we start from the beggining?"

"The beginning sounds perfect" I said gaining enough courage to look out in the audience. Big mistake. I started to second guess this entire thing. Was I doing the right thing. I mean I could've lived my entire life being known as coffee girl OR at least lighten a little bit of hate thrown my way.

"But before we begin, we would like to bring out the main person affected by all of this." Jay said towards the crowd. On some level, that hurt me. Nobody even cared about how much this affected me too. I too was hurt by all this. And worst of all.. I was alone.

"Harry Styles everyone!"

I swear at just the mear mention of his name, my heart started to flutter all over the place. Its been two months. Too months since I've last seen him. In person that is. Of course he's been all over the TV and magazines lately. There was no escape. But this was in person. I wasn't sure if I could handle that.

The audience cheered when they saw the first glimpse of him walking out from behind the curtain. He walked in slow motion. At least that's how I saw him. Walking in slow motion with his hands in his pocket. He only did that when he was nervous. He was nervous. He shouldn't be.

He made it clear he didn't want to be anywhere near me as he pulled the seat that sat next to mine as far away as posible while staying in view of the cameras.

His chair was facing mine a little, so I could see his face perfectly. I don't know why, but I expected him to look different. And he did. His face wasn't full of love and care as I was used to. It was now covered with a scowl. His eyes were narrowed and he had hate written all over him. With his tense posture, his folded arms, and the glare that was obviously meant for me.

"You look good" I whispered trying to get him to acknowledge me.

"And you don't" he growled towards me. Okay maybe I deserved that one. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt still.

"Would you like to say something Harry, before she begins?"

"I have nothing to say to her."

Figures. He was gonna be stubburn about it. How was I gonna get through to him.

"Ok then" Jay began. "Ready" he asked me with a sincere smile on his face.

I nodded. Here we go.

"Okay. How did this all begin? How did you get mixed up in all of this?"

I thought back to that first day. To that morning to be exact.

"Well it all started because I wanted coffee.." I stated

"Coffee?" Jay asked confused

"Coffee." I confirmed "Hence where coffee girl came about."

I could see Harry roll his eyes from my side view.

"We get it. She likes Coffee." He spat.

I looked into his greenish brown eyes for a moment, before I said what he hadn't been expecting.

"I don't. In fact I'm never drinking Coffee again..."

A/N: Hi guys, my name is Nick :) this isn't a new story but i moved it here because i think you guys might enjoy it. I'll be updating probably everyday or every other day if I'm busy but please comment and vote if you like the story! thank you :)

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