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This is a star trek fan fic :) - you already know that  . . . . haha well this is about the first Star Trek movie and I will (I promise) write an Into Darkness one as well but I thought I might start at the beginning since You kind of need to know the characters I made up . . . otherwise, I do not own the storyline or any of the original characters from the movie/ tv program and some of the speech is directly taken from movie scenes . . . but on that note ENJOY :D xx

Another building shook violently as it began to slowly crumble to the ground, sending up an immense cloud of intoxicating dust. Inside, all the historic heritage that was held inside its walls was also reduced to rubble and ruin. It joined the accumulating  pile of rubble that was spread all along the ground of the ever falling city.

A man stood watching the chaos, wrapped up in a cloak which shielded his face from the sharp dust that clouded the air. He peered up into the sky, watching the aircrafts of evil and sharp design that were reaping havoc. They were firing torpedoes of immense power at the city below. The rebels were going to stop at nothing until the whole planet was reduced to rubble and all its inhabitants as well. Then their plan to expand their rebellion to other planets would begin. The man couldn't understand how a race so peaceful could breed such militants.

Above the swarm of small, rebel aircrafts were the looming shadows of Starfleet Federation ships, positioned just outside of the planet's atmosphere.

The man rung his hands together nervously as another quake ripped through the planet's core, and another building fell. The dead littered the ground around him and before long he was fearing for his own survival. Suddenly, through the dusty air, approached a figure dressed in robes that whipped about him in the strong breeze, a bundle clutched close to his chest.

"Ambassador!" The figure cried, coming to a stop beside the man who was still peering at the sky, "You have to leave! Please! I beg of you!" The figure begged in a strained voice.

The Ambassador shook his head solemnly, "I cannot abandon the planet I swore to protect, High Councillor. I took an oath." However, he was beginning to fear that there would be no planet left for him to protect.

The High Councillor shook his head in disagreement, "No, my friend. I took an oath to protect my Planet. You have no obligation to be here. Please, beam back aboard your vessel and get a safe distance away. I have given the -," His voice cracked up into a sob, "I have given the order for a planet-wide termination."

The Ambassador shot the Councillor a look of desperation and shock, "You gave the order?"

The counsellor nodded his head, "Many of my people have fallen fighting the rebels, my planet is destroyed and there are so few of us left alive to be able to rebuild our once peaceful and prosperous civilisation. It will be our final act of defiance against the militants, we will sacrifice the few of us left and our planet, taking the rebels with us. That way, they cannot expand their rebellion to other worlds and disrupt and destroy the peace of other civilisations. I have the full support of those who stand loyally by my side, and the Federation, despite their attempts to convince me otherwise, are standing by for my final word." The Councillor shook with pure emotion.

The Ambassador looked at the ever falling city of Oppa located centrally on the planetary surface of Sytron. This was once a place of utmost peace, the people lead and ruled by the very counsellor stood in front of him.

Then the militants had risen and there had been no stopping the rouges as they took out every peaceful Sytrox, picking them off one by one, trying to seize control of the planet.

The Ambassador looked back to the high councilman when a small cry rang out.

He looked down at the bundle the councilman was holding and from underneath the wraps of covers a small face of a child appeared: tiny and fragile, maybe only weeks old.

The councilman peered admirably down at the face, "She is all that is left of me now. The rouges, they can take my power, take my people. They can even take my planet but they will never take my daughter." He cooed at the child, "She is a beacon of peace. I want her to grow up in a world that is separate to all this evil and bloodshed."

He thrust the baby into the Ambassadors arms, "Please take her, bring her up, and nurture her. She deserved better than this." He gestured around him as the Ambassador took the child into his own arms and peered into the inquisitive brown eyes. "Give her a name that she is proud of, that her people would be proud of. A name of strength but grace. A name of your world, not my own."

"How many lifetimes is she existing through?" The Ambassador asked the councilman who smiled painfully and moved the covers far enough to expose the bare skin of the baby's small neck and shoulder. There, inked permanently to the pale skin were nine strikes, like tally marks.

"Nine times. It is an honour but a  curse that she will have to endure, for many Sytrox only live through two or three existences. Unfortunately, my child may have to deal with pains beyond her control. Whereas, now, most of our people are in their last existence." The councilman said in a voice eclipsed by more than just pure heartbreak. The Ambassador knew this was a trait of the Sytrox people, they had the ability to live throughout many different parallel realities. Although born into this life, the child in his arms was also existing throughout eight more realities. If she died in this life, she simply resumed living in one of her other bodies. Somewhere there was a child with only eight strikes. That would be her next life to live.

The High counsellor  he gathered himself and stuck his hand out formally, the tattoos that lined his palms and lower arm showing his authority on this planet.

"On this note, I bid you farewell Ambassador Wallace." He said strongly, looking more composed and like the strong ruler, he once was.

The Ambassador smiled and shook his best friends hand, "I wish there was a better way to do this, I really do." He admitted, pulling his friend into a tight hug.

The High Councilman stepped back after kissing the child's head gently, "This is for the best, there is little of my people left and those who have betrayed my loyalty deserve to fall along with us." He said strongly, reassuring himself, not just the Ambassador. He then regarded the child painfully, turned on his heels and walked off, disappearing into the dust clouds.

The Ambassador was quick to react, "Wallace to Tyton, come in Tyton: Beam me up!"

His comm buzzed with static, then came the reply, "Beaming you up Ambassador." The voice scratched.

Familiar white light swirled around the Ambassador as the crumbling city melted away and blurred forms took their place. Slowly the transporter pad came into focus beneath his feet and the white walls of the transporter room took shape.

"Welcome aboard Ambassador Wallace," The man sat at the control desk said in a monotone but the Ambassador was already fleeing from the room to the bridge.

"Captain!" He hollered as the lift doors finally opened.

The captain of the starship U.S.S. Tyton turned away from the front screen, fixing cold eyes on the Ambassador.

"We have our orders Ambassador," Captain Hilt said firmly although his insides hurled at the thought of what they were about to do. Five other federation ships, positioned around Sytron were also locking missiles and torpedoes on the small but inhabited planet.

"I know, Captain," The Ambassador said with a weak voice, "I was going to say you have clearance to open fire."

Within the next few minutes, the planet Sytron was reduced to craters and rubble. A quick scan of the planet revealed zero lifeforms on its surface. Ambassador Wallace looked down at the baby in his arms, now part of an extinct species. He could only imagine that maybe only a few hundred Sytrox now existed scattered across the universe or other dimensions.

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