Chapter 21

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There was a resounding silence as everyone stood dumbfounded. Kez focused on watching Scotty's face which was slowly changing from shock to disbelief.

"And just how would you know something like that, eh?" He managed to say, breaking the silence that was filled only with the sound of the icy wind outside, "You from the future or something? Great! Do they still have sandwiches there?"

"What is going on?" Kez whispered to Kirk, who just shrugged, not sure himself.

"If you allow us access to your shuttlepod I will gladly show you what a genius you actually are," Spock said with a knowing smile.

The engineer pursed his lips slightly then held up his hand, signalling for a moment alone with his squat alien companion. What followed was an animated and hushed conversation between the two, possibly over what actions they should take. Kez guessed that, by the nature of Scotty's responses, the alien was expressing some concerns.

"If it helps," Kez spoke up, moving forwards slightly, "You aren't exactly doing much out here in the way of exploration, which is at the heart of Starfleet. What have you got to lose by just giving Spock here a few moments of your time?" She gestured to Spock feeling uncomfortable that this Spock was, in fact, a future version of her Spock. It was odd.

Scotty seemed to weigh up what she was saying and then, acting out on sheer curiosity, accepted.

The old shuttle's transporter pod was not the most modern piece of technology that Kez had ever seen but it was basic, easy to understand, no fancy lights and buttons. She liked it. However, she had her doubts, whether it was powerful enough to transport a pea, let alone a person, across the necessary spread of subspace was yet to be seen. And what Spock was proposing to do was far more advanced. Suddenly she was reminded of the feeling she had experienced one time while drunk and Kirk had decided it would be a good idea to spin her around on a chair superfast and then port while still spinning. The result was the feeling of having her stomach ripped apart and Kirk spending the rest of his night holding her hair as she threw up continuously.

Scotty indicated to a console which Spock approached and started to show him the formula. Kez tapped a steel bar, earning her a warning look from the small alien. She retracted her hand quickly and thought it best to just stand still. Kirk on the other hand just wandered about touching anything and everything.

The Vulcan typed at a rapid speed for his advanced age, dictating a formula that filled the blank monitor screen. Scotty looked on approvingly at the work.

"Your equations for achieving long-range transwarp beaming – Mister Scott." Spock sat back. Kez dared to walk over and admire the screen and equation, more complex and intricate than anything she had ever seen. Spock had probably just saved Scotty years and years of hard work.

Scott was delighted, "Carry the omega- twelve to the fourth – imagine that! Never occurred to me to think of space as the part that's moving.

"It did occur to you." Spock said forthcoming, "Now to set a course for Laurentian, the location that Lieutenant Kirk informed me the captain of the Enterprise is travelling to with the intention of rendezvousing there with the rest of Starfleet."

"Enterprise? Had her maiden voyage has she? Love to get my hands on her ample nacelles – if you'll pardon the engineering parlance." Scotty daydreamed out loud.

"You mean we are actually going to try this out?" Kez said, horrified, "What if it doesn't work?"

Scotty looked at her as if that thought had just dawned on him also, "The lassie is right. We're taking about slingshotting onto a ship travelling at warp speed that by now is a considerable distance from here. One without a properly activated receiving pad or engineering team awaitin' us. It'll be like trying to intercept a bullet with a smaller bullet. Blindfolded. While riding a horse."

Kirk laughed as if he had once tried what Scotty was describing. Kez elbowed him in the ribs.

"I determine that the aft engineering bay is the best option. A large open space, no unpredictable airlocks. Kez will be familiar with your surroundings and there will be easy access to the helm so you can redirect the ship."

Kez snorted and shook her head as Kirk dragged her over to the transporter pad where Scotty was already stood, securing a loose piece of metal.

"Are you coming with us?" Kez said to Spock who only shook his head.

"My destiny lies along a different path. You must both go on without me as my presence may present complications in this time and consequences."

"But what about the other Spock? He won't believe us . . . Well, he might listen to Kez but me? I have no chance. We need you." Kirk tried to explain but the older Vulcan was refusing to listen.

"Under no circumstances can Spock be made aware of my existence. You must promise me this."

Kez nodded but Kirk kept talking, "You're telling me that I can't tell you that I'm following your own orders? Why not? What happens if I do?"

Spock moved closer to them both and whispered in a low voice, "Trust me, Jim, this is one rule and order you cannot break. If there is any hope of stopping Nero, you alone must command the Enterprise."

Kez sighed, "That is probably easier said than done, to be honest."

Spock looked at her as if he was disappointed that she was missing the point of what he was saying, "Remember there is always Starfleet Regulation Six-nineteen."

Kirk turned slowly to look at Kez, "And that is?"

Kez wracked her brains for a moment then understood, "Oh!"

Kirk still waited for an explanation.

"Ignore him, he didn't listen in class," Kez apologised to Spock, "Six-nineteen states that any commander who is emotionally compromised by the mission at hand must forthwith resign his command." She explained to Kirk, his face remaining blank for a moment.

"So, I have to emotionally compromise Spock ... I mean, you?" Kirk asked Spock carefully, his mind already reeling on how he was going to do such a thing. He hoped Kez had some good ideas since he now realised she was also a walking 'Starfleet rules and regulations encyclopaedia'.

"Jim," The elder Spock said gravely, "I just lost my home, my family, my whole world. I am emotionally compromised. You just have to make me show it." He turned his back with that as Scotty came bounding up to them, "Come on then, you lot. Live or die, I would rather get this over with quickly." He said, jumping up onto the transporter pad.

Kez shuffled over to make room for him and sighed heavily, sliding her hand into Kirk's and squeezing it tightly.

He looked down at her and gave her a warm smile however Kez knew and recognised the look of uncertainty and fear that he hid behind his cocky exterior.

Kirk turned to look at Spock one final time, "You know, coming back in time, changing history and warning people about the future – that could be considered cheating."

"A trick I learned from an old friend." Spock chuckled.

"Can't guess who that could have been," Kez muttered under her breath, grinning a little bit unsure of whether she was amused by the statement or feeling a rush of adrenaline that was sending her a little hyperactive.

At that, Spock sat back at the control panel, finalised the equation and held his breath as she activated the transporter. The figures disappeared in a jittery and pixilated swirl of light and Kez wondered if she would ever materialise. She kept her mind focused on the feel of Kirk's hand in hers, and; unknown to her, Kirk was doing the same.

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