Chapter 18

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By the time Stacey had left me, I had down about three drinks already. I could fell the alcohol working its magic, but not that much. I wasn't drunk enough.

My eyes set on Harry the whole time, bitterly watching him engage in conversation with some guy in a red polo. Everytime he'd look my way, and id look away. I was still on edge with the situation, and taking my fustration out on my liver seemed like my best bet right now.

I had seemingly avoided pretty much everyone, while I trained myself to get some liquid courage before heading over to the corner that everyone had gathered around, laughing at whatever joke Niall said, and engrossed in their own private conversations. I just wanted a little time before someone found me.

Too late.

"Lux " I heard Harrys voice coo into my ear, feeling him wrap his arm around my waist.

Don't give in Lux. Don't give in.

Harry gently moved my hair from over my face until in fell behind my shoulders, letting his warm breath hit the back of my neck.

"I didn't get a chance to tell you how beautiful you looked tonight. Where are you getting all these dresses Lux? Trying to give me a heart attack?" He joked, moving in front of me so that I could see him clearly.

I rolled my eyes, moving past him away from the bar, keeping my head down to contro the anger that was begining to surface. How dare he come over here like everything was fine!

"Lux" he called, pulling me back so that I was once again in front of him. I kept my head low avoiding his eyes as I payed close attention to his chest as it heaved up and down.

Harry let out a dramatic sigh causing me to break concentration and look up at him. His green eyes were burning into my own and his handsome face was covered in guilt. I felt his hand graze along my arm until his hands found my own. I was ready to roll my eyes, when his hands cupped my cheek.

"I'm sorry" he whispered

I bit down on my lip, contemplating on what I should say. Should I ignore him or just give in.

"Already forgiven" I said forcing a smile on my face.

Here's the thing, id give him this one because what I was gonna do was way worst in my eyes. So it wasn't fair to hold it against him. This wasn't even a "real" relationship, so why should I be this angry?

"Are you sure?"

"Mhmmm... I need a drink" I said walking back towards the bar.

"'ve had plenty. I want you to meet some people" he smiled pulling me away. I rolled my eyes pulling back.

"Fine but only one Lux. Promise me you won't get drunk"

I sighed and nodded.

"Meet me over there" he said pointing to the area where all of our friends were gathered. "Friends" I don't think id ever really be able to call them friends after everything was over. They're gonna hate me.

I nodded slowly giving him a weak smile and watched as he made his way back to everyone. I groaned and slumped back into my stool at the bar dropping my head on the counter letting my hair create a curtain around my face.

"Lux!" A girls voice rang behind me. I rolled my eyes, and moaned a quick 'what?' Not even bothering to lift my head to look up at the person.

"Are you okay?" She asked, and the voice finally registered as Mia's. I sighed lifting my head and placing it into my hands to look at her. I could never completely ignore someone as nice as her.

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