Chapter 5

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"I can't do this" I said into my phone as I nervously tried to push the annoying piece of hair flat on my head. I was in the girls bathroom of the building One Direction was supposed to do a book signing at.

"Relax" Peeping blonde said trying to calm my nerves. It wasn't helping. The fact that I had a skin tight red dress and 8 inch heels on didn't help either. I felt like a hooker.

"You should see all the other girls here. They didn't come dressed like prostitutes !" I angrily whispered into the phone, looking around to make sure no one had come in. I had become so paranoid since I got here. I felt like the secret was written on my face.

"You aren't other girls. You need a definate way to get him to notice you !"

"So is stripper Harrys type?" I asked turning on the hot water, to drown out the sound of my conversation. Someone could walk in any minute and bust me. Yes, I felt like it was that serious. I was like Nancy Drew. I felt like I was undercover. Only I was the bad guy.

"Oh hush. July said you looked fine"

July was the lady Peeping Blonde hired to dress me. Because I was five years old apparently and couldn't dress myself. July was extremely tall with jet black hair and a long nose. She sorta resembled a witch if you asked me.

So here I am, looking like I was wearing a shirt as a dress, with as much makeup on as a clown would wear. I shivered at the thought of a clowns. Freaky.

"Just get your little butt out there and impress Harry!" She yelled in my ear.

"Ugh fine" I said fixing my hair again, for the last time before walking toward the door.

"Wish me luck !" I said hanging up and dropping my phone into my purse. I took the One Direction Book out, that I just purchased about thirty minutess ago at some local book store, and opened the door.

Omg. The line seemed ages long from here. I mean I could see them from here but there we're so many people in my way that it just seemed impossible to get to them. So I did what I knew best. Distracting.

I spotted a little girl with her mom holding a huge poster with all of the boys faces plastered on it. The girl was crying about how bad she had to pee but the mother didn't want to lose her place in line. Perfect. I pulled my dress down as low as possible before sarting a balanced walk toward them.

"Hi I'm the director over the Book signing" I said in the best British accent I could put on. The look on her face told me it worked, so I smiled at her and stuck out my hand. The ladys eyes got wide.

"Oh hi" she said grabbing my hand nervously. Nervousness was the point. "Is something wrong?"

"No not really. I just noticed your daughter having to use the restroom." I began. I thought saying restroom added to my whole persona. "And I'm supposed to encourage you to take her. I can't tell you enough stories of...accidents that happened here, when people...held it in" I told her in a serious tone.

The women looked at me for a moment then to her daughter who was squinting here eyes in discomfort, then at me again before sighing. "Ill take her. But make it quick Hilary !" She scolded to her child before dragging her off quickly to the bathroom. Well that worked.

I slid in their spot, folding my arms, searching for my next victom. Bingo. I walked toward a crowd of girls about my age taking about how they would love to get a guy named Liam's attention.

"Hello." I greeted politely, slyly getting in front of them.

"Hiiii?" They all said slowly in unison. Did they practice that at home?

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