Chapter 3

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Right this is the last one for now guys :) (I actually haven't really written much else :) Hope you're enjoying though and comments and votes plz) thanks my lovelies xxx

Smiling, Kirk reached out and clapped a friendly hand on the cadet's shoulder. It was a simple, friendly gesture and Kirk meant it in no way to be a threat. But as always with Kirk, he had to involve words.

"At ease, Cupcake. I didn't touch her and I didn't say anything too bad, just chatting nicely." He batted his eyelashes and stuck out his bottom lip, "Or are you jealous because I didn't speak to you?"

Uhura was trying her best to get her friend to move away but she knew full well that Kez had a talent for sensing when something bad was about to unfold and if she had the power to prevent it- she would try. Uhura knew that was a trait not necessarily unique to her friend, but the blood that ran through her friend's veins: she wanted peace and if it wasn't going her way, she'd never miss a chance to get involved. 

Kez watched with hard eyes as several other cadets assembled themselves behind the bigger cadet. Kez knew this wasn't right, cadets picking on a civilian, even if he was too cocky for his own good.

As the tension in the air got thicker, she took a more verbal approach, "Hey-Jim. Enough, yeah?"

Her attempt at diffusion fell on deaf ears as Kirk watched the cadet pursue him.

"What was that? I didn't hear?" The cadet said in a harsh brittle voice.

Kirk didn't fall under the intimidation. No way was he stepping down to some hyped up cadet.

"You heard me fine, Moonbeam."

The cadet glared then jerked a thumb over his shoulder, "You know how to count, farm boy? There's five of us and one of you."

Kirk smirked. He wondered why the cadet thought numbers scared him, even if he was smaller, didn't mean the cadet had a right to push him about.

He stood up straighter, gaining only a few more centimetres onto his height.

"Well, then. Get another five guys and it'll be almost even."

Kez had to admirer Kirk's bravery even if his ass was about to be handed to him.

Uhura thought it would be over at that point, maybe Kez had been wrong, but as expected Kirk took it one step further still.

"You know your uniforms? Do they, like, have to beam them onto you? They are so tight and formfitting -,"

The bigger cadet swung a punch.

Kirk had to admit that the cadet was faster then he'd anticipated, but not quite fast enough. Kirk had been in many bar fights over the years and the experiences had made him quick on his feet. He ducked the punch and charged forward. He slammed into his opponent and locked himself to the body so that the cadet's friends couldn't get to him. Kirk had taken away their clean swings, and no one could get a clear shot.

Kirk couldn't help himself but keep up the commentary: "Please tell me you haven't taken combat training yet," He dodged a shot intended for his ribs, "'Cause that would be embarrassing to Starfleet." He moved to avoid another punch, "Aw that was almost adorable!"

Just then two of the other cadets got hold of him and wrenched him away from their friend.

The big cadet got to his feet and drew back his fists ready for a clean shot.

Uhura grabbed Kez's shoulder when she anticipated what her friend was about to do.

"Get off me! They're going to kill him!" Kez hissed, shrugging off Uhura's grip.

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