Chapter 35

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I looked out the window and saw Harry speed walking toward the hotel door, ignoring the fans and paparazzi.

"Lux.." Dani said placing her hand onto my shoulder softly and I shook it off. Tension was growing into my chest and I could hardly breathe.

Harry knew. He knew.

I pulled at my hair as my heart pounded. I was desperately trying to keep it together as I waited for him to come. Because I knew he was.

This was the end right? Wasn't it? The thought was slowly killing me.

"Guys" I whimpered when the tears finally came out.

"Oh Lux" Eleanor frowned pulling me to her chest.

"Why would she do this. Why.. How could anyone do this?" I cried, holding onto her tightly. "Why did I do this? He's going to hate me..I I can't let him hate me"

There was a pounding on the door that interrupted us making us all stare at it. My heart was pounding faster because I know who it is. I owe him an explanation but I just can't seem to move to the door.

"Lux open the door!" He yelled, pounding against it again. I let go of Eleanor and slowly made my way to the door.

"Lux don't" dani warned.

"Open the fucking door!.. No get away from me Louis"

I wiped my eyes and grabbed the door nob and took a deep breath.

"Lux if you do this you know what will happen. Just deny it" Danielle said.

I couldn't though. I had to tell him. What if he forgives me? What f I begged him to? He has to. I love him.

I love him.

"I can't. I love him." I frowned.

Both Danielle and Eleanor gave each other a look and stepped to the side when I opened the door.

Harry immediately came for me.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He yelled, backing me up against the wall.

"Harry.." I could hear Louis next to us.

"Get out. All of you! Get the fuck out of my room"

The three of them left, no questions asked. I had never seen Harry like this. Well maybe when we first met but that seemed so long ago. I couldn't imagine him that way again.

"Harry just listen to me"

"Is it true?"

"I-yes.. But"

"Get out Lux" he said calmly. But his breathing wasn't even.

"No" I whispered.

"No? I can't even fucking look at you, get the fuck out! I can't believe this. You-you made me open up to you and I told you things. You were just using me weren't you?"

Harry began backing away from me with wide eyes. He shook his head as his eyes watered. My heart was shattering with every word he said.

"Harry please just let me explain.. I love you"

"Don't you dare say that shit to me" he yelled, grabbing one of the vases from the dresser and throwing it against the door. I jumped slightly covering my mouth.

"Do you see what you've done?" He cried. "This is worst than Caroline. You're worst than Caroline!"

He threw the other vase down to the ground. Shattering at his feet. I slid down the wall holding me head in my knees as I listened to him break things an curse at me. He had no idea that I was crying. I didn't want him to see. Even though I knew he was. He was hurting and I couldn't do anything about it. I was the cause.

Then he said It. He said it and I was completely broken.

"I hate you"

I wiped my eyes quickly as the audience sat at the edge of their seats. Everyone was quiet. Harry hadn't even looked at me since we got back from the roof.

I had no idea what I expected of him. It was foolish of me to expect him to just forgive me like that. So much had happened behind closed doors of this interview it's hard to believe it's still morning.

Louis didn't want to be out here during this part. I didn't blame him. But I knew Harry didn't either. Bad memories and a stinging pain in my chest made their way back.

"Do you have anything to say to each other?" Jay asked us again.

It was the question he asked probably 5 minutes ago and we had sat in silence heads reeling with things to say.

I knew what I wanted to say. But I couldn't say it in front of everyone else. I just couldn't. Harry was especially quiet. I wonder what he wanted to say.

I spotted Ben in the front of the audience smirking up at us. I had already forgotten his offer. Spain? I had always wanted to go. But with him? After everything?

"Something's happened" a tall man in a black security shirt comes from the side of the stage towards Harry and I.

He looked worried.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Just come on" he instructed. Could we do this? Just leave in the middle of he show like this. Was this apart of the plan? Were they going to lock us in a room or something. Jay looked confused as well and he laughed nervously.

"How about a break? Then we can figure out what the hell is going on these days"

I followed the security from the stage, Harry soon after me. He kept his distance. But then we heard glass break coming from their dressing room.

I sped up at the noise and passed past the man and looked inside the room. Eleanor was standing by the couch holding her belly and I finally saw what everyone had been looking at.

"Guys. My water just broke" Eleanor whined.

"Jesus Christ" my eyes were wide. I darted to her side.

"Where's Louis? Does he know? Does it hurt?"

"He went to get the car. Lux I need you there, I need you and Harry there."

"I don't.." Harry began but was quickly shut down by Eleanor.

"Look I dot care whatever problem you guys have with each other. At this point I'm tired of it. This isn't about you right now! It has been for Long enough. This is about me and Louis and this child who is you're fucking god kid. So Harry you're just going to have to suck it up."

Harry shut up and sighed. I tried hiding the smile that was coming to my face. It was rare that El cursed at anyone, especially Harry.

"Fine what do you need me to do?"

"I need our baby bag. We aren't due for three weeks so I didn't think we'd need it."

"I'll get it" I spoke up. I knew exactly where it was.

Harry looked down at his phone for a moment and shoved it back into his pocket.

"Louis is outside"

Eleanor nodded and then made a sound I had never heard of as he clutched her stomach again.

"Shit, let's do this"

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