Chapter 27

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"Are you ready?" Kez asked when they exited the hanger.

Kirk nodded, knowing he was never truly ready for the experience of being ported around by Kez.

She held out her hand to him then pulled him close. He noticed she smelt of ash and wondered if he did also. She squeezed him into a tight embrace and he squeezed his eyes closed, thinking of Pike also, and felt the air shift around him.

The floor fell away one second and was back in the next. Kirk shuffled his feet, hearing the water slosh around underfoot. Still, in each other's embrace, they looked around the dark and damp interrogation chamber, taking in the harsh and evil design of the room and the murky stagnant water that was under their feet.

"There!" Kez finally said, making Kirk jump, unlocking his arms from around her so she could move. Then he spotted what she had seen.

Pike was fastened to a slightly tilted platform, unmoving and strapped tightly down with thick leather straps.

They ran over, Kez beginning to check for signs of life while Kirk got to work loosening the straps. Pike gave out a little moan as Kez tried to find his carotid pulse after failing to find a radial one.

"He's alive." She whispered in relief, beginning to get to work on the straps on her side of the platform. Kirk couldn't have felt more relief in that moment.

Pike's head rolled to the side and he opened his eyes drowsily, "Stibbons? ... Kirk?" He practically whispered.

"It's us, Captain. Came back for you like we said we would." Kirk sounded exasperated as he finished the first strap.

Pike looked around with eyes that didn't see clearly, "How – how did you . . .?"

"Long story and defiantly not the time for it right now," Kez replied, checking Pike's pulses again to make sure they weren't getting weaker.

Thankfully Pike began fighting against the straps to regain control of his arms and legs, "I believe your presence here violated at least a dozen ordinances, Mister Kirk."

Kez snorted then listened to the sound of sudden footsteps. She only just managed to draw her phaser in enough time to stun the three Romulans that had appeared in the doorway of the chamber.

Wide-eyed, she slowly turned to look at Kirk who had stopped motionless and was displaying much the same facial expression of shock and fear that she was.

"That was close." She said, deciding to stand guard as Kirk helped Pike roll from the platform.

"Too close." Kirk agreed, taking the full weight of the senior commander.

"Hate to interrupt," Pike said breathlessly, trying to straighten up, "But how do you two intend to get us off this ship?"

Kirk smiled craftily, something which made Pike feel uneasy.

"Well, Sir, did you happen to know that Stibs here is a Sytrox?"

Scotty only really had to focus full power on getting Spock from his vessel that was now on a course to fly straight into the Narada, with the intention of causing maximum destruction.

He only needed to focus some of the energy on where Kez was located. She would do the rest, he had been reassured.

Four figures began to materialise on the transporter pad, three clumped together and one lone figure across the pad.

When they all came into view, Scotty saw that Kez and Kirk were fully supporting an older gentleman, who seemed limp and lifeless at first glance.

There was a cheer from those waiting in the transporter room; Uhura, McCoy and Scotty being the most audible.

"Congratulations, Mr Scott," Spock said, climbing down from the transporter pad.

"Never have I beamed two targets from two places onto the same pad before! And to think both targets were in motion too."

"We're very grateful." Kez managed to say before she was caught off guard by the sudden deadweight of Pike's body as he slumped forwards from exhaustion. The porting experience probably hadn't helped matters either. If it hadn't been for Kirk's strength, both she and Pike would have crumpled to the floor.

They left Pike in McCoy's capable hands as he barked orders at the med staff, and all headed for the bridge.

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