Chapter 26

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Uhura passed Kez two phasers which she clipped to her utility belt.

"If you have to use them, please don't miss," Uhura warned her friend who was busy tying her short hair back into a stumpy ponytail so that it was out of her face.

"I'll try my best." Kez laughed, patting down her clothes; a black long-sleeved t-shirt, black jean trousers and her black Starfleet boots. The utility belt was clasped around her slim waist. Both Spock and Kirk were also travelling light but Uhura felt that Kez was the least equipped of the three. Maybe that was because Kez needed to port, maybe it was also because Uhura was watching not just her boyfriend but also her best friend walking headfirst into danger.

She gave Kez a quick hug before moving over to Spock who was already stood beside Kirk on the transporter pad.

"Right, I'm ready Scotty," Kez said, placing a hand on Scotty's shoulder as he sat at the transporter control station, a very loose and generic diagram of what the Narada could potentially look like spread out on the screen in front of him.

"I'm gonna try and beam you lot here, into the cargo bay. It should be quiet." Scotty pointed then moved aside so Kez could attempt to memorize the rest of the crude drawing. The design was based on smaller Romulan ships from their time, not the future. She wasn't convinced though, but it was the best they had.

She looked sideways at Scotty to see if he was thinking the same but his eyes were fixed on something across the room. She looked up to see Uhura and Spock in an intimate embrace.

Uhura didn't care though. She pulled away slightly and played with the material of Spock's blue uniform, placing her hand against his chest.

"Be careful. Come back." She whispered lowly to him, staring into Spock's deep brown eyes.

"I always endeavour to come back, especially when there is something to come back to." He murmured back. Uhura nodded slowly, sighed, then turned on her heels and walked from the transporter bay. But not before Kez saw the tears in her eyes as she walked past.

"Right then-," Scotty said, purely to break the silence that had fallen on the room.

"I'll manage, I think." Kez tapped the design before walking over to the transporter pad and joining Kirk.

"Do you think you'll remember it all?" Kirk asked lowly.

"Not even close but I'll be able to get us to Pike and probably back onto our ship. So that is something, I guess." Kez shrugged.

"We'll be okay," Kirk said, giving her hand a light squeeze and flashing a reassuring smile.

"Right then!" Scotty called over from the control station, "I should be dropping you in the cargo bay. There shouldn't be a soul in sight."

Kirk nodded, "Energise, Mr Scott."

Kez's sharp eyes adjusted quickly to the scene outside of the transporter beam's bright light, enough for her to sense the threats. Kirk saw her flicker next to him, raising her gun as they appeared in the Romulan cargo bay ... in front of many armed Romulan cargo workers.

Kez was first to shoot, firing her phaser at the same time as picking out her next target. After assessing the space around her she was able to port confidently, disappearing from beside Kirk.

He was painfully aware that Kez had suddenly disappeared as he picked off more Romulans, back to back with Spock. They were meeting their foes with a combination of speed, skill and desperation.

The ceased fire for a second, watching to see if there were any more Romulans hiding in the shadows. All was still.

"Kez!" Kirk hissed lowly to the large cargo bay – his voice echoing slightly.

When there was no response, Kirk's heart was beating in his throat.

"Stibs!" He hissed again to the silence.

She appeared suddenly next to him, dropping to the ground so that she was pinning down the Romulan soldier that she had ported with.

"Sorry, he was really heavy." Kez huffed as she delivered another strike to the Romulan's face with her fist. He coughed and heaved and Kirk nodded in approval.

"I thought maybe you could do your mind-melding thing and find the device." Kez looked up, showing a thin cut along her cheek.

Spock nodded and dropped to his knees, placing his hand on the Romulan's temples and closing his eyes. Kirk stood guard and Kez remained to pin the soldier down.

"We good, Spock?" Kez finally asked after what seemed like forever.

"I have located the device," Spock said, standing up in one swift motion.

Kez knocked the solder out cold and stood up, "Let's get going then!"

They didn't encounter any other crew members as they followed Spock through the twisting and dark corridors of the Narada. Kez continued to scout ahead, porting to as far as she could see, seeing if there was a threat and waiting for Spock and Kirk to catch up.

Finally, they came into a hanger where a bright, silver ship of an unknown design was docked next to Pike's little shuttlecraft.

"What on Earth is that?" Kez mused as they all took in the little ship.

"It's definitely of Vulcan design," Spock replied, approaching it with caution.

"Is this Spock's ship?" Kez hissed under her breath to Kirk as they followed.

"Most likely." He replied.

On board the consoles were dark and the ship was barely big enough for the three of them to move around without treading on each other's toes.

Kez pressed buttons on the consoles that were nearest her and sure enough, there was a hum and the ship flashed to life.

"Voiceprint, face, pheromone, body density, and retinal recognition analysis enabled." A friendly female voice echoed around the vessel from the onboard computer.

"You'll be piloting this alone Spock," Kirk said, patting Spock on the back.

"That may be problematic." Spock mumbled, looking around, "I confess I am unfamiliar with the design of this ship or the construction of its systems."

"Access granted. Welcome Ambassador Spock." The computer buzzed again.

Somehow Kez was convinced that her pretend surprise and Kirk's look of astonishment did little to fool the Vulcan.

"Computer, what is your manufacturing origin and date of commission?" Spock asked, not taking his eyes off Kez and Kirk, sensing something was going on that they weren't making him aware of.

"Stardate twenty-three eighty-seven, commissioned by the Vulcan Science Academy under special emergency declaration twelve-oh-eight"

Spock's eyes narrowed, "It would seem you two have been withholding important information from me."

"You will just have to trust me," Kirk insisted, backing away from Spock and towards the vessels doors, stumbling back into Kez and nearly falling into a heap on the floor.

Spock looked ready to argue but instead lowered himself into the command seat.

"Can you fly this?" Kez asked, around Kirk.

"Something tells me I already have." Spock answered over his shoulder, "Just find Pike and get back aboard the Enterprise."

"If you don't get back aboard, I'm coming back to get you," Kez promised, allowing Kirk to drag her off the vessel, the doors sliding shut and sealing firmly.

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