Chapter 17

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By the time we had gotten to the car, Louis had seemed to calm down just a little bit. But not really.It was the way he ignored me and held his grip tightly on the steering wheel that gave me a little comfort that he maybe wouldn't bring up what he had just over heard. But that still didn't stop the tightening grip this guilt had on my stomach.

It was starting to annoy the shit out of me.

I was still angry and even found myself thinking of ways to get me out of this situation. Maybe a trip home early would suffice. But something deep down told me I wouldn't be getting out of this that easily.

I gave a small wave to the cameras as we made a quick turn past them, pulling into the parking lot of 'Sandra's Flowers'. I had found myself here once or twice before when I was on runs. I mentioned it to the boys once or twice, which is probably the reason why I was sent on the flower run.

Louis hastily made his way past me, once we had rid ourselves from the car, walking the short distance to the front door, hands deep inside his pocket. I chose to ignore the shoulder bump he decided to throw my way and follow him. Alright

I had preordered the roses yesterday and with promise, they should have been ready for pickup by now.

Louis walked a seperate direction of me as I made my way to the desk that was tucked in the corner of the shop. Leaning against the counter I stuck my nose into a pot full of merigolds that was perched up on a handbuilt shelf with the words 'FREE' carved into it. Well if its free....

"Those are pretty" Louis stated over my shoulder, causing me to jump. He just leaned against the counter with closed eyes. I bit my lip, waiting for him to bring up the subject

But he never did.

After I had received the five dozen roses, I placed them carefully in the backseat and we began the drive to his and Harrys home. 

"Actually can you drop me off at my place" I asked, looking over at him. He gave me a confused look, before shrugging in agreement.

The rest of the drive there was quiet. Too quiet. I just occupied myself with playing at the bottom of my shirt at the invisible string that was at the bottom.

I didn't live that far from the flower shop so the ride there didn't take long. Maybe ten or fifteen minutes. I was so antsy to get there too. I hadn't been there in so long, I just wanted to curl up in my bed and be alone. I didn't wanna have to deal with any of this. Not Harry and Caroline. Not Louis possibly knowing. And definately not Bitch Stacey.

"See you later" I mumbled, before scurrying to the door. The nice doorman opened it widely for me. I had been gone so long he looked suprised to see me.

"Fancy seeing you here Ms. Valentine. Its been a while" he smiled knowingly. I couldn't help the blush that grew on my face, when I though about what he was hinting at.

I gave him a quick smile, and made an awkward walk to the elevator. Doormen always knew too much.

From Harry:

Babe, where are you?

From Harry:

Are you mad at me?

From Harry:

I'm sorry, I realise I was probably the biggest asshole at the rehearsal today :( can I make it up to you? xx

From Harry:

Are you still coming to the party with us tonight. I really want you to be there xxx

I looked down at my phone, reading each of the texts Harry had sent me, scoffing at the last one. Why did he want me to come? So he could make me watch him and Caroline stare at eachother again? No thanks, I'm good with a movie.

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