Chapter 28

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"What are you doing?" I asked, peerong over Lou's shoulder as he typed away on my laptop.

Everything seemingly turned back to normal since last nights esçapade.


I leaned on Louis' shoulder as I stood on my tippy toes to get a better look, and underneath my palms I felt Louis tense for a second, before immediately relaxing.

It was things like this that's the reason I say seemingly.

Everything seemed to go back to normal but underneath the surface there was something there. Something neither one of us had the courage to bring up.

So we settled with weak smiles and friendly pats on the back instead of our normal long hugs and kisses on the cheek. Everything seemed so innapropriate now. To both of us. It was like some barrier there, neither one of us wanted to cross.

But I couldn't see what was wrong.

I had always been comfortable around Louis. Comfortable enough to let him sleep in the same bed as me the night before we left.

Which looking back on it, maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

I mean I wouldn't want Harry crawling into bed with Eleanor while I was worried to death about where he was...

Maybe at some point we HAD crossed the line..

Little Lux, crossing every line she see's.

Story of my life.

I should definately write a book.

"Look at this" Louis interrupted, turning my laptop around so that I could see the screen more clearly. I squinted my eyes a bit, they were getting heavy from exhaustion but I faught it back and stared down at the screen.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I groaned, slapping my forehead and slumping down next to Louis as he smiled weakly at me.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault" Louis apologized for what felt like the thousandth time. I rolled my eyes, and let my head fall on his shoulder, feeling him tense again and I let out a fustrated groan, pulling at my curls lightly.

All this stress.

I would surely grow bald by the end of the week.

"Louuiiiissssss" I groaned, looking up at him to find him already looking down at me, his blue eyes wide. Suddenly they softened and returned back to normal, before kissing my forehead lightly. I scrunched my eyes brows up in confusion at him.

He's never done that before.

I brushed it off, and slowly turned my attention back to the screen.

Lux Valentine: Homewrecker.

What a nice ring, that has.

"Last week, it was announced to the world of twitter that Louis tomlinson, of One Direction, would be fathering his first child to long time girlfriend, Eleanor Calder.

But it seems, daddy isn't willing to man up quite so soon as he's been seen out and about with Lux Anne Valentine, Harry Style's girlfriend of three months, who also happens to be best friends with El herself.

The two were spotted getting pretty cozy at a late night club last night, in which they left with Louis' arms tightly around her waist headed for their limo.

Where is El and Harry?

It was reported that both seemed to be still in London and that Louis and Lux made a quick flight reservation for Chicago.

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