Chapter 19

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"As it stands," Spock began his address to the bridge, "We have not yet received any orders from Starfleet advising us about how to respond to the events that have unfolded. This suggests that our transmissions are still being blocked."

Kez agreed, looking up at Kirk who seemed to be thinking while watching Spock's address.

"We'll just have to assume that every federation planet is a target. I mean, we have no way of knowing exactly what is motivating Nero." Kirk offered out of turn.

"He has a point. What even possessed him to waste weapons like that? We weren't even a threat – there was no need to insist of destroying us unless he had a greater goal in mind." Kez mused, scratching at the bandage round her wrist mindlessly.

"Personally I'd keep firing at a ship that was on the side of the enemy until it was completely disabled. He wasn't to know we were no longer a threat." Kirk whispered to her. She stomped on his foot.

"That isn't it; he said he wanted me to see something. The destruction of my home world." Spock continued, thankfully not responding to Kirk's pervious comment. "However we may assume that destruction of other planets, such as Earth are high on their agenda."

"How did they even do that, by the way?" Bones said, unable to contain himself and just speaking freely. The regulations, from what he could see, had gone out the window when the first weapons had been fired.

"Don't get me wrong, in my line of work I don't need to know the details of weapon technology developments, but I do have some knowledge of the damage they were able to inflict on us. I've certainly never come across a Romulan vessel that size with the destructive capabilities the Narada just displayed!"

Spock turned to Kez, "And your view, Lieutenant?"

"Excuse me?" Kez snapped back to reality, "My view?"

"Indeed, of the Narada. You are a weapons specialist after all" Spock said clearly until Kez registered what was being asked of her.

She cleared her throat and thought it best to speak her mind, "In all truthfulness, Captain, that ship is impossible! The physical technology is too advanced even for an Alien race! I've never seen anything like it before; not in any records or manuals. Not even in vessel plans scheduled to be commissioned in two years' time. They just artificially generated a black hole! That kind of technology can't be fashioned overnight – the engineering alone would take several years and not to mention the . . ." Kez drifted off as a thought landed square in her mind, "It could be possible in the future though."

"What?" Kirk stepped away from her and pulled a face that displayed several emotions at one.

"Such technology could be possible in the future, as Lieutenant Stibbon's is suggesting. Such technology could also be manipulated for other purposes such as, hypothetically, creating a tunnel through space-time. Of course, such conjecture is based on models that reply on current physical and mathematical knowledge."

Kez's mouth had dropped open and she couldn't collect her thoughts into sentences.

"Dammit man – I'm a Doctor, not a physicist," Bones spat, "Are you suggesting they're from the future?"

"If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains – however improbably – must be the truth." Spock seemed to shrug before looking at Kez, "Take Kez for example. A species that can exist across multiple timelines simultaneously but only lives those lives when one ends – that is, in some eyes, like magic, but it is possible. So although not yet mathematically proven, I am saying it is possible they are from the future, where these advances in technology are possible."

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