Chapter 12

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Kez was surprised when she boarded the shuttle to find Uhura clipping herself into a seat.

“Are you on the Enterprise?” Kez asked, sliding down into the seat next to the communications officer.

“Of cause. I’d accept no other ship.” Uhura smiled, “I will only serve on the best of the best.”

Kez shrugged, the last time she’d seen the Enterprise it was a shell of scaffolding and sheets of metal. Now she was a sleek and beautiful ship that everyone was honoured to be on board her.

“So you talked to Spock then? Shame I couldn’t get him to reconsider assigning Kirk.” Kez muttered bitterly, fastening her harness with a little too much force.

Uhura looked at her friend, “Why would he reconsider Kirk?”

“Why wouldn’t he?” Kez shot back.

Uhura sat back in her seat, “Leave it Kez. Last thing you want is some immature farm boy wondering around a starship.”

Kez scowled at her friend in disbelief, “Kirk is a good cadet and probably a better officer then you might think.”

Uhura raised an eyebrow, “Yup, your deluded. It’ll be a long time until you convince me that Kirk is capable of doing something other than chatting up girls.”

Kez sat back in her seat as the shuttle began to rise before exiting the hanger and climbing further out if the atmosphere.

“Maybe you won’t have to wait long.” She said, turning to look out of the window so she didn’t have to face her friend. She missed Kirk already and the sights of the stars and the Starfleet port base only made her think of him more. She knew more than anyone that all Kirk wanted to do was get aboard a starship.

Kez walked along the shiny new corridors watching how the bright, fresh lights played with her reflection on the pristine floor. New ships were amazing, Kez thought and chucked thinking about how some of the other cadets had been assigned to older ships. Here she was embracing not just a new ship but a whole new Starfleet design too.

Finally she came to the capsule like lift and pressed the button, waiting until the door opened and she could step into the cool metal container. The door closed sealing her in and she hurriedly pressed the button for the bridge. It was stupid to think that an officer could be claustrophobic since they would be operating in small ships in outer space, but no matter how much Kez told herself there was nothing to be scared off in small spaces, she freaked out further. Lifts were no exception to this and she was more than happy when the door opened and she stepped onto the bridge.

Pike turned to look at her, “Officer Stibbons, welcome to the bridge.”

Kez nodded and watched as Pike took his seat in the command chair before shuffling over to Spock.

“I need a comm.” She hissed to him, still mad about Kirk.

Spock looked up at her from his seat, “Of cause but shouldn’t you be checking the weapons and machinery? You are a weapons and machinery analyser after all.” Spock said back.

“I need a comm and then I’ll go down there to check everyone is working accordingly, okay?”

In reply shock just handed her a comm which she clipped on her ear before turning to Pike when he began to speak.

“Set a cause for Vulcan. Maximum warp.” He sat back in his chair, “Punch it.”

Kez waited but nothing happened, just a groan from somewhere internal in the ship.

“Not a good sign.” Kez muttered, Spock turning to look up at her.

“Thank you for that analysis, Miss Stibbons.” He said but managed to keep his voice lowered.

“Something wrong Lieutenant?” Pike asked the helmsman who spun around in his chair to face the captain.

“I’m not sure, Captain. I . . .”

“Where’s Helmsman McKenna?” Pike asked cutting the young man off.

Kez thought she recognised him from somewhere but wasn’t exactly sure.

“Uh, he has lungworms sir,” The guy explained then added, “He’ll be fine though but couldn’t report for duty. I’m Hikaru Sulu.”

Kez watched as Pike pursed his lips and said, “And you are a pilot?”

Sulu tensed and tried to make a joke of it, “Yes, very much so.2 He laughed awkwardly before turning around in what Kez could only guess to be an attempt to cover his face from sight, “I’m not sure what’s wrong here . . .”

“Is the parking brake on?” Pike joked but Sulu winced, fingers scanning the controls trying to find what was wrong.

“No, I’ll figure it out, just . . .”

Kez jumped when Spock spoke up beside her, “Have you checked to ensure that all subsidiary connections to starbase have been discharged?”

Kez raised an eyebrow so glad that she never trained to be a pilot. It was all technical computer gravity stabilising equations and stuff. Mechanics were where her heart lied and if anyone ever said that it was all one in the same she’d turn to them and tell them to ask a pilot the first thing about machinery, because they wouldn’t know. No, Kez kept the machine running so the pilots job was easier.

Sulu moved his fingers across the board then sat up straighter and cleared his throat, “Ready for warp . . . sir!”

“Right, well certainly the maiden voyage of our newest flagship deserves more of an occasion but its circumstances we cannot afford. Its christening will have to be our reward for a safe return. You men and women are the best the academy and Starfleet have to offer so I am proud to serve with you and I hope you will not find me a wanting Captain.”

Some people applauded, some just smiled.

“All deck’s are clear  for departure, sir.” Someone said from Kez’s left.

“Right then, Mr Sulu,” Pike said with a wide smile, “Lets punch it!”

Kez watched as the clear stars out of the front screen suddenly became streaks of light as the Enterprise entered warp.

Just then her comm buzzed in her ear, “Stibbons? You hear me?”

“Reading you Bones,” Kez said turning her back to the bridge, “What’s wrong? Is everything all right in the med bay?”

Bones was quiet for a moment then said, “Ugh – you need to get down here, right now!”

Kez didn’t need to be told twice.

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