Chapter 29

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I don't even remember how Harry and I got to my house until I heard my front door being pounded on, making me jump awake. I lifted one of my eyes lazily and peaked to the side of me to find Harry sprawled across my bed, leaving me with only a quarter of space.

No wonder my back is fucking killing me.

The pounding continued a second later and I glanced at the alarm clock as I wiped my eyes tiredly trying to remove any sleep I had.

It was twelve o'clock and I had a massive headache...

Harry moved slightly, turning his body toward me and his hand pulled me closer to him involuntarily. I could feel the heat from his body radiating on my skin, but I reluctantly unwrapped his arm that was planted firmly around my waist and eased from the comfort of my bed so that I wouldn't wake him.

I murmured a few curse words when I heard my phone started vibrating across my dresser, and I hurried and grabbed it so that it wouldn't fall on the ground. I swiped the screen to see I had 5 missed calls.

All from Louis.

Oh, and a text.

Louis: Open the door Valentine!

I groaned loudly, immediately bringing my hands to my throat as the animalistic sound came out of my mouth. I tried clearing my throat on the walk to the door, but every sound a made came out like I was trying to immitate a tiger or something.

I didn't even have to open the door fully before Louis came trudging in, almost knocking me down in the process.

"You look like shit" he observed, his eyes roamed freely along my body as I shifted uncomfortably on my feet, closing the door.

"I also feel like shit, thank you" I croaked, rubbing my throat.

"You also sound like shit" he smirked walking into my kitchen, rummaging through some of the cabinets.

He fished out a tea kettle and set it on the stove after he filled it with water.

"What are you doing?"

"Making you some tea. You might be sick."

I smiled at the gesture. I really didn't have enough energy to be stubborn and argue with him so I sat at the counter and watched him take a mug out of my top cabinet that held all my cups.

"So how'd it go?" Lou finally asked, taking the wrapper off the tea bag and sitting it in the cup.

"I really do hate American tea." he pointed out.

I wiped my eyes, soundlessly, wishing for more sleep.

"Well we fell asleep in my room if that's what you mean." I let my eyes wander on the floor, suddenly realizing how messy the kitchen actually was. I really hadn't had time to clean it since I've been here. I should probably get to that. I wouldn't want them thinking I was a slob or anything.

"He's here?" Louis asked curiously. I couldn't help but notice his tense posture when he said that. Realizing that I noticed this, he immediately relaxed and occupied his eyes everywhere else but me.

I raised an eyebrow, and backtracked a little iside my head.

How had me and Harry even got here.

All I remember is Harry smiling after I told him that he's the reason nothing happened with Louis.

Oh and Lots and lots of drinking..and making out..and...

What did actually happen last night.

All I know is that I have a headache and a sore throat that I'm sure no amount of tylenol will fix.

"Yep, he's sleeping" I said, barely above a whisper.

A loud whistle came from the tea kettle. I placed my feet on the stool next to me and watched him scramble around the kitchen.

First Lou turned off the eye. Then he opened the fridge and moved things around before closing it, nothing in his hands. Then he opened every single cabinet, frowning at what he saw.

"We need to go shopping. There's absolutely no honey. Or food for that matter.."

I shrugged, wrapping my finger around the mug he placed in my hand, blowing it softly and looking up at Lou take a seat next to me. He carefully moved my feet and placed it on his lap.

"So what happened?" He asked, his fingers tracing the outline of my shoe gently, circling around the sole and back. His movements were slow, but I was beginning to relax and finally take a sip of the tea he so thoughtfully made.

Not bad.

"I guess we're together. I forgave him for the whole cheating thing and I really don't remember anything else besides a lot of drinking" I frowned.

Louis nodded at my answer and continued tracing patterns up my shoe toward the hem of my pajama pants.

Come to think about it, how did I get into these?

"So you didn't tell him yet?" He aked, releasing my foot and opening the fridge again.

"I'm hungry"

I rolled my eyes as he snatched up a bag of Doritos from the counter and ripped it open.

"No I didn't" I said flatly "And those are probably bad by now Lou"

He made a twisted face and spit it out in the bag, before tossing it in the trash ben across the room. Completely missing it.

"Why not?" He asked wiping his mouth with his sleeve and placing my feet back in their spot on his leg.

"Because I'm not ready"

"That doesn't matter, you have to tell him. The sooner the better"

I frowned, "I told him what happened the night before"

Louis froze, staring down at my foot. I awkwardly removed them and hopped from my seat to opened the fridge. I was starting to get hungry as well, and I knew that Harry would be too. And I really didn't want to have to deal with a grumpy and hungry Lou, as well as an edgy Harry, who would probably chew Lou's head off when he sees him.

"You shouldn't have done that"

"Why? So you want me to tell Harry my mistake but not when it involves you?"

"Its not like that, I just didn't know you two would be back together so soon! You two obviously shouldn't even be together right now" he said rubbing his head, looking over at me as I narrowed my eyes.

"Be careful lou, your jealousy is showing"

Louis frowned. And I do mean all out full face frowned. Louis slid out of his seat shaking his head and grabbed his jacket from the counter.

I sighed regretfully.

I always talk before I think. Great Lux. When you get him back, you push him away.

I grabbed his arm before he could move. "Wait Lou, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I just...I'll tell him. When I'm ready"

He nodded slowly, dropping everything from his hands. They moved slowly toward my face, cupping my cheek and his thumb moved slowly, circling my cheekbone, and I closed my eyes.

"You weren't wrong Lux" He whispered and my eyes flew open, watching him slowly lean down a plant a soft kiss to my forehead.

"And sadly, I can't do anything about it."

He took a step back, regaining his posture and cleared his throat.

"You should get some rest. You seem to have a temperature and I don't want you getting sick. But errm tell him soon"

"Tell me what?"

Harry came from behind the corner, rubbing his eyes as they flicked between me and Louis carefully. He immediately found his way to my side, wrapping his arm tightly around my waist possessively. I smiled nervously and lou rubbed the back of his neck looking at the both of us.

Let the awkwardness ensue!

"I was telling her to tell you to take care of her because she's sick" Louis lied, making me wince a bit.

Harry rubbed his hand up my side caringly, turning to look at me, then to Lou, then back at me.

He placed his palm against my forhead and trailed it down to the bottom of my throat before nodding. My guess is that he was doubtful that I actually was indeed sick.

"Alright" he said kissing my forehead, exactly where Louis had just kissed, which made me feel queazy in my stomach.

"Well I bets be going. I'm hungry, and Lux here has absolutely nothing to eat here"

"But you'll be telling El what happened right?" Harry said raising an eyebrow at Louis' tense manner. I pulled at Harrys t-shirt trying to get him to stop.

"When I'm ready" Louis said flatly before opening the door and letting it slam shut behind him.

Harry turned to me and smiled and suddenly I was lifted into the air. A loud raspy giggle escaped my lips as Harry sat me on the counter.

"Whoa you really are sick" he chuckled, placing a single kiss to me throat making me sigh.

Harry, like Lou, started going through all my cabinets and fridge returning with nothing.

"I wanted to make you breakfast"

"I'm not really hungry"

He frowned, standing between my legs and pulling me to the edge so that my legs wrapped around his waist. I smirked and ran a hand through his messy matted hair. He watched my hands carefully, before pulling my slightly, pressing his lips against mine. A sigh escaped both of our lips at the same time. My fingers tangles into his hair, grabbing a handful of curls as his lips moved insync against mine.

"Maybe I am a little hungry" I panted removing my lips from his and smirked. "But not for food"

Harry growled and lifted me from the table, my legs wrapped tightly around his body and his lips found mine once more, as he walked us toward my room, careful not to break the kiss.

I felt him gently sit me on the bed and I layed back, pulling him so that he fell ontop of me. Harry grinned, pushing me further up the bed before latching his lips against my neck until a moan escaped my lips when he found my sensitive area. My hands grasped tightly on his shirt as he sucked on the area, nibbling gently. Harrys hand edged its way up my thigh to the hem of my shirt, when I felt him bite down gently on the sensitive spot, piercing it, while I gasped. Harry immediately relieved the slight pain, by running his tongue over it.

He was marking me.

I began to slide my fingers slowly under his shirt, feeling his muscles tighten as my hand trailed over his toned chest, feeling every bump and curve of his body.

"Harry" I moaned, when I felt his hips grind against mine making my hand move faster to lift his shirt over his head.

Once it was over his head, I threw it randomly across the room, and flipped us over so that I was straddeling him. I smirked as I placed a kiss right below his ear, nibbling on it gently.

"I want you" I moaned seductively in his ear, grinding my hips against his, feeling his pants tighten underneathe me immediately.

Harrys eyes widened, and his hands held my hips firmly against his waist, stopping my actions.

"I want you too, but..I can't right now. As much as I want to. We can't do this. Not right now at least." he breathed out. I made an O with my lips and fell to the side of his body.

I couldn't believe he just said no to my offer for sex. I felt rejected.

"I don't understand. You've been wanting this since..forever. And when I finally want it, you don't?"

"No" he chuckled lightly, pulling me so that I fell into his arms.

He chuckled.

"Its just I thought I did. But when I was going to have you I realized how important it was to me now. And we just got back together Lux. I don't want to rush into it" he explained placing a kiss on the side of my head lightly.

I smiled, happy with his explaination. Suddenly there was a loud growl that errupted the room and we both looked down at my stomach.

"I guess your hungry for food after all" Harry teased, and I shrugged pecking his lips lightly. I felt really happy right now. Really happy. And the thought of this all going away soon made me frown, and Harry took note int his.

"What's wrong?"


"Nothing just sick"

Harry gave me a small smile, pushing all the covers on me so that I was wrapped in a warm caccoon nest of blankets.

"Well Ms. Valentine, I plan on taking very good care of you today"

"Is that so, Mr. Styles" I asked mockingly. Harry only grinned, and slipped out of the bed, picking up his shoes from the floor.

"Mmhhhmm" he grinned, and i watched him confused as he slid his white converse on and grabbed his keys.

"Your leaving?" I asked, frowning slightly, feeling alone and empty without his warmth next to mine.

"Well I said I'm taking care of you, so I need to run to the store to get a few things" he said leaning over to place a kiss to my lips. "Ill be back in a few" he whispered. I don't know why exactly, but I ran my finger across his lips lightly until they reached his chin, in which I brought his lips back to mine so that I could kiss him once more. I could automatically feel Harrys smile in the kiss as his hand cupped my cheek.

"I missed you, so much" He whispered, looking down in my eyes, and I bit down on my lip trying not to grab him and beg him to stay and sex me up.

Because I really just wanted him right now.

And those stupid curls, sexy smirk and sweet nothings he likes to whisper in my ear...they don't really help.

But I let him ease out of my bedroom, leaving me alone to my thoughts. Trapped in this caccoon like thing he wrapped me in. But it all felt lovely. It was a wonderful feeling to have someone want to take care of you.

But after a few minutes I got bored with myself and soon felt my eyelids become heavy until I drifted off.

I had just woken up when my phone started to ring.

I had literally just opened my eyes from the best nap of my life, and was startled with the sound of Justin biebers voice. I yawned, trying to wiggle out of my covers. I felt so toasy, I really didn't want to get out of bed. But Harry wasn't even here yet, so it mightve been him. Finally free, I tiptoed to my phone.

I don't know why I tiptoed. 'Snot like anybody was here. But I felt the need to, and unlocked my phone to see Danielle was calling.

Just the person I needed to talk to actually.

"Hey Dani" I greeted warmly, looking at my awful appearance in the mirror. I pulled up my lowly hung t-shirt and ran a hand throught my frizzy curls.

"Lux! I'm so glad you answered" she said cheerfully. I smiled, I really did miss this girl.

"I just woke up actually, how have you been? How's Liam? I haven't spoken to him in a while"

"He's doing well. And you know me, always busy!" She laughed lightly, and I held the phone up with my shoulder as I rummaged around my drawer, looking for a jumper to put on..

I mean sweater.

God, I've been around British people far too long.

"I was actually just calling you up to check on things. Wanted to make sure things were alright"

I closed my drawer, not finding what I was looking for and shrugged when I saw Harrys purple hoodie he gave me on that first night and threw it on. It still smelt like him and everything.

"Oh, there's actually a lot of stuff that happened. Too much so to say over the phone" I chuckled, pulling off my pajama pants so that I was just in my undies and the hoodie.

"Well maybe we can chat soon? I'm coming in with Liam for the Chicago concert"

"Oh yea yea yea! I almost forgot. I owe someone a favor..really Harry owes them a favor..but anyways I was invited to this Ball thing and they wanted me to ask you guys to come! Oh and like tell everybody you know, I guess. I don't really know how these things work" I said scratching my head.

"A ball? That sounds exciting! We have to go dress shopping! Maybe at Betsey Johnsson? Isn't that what its called?"

I laughed at her excitedness, hearing my front door slam shut and Harry appear suddenly in my room with about four bags.

"Haha yes, well ill have to talk to you later Danielle. Harrys just arrived and I'm thinking he has something up his sleeve"

Harry winked, and flopped down on the bed abandoning the bags on the floor while I tried peaking inside them.

"Alright. Well ill talk to Liam and the other boys and give them a heads up. Call me soon babe"

"Kay, see you soon" I said hanging up.

Harry leaned up on his elbows and smiled at me while I continued to look in the bag.

"What's all this?"

Harry ignored me and pulled me on the bed so that I fell ontop of him.

"Why aren't you under the blanker? Your freezing" he said rubbing my arm up and down.

"I feel hot though" I whined.

"You are hot" Harry grinned, pushing me back on the bed and throwing the cover over me again.

"I can't believe you even still have this hoodie" he smiled, running his finger over the 'Jack Wills' words that sat in the middle, covering my chest, sending a shiver down my spine.

And that's not from the air folks.

"I actually forgot I had it"

"Well it looks better on you than it did on me anyways"

I laughed, interlacing his fingers with mine. "Are you gonna tell me what's in the bag or do I need to check myself?"

"Are you gonna tell me if your wearing knickers underneath my hoodie or do I need to check myself"

My cheeks flushed red, and he chuckled leaning over to pick up the bags from the ground.

"Basically, these three bags are just food because well...Your fridge is pathetic" he teased.

I rolled my eyes "And the other one?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Harry grinned "All the things I need to make you feel relaxed...oh and medicine"

"And what do those things include?"

"Do you really just want to ruin all the suprises then?" He asked raising his eyebrows at me making me sigh in surrender.

He obviously wasn't going to let me know anything anytime soon so I gave up and fell into his care.

"Screw you guys, I feel like a fuckin princess in this dress"

Danielle laughed, pulling at the skirt of the dress playfully.

"And you look like one as well. As in a 1700's princess"

El clutched her belly as she broke into laughter followed by Danielles own laughter at her joke.

She wasn't funny.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to play with the ruffles skirt, twirling my hips to get a view of my sides.

After our brief phone conversation Danielle had insisted on flying in a little earlier so we could all go "find the perfect dress"

I hadn't realized she annitially meant her and El both flying out. I hadn't even realized they were on speaing terms now. If you count awkward smiles and politely laughing at the other ones joke, speaking then yea, they were doing a hell of a lot of talking.

I really sort of didn't want El out here so soon, because I hadn't talked to Louis in the past few days since he left my house. I've called about 852582 times a day but he hasn't returned any of my phone calls, and I was beggining to worry I was losing him all over again.

"I'm sorry Lux, but I'm going to have to agree with Danielle on this one. This dress is a little much" she said standing up and looking in the mirror next to me.

I sighed and shook my head. "You bitches just don't want me to be a princess do you" I chuckled, turning around so Danielle can untie the back for me.

"We just don't want you to make a fool of yourself in this hideous dress lovely" Dani chuckled as the dress slipped off of me, leaving me only in my bra and panties.

Hey, we're all girls here.

"I want your Bum" El giggled, wacking my ass as I walked to the chairs in annoyance to sit down. I gasped and rubbed my bottom, sticking my tongue out at her as she tried on a dress I picked out for her. She wasn't that far along in her pregnancy obviously so she could fit perfectly into just about any dress we through her way.

But she seemed drawn to my dress, so I felt like I won.

"How come I picked the perfect dress out for you, but not for me" I frowned, crossing my arms as she twirled around, grinning at her figure in the mirror.

"Its absolutely perfect for you El" Dani smiled, picking up my clothes from the ground and tossing them at me. I just dhrugged and sat them next to me, comfortably in no clothes.

"This just isn't your store Lux. Besides your so petite" El teased. Ok just because she had monsterously tall legs doesn't mean she has to call me petite.

In fact, I really don't like the term.

"Lux, you've been around Harry too long. Put some clothes on!" Dani laughed, and I grinned wiggling my eyebrows at her.

I truly did miss having girlfriends. Even mine and Clara's friendship wasn't this comfortable and exciting.

Bitch Clara.

"How is that btw, Liam told me some stuff but I know there's things he doesn't know" she asked seriously, looking at me through the mirror.

"Um the only thing new is that Louis knows"

Danielles face dropped, along with the purple dress in her hands.

"He knows about me Dani. Not you guys."

She sighed, before smiling at me guiltily for her relief.

"How'd he take it?" She asked, flickering her eyes to El, who looked around awkwardly, then back at me.

"He hated me for a bit...but now we're better. He wants me to tell Haz, but he's not really pushing it like he was at first"

Both El and Dani nodded, letting silence take over our once chipper moods.

"So you better have called up louis, and are going with him to the Ball" I said pointing a finger to El, who rolled her eyes and motioned for me to unzip her dress.

"Absolutely not. I'm honestly through with Louis. I have a date actually, and besides looks like Lou already has his eyes on someone else I've heard" El said softly, turning around to face my suprised expression.

"Its alright Lux. Harry told me, being that Louis didn't have the courage to do so."

"He's just confused.." I said looking down at the ground guiltily. This all seemed to have been my fault.

"Lux, me and Lou aren't what we seemed in the first place. Don't blame yourself. I know you didn't do it on purpose. As long as you don't persue him then there's absolutely no problem" she smiled, turning around leaving me confused.

That's it?

No slap, or yelling?


El is truly someone to respect.

"So who is this date, you speak of?" Dani asked curiously, plopping down in the seat next to me. She looked exhausted. But Dani always looked great, even when she was tired.

"His name is Ben.."

My heart suddenly stopped in my chest at the name.

"Ben?" A choked out, sitting straight up in my chair. Dani looked at me weirdly.

El nodded, "He's really sweet. I met him at the airport, he was one of the flight attendents. He helped me carry my bags out and I don't know really. He's nice and he asked me to the Ball. A bit convenient don't you think?"

"That's one word to describe him" I mumbled to my self.

"What?" El said turning around to look at me with a smile. I smiled back.

"I said describe him"

El went into this full detailed description of Ben and exactly how I remembered. I couldn't listen anymore, my stomach was begining to hurt with just the thought of him.

That son of a bitch.

I narrowed my eyes as my phone began to ring. But I silently thanked God for an escape from this dreadful conversation that Dani seemed fully engrossed in.

I looked at the screen to see Louis' name flash on it and I hopped off my chair.

"Erm I'll be right back" I said heading for the door.

"Uh Lux, your clothes" Dani laughed, throwing my shorts and Harrys hoodie at me. I couldn't seem to stay away from his hoodie now, not that Harry complained. He encourage me to wear his clothes, saying that they looked good on me.

I laughed embarrassingly, and hurried up and answered before it stopped ringing.

"One sec" I said into the speaker before throwing on my clothes and was out the door, breathing in the fresh air and snuggling into Harrys hoodie.

His scent still lingered because I refused to wash it.

"Okay, hi" I breathed, walking along some shops not really paying attention to them.

"Can you come over?" He asked boldly.

I pushed my sleeves up and quickened my pace toward the mall exit.

I sent a quick text to the girls telling them I had to make a run and would meet them later for our dinner reservation we all had later that night.

Meaning, every single one of us.

Let the awkwardness ensue!

As I pushed through the door, I let the wind breeze over me and I knocked down my shades.

"I'm on my way"

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