Chapter 7

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I stared down at Eleanors picture with wide eyes, and gaped open mouth. They hired her as well? What could they possibly have offered her though? Money? Fame?
I ran my hands through my thick curls and let them fall over my big green eyes as a scrolled down the page. All the headlines were...interesting. It was like a blog. anybody could post information they had on the boys, like appearances or where they'd be at and what time. I bit my lip as my eyes caught a poll on the side of the screen.

"Harry's New Girl?" It read and then listed a few girls names, and last but not least, mine. I looked at the results of the poll I had 74 % of the votes. Is this how they chose me. By a stupid poll all the little 'directioners' got to vote on. This was where everyone had their place.

I looked back at the photos at the top of the page. The ones of Me, Eleanor and another girl named Danielle.

"Danielle" I said to myself, letting her name roll loosely off my tongue. I hadn't heard of her. Well I hadn't heard of Eleanor today either until today. I wonder if they knew about eachother, of me, of the website for that matter. Were they just in the dark as I was?

I rolled off of my bed and wandered back to my closet. I had two missions today. Buisness and personal. One. I needed to talk to Harry. Two. find out as much as I could from Danielle and Eleanor.

"Tonight shall be a very interesting night" I sighed to my self, as I pulled a hanger out of the closet that held what I was gonna wear tonight. It would definately get Harrys attention. In a good way tho.

In an attempt to make my curls more glamorous, I curled over them with a curling iron to make them look more neat.

"Fuck" I gasped as I rubbed the side of my forehead where I had burnt it a few seconds before. I looked down in the circular mirror at the finished product, pushing them up a little before being fully satisfied with my hair. I grabbed the spray can in front of me and sprayed some product in my hair.

I rose from my chair and slipped off the crop top and leggings I still had on. I slowly replaced them with the dress I had chosen for the party.

"If I was your boyfriend, id never let you go. I would take you places you ain't never been before..!" I heard Justin Biebers voice through the speakers of my phone. Someone texted. I walked over to the side of my bed, leaning down on my arms to peek at who it was. Unknown.


Hiiiiiiiii its Louis. Text me your address!

I had to think for a minute to remember what it was, before texting it to him.

I was just about to walk back to the mirror to put on my makeup when Justin's voice whispered through my speakers again

"If I was your boy-" I silenced my phone and looked at the text.

From: Unknown

I'm sending someone to come get you, is that alright?

I quickly responded with a "yea that's fine (:" before saving Louis' number in my phone, so unknown would stop coming up.

I sat on the edge of my bed as Eleanors face popped in my head again. I couldn't get over the fact that there were two others in the same situation as I. I didn't know wether I should feel happy or...nervous. I mean at any point they could tell Harry. But I don't think they'd risk their own secret to blow mine.

My thoughts were interupted by a buzzing sound in the front of my apartment. I stood up, pulling down my dress a little before making my way to the front and pressing the answer button.

"Hello?" I asked. It was the buzzer to down stairs. So I knew it was the doorman.

"Good evening Ms.Valentine. There's a gentlemen here to pick you up." He told me in a questioning tone.

"Kay ill be right down" I said politely before releasing the button. I ran awkwardly to my room and slid on the heels I had been practicing to walk in earlier. I was a bit better now but I could still see myself falling flat on my ass tonight.

I peeked at myslef in the mirror again. I still ahdnt done my makeup yet. I groaned to myself, and tried to hurry and at least put on some foundation and concealor. My lips looked a little pale so I put on a red lipstick and rubbed my lips together before pouting them in the mirror. I looked darn good if I do say so myself.

On my way to the door, I grabbed my purse off the kitchen counter. I braced myself for all the walking I would have to do tonight, and headed to the elevator.

When I reached the ground floor I thanked the Doorman for the ring to my room and he smiled brightly before opening the door. There was a black car waiting outside the front of my building, but I couldn't quite see into it yet. I slowly walked over, tripping a little along the way, and made it to the door

I picked inside to see the side of a girls face with curly hair. I knocked on the window squinting my eyes to see more clearly. She turned her head and smiled at me, unlocking the door. When I saw her, I thought my eyes would fall out of my head.


I opened the door and tried to remain cool as I slid into the seat next to her. I nervously closed the door and looked up at her with a smile.

"I'm Danielle, Liams girlfriend" she introduced.

"I'm Lux" I greeted, extending my hand.

"I know." She laughed

"You know?" I asked worriedly, putting my seatbelt on.

"Yea Louis and Harry mentioned you." She said letting out a low chuckle.


"Yea it was quite funny actually. Louis had told us he ran into you earlier today, and that he invited you to the party." She began, throwing a smile my way as she began to drive. I nodded for her to continue.

"Then Harry got all tensed, and told Eleanor that you were some crazy fan that came to their book signing dressed really inappropriately to get Louis' attention. "

I raised my eyebrows at this. Crazy fan huh?

"Poor Eleanor got a little Jealous if I do say so myself. And she was going on and on asking Louis why he invited you. I think Harry got tired of the conversation at this point because he left the room. When he left, that's when Louis explained that you actually liked Harry." She laughed.

I let out an awkward laugh.

"He can't keep a secret for anything"

The ride got quiet after a while. There was an elephant in the room and I got feel it. So I focused my attention on the bottom of my dress, like I always did in awkward situations.

"So how did you meet Liam?" I asked non chalantly. She looked at me for a minute then back at the road.

"We met through a friend" she stated simply. I nodded thinking about my next question.

"Look I know who you are" she blurted out. I looked at her shocked.

"Both of us do. and you obviously know who we are." She said pulling over to the side of the road. I looked out the window at the cars passing by in a panic. Oh my god. Was she gonna kill me? I've seen movies like this. They don't end good.

"Look I don't want any trouble." She said quietly turning in her seat to look at me.

"I actually really like him now." She added.

I sat back in my seat and thought for a moment.

"And Eleanor?" I asked curiously.

"Well of course. Why do you think she got all mad at what Harry said. She knows about you but she thought that they sent you to take her place." She explained, looking at the road as more cars drove by.

"I won't say or do anything to jeapordize your relationship" I said after a while. "But I wanna know everything"

"Well.." she said squeezing the steering wheel
"That's a story for another time"

I looked at my phone. She was right. We were already running late. So she drove a little bit faster when she took off.


There was only one word I could use to describe a One Direction party. Loud. We weren't even a block away from the club and I could hear Chris Browns voice blasting through the speakers. I wasn't really a party girl. Not after what happened at my last party.

The place was swarmed with papparazi, beating on the car as we tried to drive through the crowd of people. I could barely hear Danielle over the loud music and shouting.

"Just keep your head down, and don't answer any questions" she shouted over the noise. I looked around with frightened eyes before looking at her. "Ok" I said as we opened our doors in unison. I was blinded by all the flashes aound me as I slammed the door close.

"DANIELLE HOW ARE YOU? HOW'S THE BABY?" One asked. Danielle groaned and walked faster




I couldn't really tell one question apart from the others at this point. They kinda just blended together in my head.

I continued to cover my face as I began a stumbled walk towards the door of the club where two huge guys stood. Danielle followed suit.

"Name?" One of the guys asked in a loud voice so we could hear him.

"Danielle Peazer and Lux Valentine !" Danielle said peaking over and pointing to our names on the list. The guy snatched his clipboard back and gave us a once over. This party was so exclusive. Were they really that big? The guy with the clipboard whispered something into his friends ear, and I watched as he unhooked the rope and opened the door, letting out the bumping sounds of the music. The crowd outside the ropes cheered as we made our way inside.

The club was pretty big. Looking around I saw a bunch of white couches at random placed around the club. Most of which were occupied by people laughing, or couples making out. There was a dance floor dead in the center where it seemed like hundreds of sweaty people were grinding on eachother. On the side was a little bar. The bartender was talking to a guy with a sorrowed look on his face. The guy pushed his curls away from his face, making his features a little bit more clear to me. I squinted my eyes a little to get a better look. It was Harry ! He looked around the club and threw his head back, taking a shot. I could tell it wasn't his first.

"I'm gonna go find Liam" Danielle said in my ear with a bright smile. I looked passed her with searching eyes.

"Over there!" I said pointing behind her at the boy laughing at a guy I recognized to be Niall. He was stuffing his face with nachos. She followed my hand before smiling when she saw him.

"Thanks" she winked, dancing toward her boyfriend. I shook my head smiling at her as I watched Liams reaction when he saw her. My eyes trailed back to the bar but Harry no longer sat there. I stood on my tippy toes searching the crowd for at least one familiar face.

"Well if it isn't L-L-Lux" a slurred voice said in my ear. The curls that brushed against my face told me it was Harry. I put on a fake smile and turned to him. He was giving me an unevened look. Half of his face turned in a frown and the other had a slight smirk to it. His hand occupied the space between us with another drink in it. He noticed me looking at it so he hurried up and downed the drink and placed it on a tray being held by one of the waiters walking past.

"Are you alright?" I asked as he wobbled foward a little. I tried holding him in place but he shrugged my hands away.

"Don't... touch me L-L-lux" he slurred stumbling a little bit. I don't think that stutter was on purpose this time. The boy was drunk. And it was very unattractive.

"I'm just trying to help Harry"

He scoffed getting closer to my face. "You don't even know me! Your just some stupid fan who somehow managed to worm her way into the likeness of Louis." He spat, before storming off. I watched him with confused eyes as he disapperead into the crowd. I could tell this was gonna be a long night.

I dragged myself to the bar, hopping on one of the stools and dropped my head in my hands.

"You okay?" The bartender asked leaning on the counter looking at me.

"I'm great" I chuckled. "Partys are just not my cup of tea."

"Somebody can't dance" he teased, reaching up to get a glass off of one of the shelves and placing it in front of me with a smile.

"What?" I asked laughing.

"Most people don't like partying because they can't dance." He said pouring something into the glass.

"I'm underaged" I stated "and I can too dance!" I defended laughing as he raised his hands in defeat.

"Okay okay no need to get offended" he teased again "and I won't tell if you won't" I said reffering to the drink.

I placed my hand around the glass and shook it lightly before taking a sip. "I just had a bad experience at a party" I explained to him sitting the glass down.

"No need to explain. I'm not the party police" he laughed. "I'm David"

"Lux" I said as a smile grew on my face. Hey he was cute, shoot me. Besides Harry wasn't cooperating at the moment and I was in dire need of a little...male attention.

"Is that your boyfriend?" He asked pointing to somebody behind me. I turned around to where he was pointing, to see a drunk Harry glaring towards us. I caught his eye and watched them soften for a moment before hardening again. I rolled my eyes and looked back at David.

"He's just as single as I am" I replied with a wink over my shoulder, before grabbing my drink and walking toward Louis who I spotted a minute ago. He was talking to a brunette girl who I couldn't really see until I was about a few feet away. Eleanor. I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed it was her. I was debating wether I should go over or not. I decided against it. I was just about to turn around, when Louis looked my way.

"Lux!" He yelled over to me, motioning for me to come over. I smiled nervously and walked the short distance toward the two.

"Hey" I smiled. Eleanor smiled at me and locked her hands with Louis. He gave her a confused look before returning his eyes to me.

"Having fun?" He asked

"Yea of course. Happy Birthday by the way" I said throwing Eleanor the biggest smile I could conjur up. She returned it. It was like a faked smile contest.

"Aww thanks Lux" she said moving toward me, releasing Louis hand. She engulfed me in a tight hug before whispering in my ear.

"We need to talk" she whispered before moving her face away to get a good look at me.

"I know" I whispered through my fake smile.

We both looked at Louis who was cluelessly smiling at our little hug.

"Ah see I knew you to would get along great" he beamed, throwing his fist in the air. "This calls for..a little celebritory dance" he said holding his left arm out, palms raised. "First, you gotta stop the traffic" he explained to me.

"Oh god" Eleanor laughed.

He frowned. "Comon you have to do it!" He whined at us.

"Okay okay" we surrendered. I placed my arm out exactly how he had his and looked up at him for the next step.

"Then you let the people through" he said with his right hand moving as though he were telling people to come here, but with a little bounce, and his head moved to the rhythm of his hand. I bursted into laughter as me and Eleanor tried immitating him. Obviously it was only a Louis dance.

Eleanor laughed and pushed her boyfriend to the dance floor. They both threw a smile to me. However his was a bit more meaningful. I looked around. Once again I was left alone. My feet was beginning to hurt, so I was gonna head to one of the white couches to sit when I my ears caught some loud yelling near me. I looked toward the sound to see Harry pushing some guy. I squinted to see the guy clearer and my eyes widened. It was David, the bartender. I debated what I should do but my feet and mouth were already betraying my body as I ran over to the two and yelled "What's going on?!" Holding both hands out inbetween the two.

Harry groaned. "You again? Go away!" He growled pushing me out the way. I stumbled back a little bit almost losing my balance but he grabbed my arm before I could fall. I gave him a confused face as he pulled me by my arm close to him. "Go. Away." He said with a glare, then let me go, grabbing his keys out of his pocket. My eyes widened. He was gonna drive drunk.

"Harry!" I shouted trying to get his attention, but he kept walking. I groaned and hurriedly slipped off my heels, running after him. We were causing a scene I know it. But I was focused on getting him to hand over his keys before he did something stupid.

"Harry" I said sterner.

"I don't wanna talk to you!" He yelled walking faster as he almost neared the back door. I looked back at the club before following the drunk guy in front of me.

He was almost toward a red Lambo when I decided my next move. I closed my eyes for a second and sprinted full speed toward Harry. Before he knew what was happening I tackled him to the ground.

"The hells wrong with you!" He groaned. I looked around desperately hoping no one was around. My eyes spotted the Papparazi a few yards away. They were busy whistling at some girl walking past.

"Harry listen to me. I'm gonna need you to be quiet" I said sushing him.

He scoofed at me as he struggled to get me off of him. I tightened my leg around him to keep him down. "Who do you think you are!" He yelled." Ill be as loud as I please" he was at leats a little bit more sober than he had been previously.

"HEY OVER THERE!" I heard. I looked up to see the papparazi running towards us.

"Fuck Harry!" I shouted grabbing the keys from his grasp. I hopped off of him and tried to pull him up. But his larger weight wouldn't budge.

"Give me back me keys" he whined in a dark drunk voice. I folded my arms

"No!" I said sternly. "Your drunk. And I'm not gonna let you kill yourself over something as silly as you feeling sorry for yourself!" I yelled.

Harry glared at me, stombling to his feet as the Papparazi was nearing. "Don't think you know me Lux. You know nothing about me." He spat trying to get the keys from me.




"WHAT REALLY HAPPENED BETWEEN YOU AND CAROLINE FLACK?" They yelled. I watched as Harrys entire body tensed at his last question. His hands balled in a fist and his jaw clenched. I really didn't wanna know what was gonna happen next so I ran to the other side of the car and shakily tried putting the keys into the door. One of the guys followed me flashing his camera in my face, blocking my sight.

"ARE YOU HARRYS NEW LOVER?" The guy asked, and I couldn't help but scoff at him. Like id ever REALLY be his lover. If anything, I couldn't wait for this whole thing to be over. I didn't want to babysit some stupid boy.

I finally got the door opened and jumped in the seat before slamming the door shut. I crawled to the passengers side and opened the door.

"Get in!" I ordered him. He seemed a little taken back by my sudden rage of authority. He looked back at the papparazi who had began to sworm around him before looking back at me and groaning. He jumped in the car and slammed the door. My eyes widened as they swarmed around the car and flashed their cameras in our eyes and screaming out questions. Most of which were about some girl named Caroline. And everytime she was mentioned, he tensed up even more.

"Drive!" He yelled at me, making me jump. I looked at him one more time before starting the car. The papparazzi began to move out of the way as I sped out of the parking lot.

We rode in silence for a minute. I stared straight at the road before Harry broke my concentration.

"Its so hot in here" he whined begginning to unbutton his shirt. I stopped at the red light and my eyes wandered over to Harry as he freed his body of his shirt. I let my eyes travel his torso. His very VERY fit torso.

"What?" He asked rolling the window down.

"Nothing" I replied and looked back at the road as the light turned green.

"Where are we going?" He asked in confusion. I looked in the rear view mirror to see a black car following us.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

"What?" He asked panicking. He looked out the window to see what I had saw.

"Why can't they ever just leave me alone" he asked angrily.

I didn't know how to answer that. He had to have know this was the price of fame.

"Hold on" I warned making a sharp turn. Harry swung to the sheyya :3ody hell women, are you trying to kill us!"

I looked in the mirror again and sighed.

"One more time" I warned before making another sharp turn.

"Are you insane!?" He asked holding onto the door for life. I finally slowed down when I saw that we had lost them.

I let out a loud sigh

"we lost them"

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