Chapter 12

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"Lux" Harry said through the door giving it another knock.

"I'm almost done!" I yelled out, letting the sink water run over my leg as I continued to shave the remainder of hair that trailed down the skin.

"I need to shave" he whined, knocking again.

"Hold on" He couldn't exactly come in, seeing how his shaver was already occupied.

"What? No! I'm coming in" he warned. I rolled my eyes at his impatience. He was not getting in. I made sure to lock the door from his prying eyes. It would be the fourth time he has walked in on her taking a shower. Not to mention the times he asked her if he could join.

"No your not, I locked it this time" I smirked.

Harry let out a loud laugh, and barged into the bathroom swinging the door wide open.

what the...

The breeze from the sudden movement of the door sent chils down my naked body. And I watched in horror and confusion as Harry closed the door behind him.

I tried to go for the towel that laid lonely on the floor but Harry snatched it out of my hands and threw it back to the ground.

"How did you get in?" I asked confused, hopping back on the sink counter and placing my leg back into the sink bowl.

"I changed the locks" he smirked, watching my every move closely. I felt on display. His eyes roamed my body freely...shamelessly.

"Since when?"

"Since the day you started spending nights over" he told me. That was almost a week ago. How did I not notice this

"Is that my razor?" He asked, walking toward the sink. He reached for the razor, but I slapped his hands away.

"I need to finish" I said, letting the razor slide down my tanned legs with ease.

"Lux I need to shave, my face is getting stubbly" he whined trying to reach for it again. He was not gonna win this.

"I'm almost finish, I swear" I promised, rinsing the razor under the water.

"Babe.." he said moving his body close to mine. His strong hands pulled me by my hips so that his body stood between my legs.


I looked up into his green eyes, watching them darken in front of me.

He leaned down and attatched his lips to my own. Our lips seemed to move in sync as his hands lifted my legs around his body and lifted me from the sink. I wrapped my legs around his waist quickly so I wouldn't fall, as Harry pressed me against the wall behind him.

"Lux.." he groaned against my lips. I ignored him and tried deepening the kiss, running my tongue along his bottom lip. My hands found themselves tangled in the brown curls Harry held on his head.

Harry snatched his lips from mine, and his eyes trailed down. But not looking at my body.

My hand?

His eyebrows raised as he snatched the razor that o held losely in my hands now. Harry smirked, and dropped me onto my feet.

son of a Bitch..

"Really?" I asked letting out a deep breath.

Harry gave me a cheeky smile before turning his back to me and looking in the mirror.

"Ill be back at 10" he told me.

Him and the boys had a couple of interviews to go to today. I opted staying home. I had enough media attention from yesterday to last a life time.

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