Chapter 7

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 Uhura sighed heavily in the port next to Kez who looked up with a disconcerting smile, “Here again.”

Uhura rubbed her temples and looked at the computer simulation screen. When she spoke her tone was not just bored, it was also a tad bit resentful, “We’re receiving distress signals from the U.S.S Kobayashi Maru. The ship has lost power and is stranded. Starfleet command has ordered us to rescue them.”

Kez knew Uhura had repeated this drill so much that the words were now more like a scrip then just a simple test of communications.

Kez turned in her seat to face Kirk as he whipped around in his command chair and raised an eyebrow.

“Starfleet command has ordered to rescue them – Captain.” He hastened to correct her with one of his smiles.

Kez flicked her gaze to Uhura who was glaring at him sharply before eyeing up her console, Kez could feel the annoyance burning from her friend.

She turned back to Jim who was smiling at her now, “Commander Stibs anything?”

Kez raised an eyebrow and looked at her console, “Klingon vessels are entering the neutral zone . . . Captain.” She read off her monitor trying to sound worried about the scenario.

Bones looked around from his own console, “Klingon vessels are firing on us.”

Kez knew that at this moment usually cadets began to panic in the simulations, shouting orders, freaking out. Although she didn’t expect Jim to freak out, his response wasn’t exactly expected.

“That’s okay.” He said simply.

Kez whipped around in her seat seeing everyone else gawping at Kirk before saying, “It’s okay?!”

Kirk nodded at her , “Yeah – don’t worry about it.”

Kez couldn’t help but steal a look up at the simulation assessors who were gathered by a window looking down on the test. They were talking to each other, their brows furrowed.

Kez swallowed wondering if they were failing everyone in the room on the spot; especially Kirk.

She tore her gaze away from them and fixed it on McCoy who was staring first at Kirk then at her as if to ask what was going on. She could only shrug and turn back to her console as McCoy read off his console again, “Three more Klingon warbirds are targeting our ship and preparing to fire.”

Kez watched as McCoy then turned to look at Kirk and finish by saying, “I suppose that isn’t a problem either?”

Kirk slid lower in his chair and pulled out an apple, “Nah.”

Kez looked panicked back at the monitors around her, “Uh, Captain? They’re firing. All of them are firing.” She turned to look at Kirk who was still chomping on his apple and looking at her as if it wasn’t a big deal. Finally he sat up and declared, “Alert medical bay to prepare to receive all crew members from the damaged ship.”

Uhura looked at Kez and she looked seriously peeved off, “And how do you expect us to rescue them?” She asked sharply, “We’re surrounded and under attack!”

Kirk leant forwards in his chair and smiled, “Alert medical.”

Uhura made a gesture of exasperation and threw up her hands before turning around.

Kez looked at Kirk then at McCoy who said, “We’re being hit.”

Kez looked at her monitor, “Shields are only at sixty percent.”

Kirk shrugged, “I understand.”

McCoy looked at Kez desperately. Kez was trying to get Kirk to respond in any way.

“Oh I don’t know Captain, shouldn’t we maybe fire back?” Kez snapped impatiently trying a new tone of voice to get Kirk to respond.

But he just looked at her and shrugged again, “Mmmm – no.”

Kez looked at McCoy in defeat as he muttered, “Of cause not. What a stupid thing for her to suggest. Forgive us for wanting to do something.

“Commander Stibs.” Kirk said suddenly.

Kez turned around, “Yes Captain?” – finally he wanted to do something. She wondered what he’d do first, probably ask her to lock target with the enemy ships, maybe even suggest they fire weapons at them. Maybe he’d finally come to his senses . . .

“What are you doing at the weekend?”

Kez sat there for a moment bewildered, “I – I don’t . . . Eh?”

Suddenly the computer programs crashed and the simulation shut down.

Before Kez could ask Uhura what had happened, everything struck back to life, the simulation running again smoothly.

“What just happened?” Kez managed to ask.

Uhura shrugged, “No idea, but the Kobayashi Maru is still in distress.”

Kez ran a hand through her hair and spun in her seat ready to confront Kirk but Uhura stopped her.

“But the Klingons have stopped firing and are powering down their weapons.”

“What?” Kez whipped back round to her friend, never in a simulation particularly this one – had anything like this happened.

“Imagine that.” Kirk said sounding like a surprised child, “Then I guess we have to respond right away! Arm everything and get ready to fire at enemy ships on my command.”

“Jim,” McCoy said tryingly, “Their shields are still up.”

“Are they?” Kirk asked back knowingly.

Kez looked at her monitor, “Uh – no.”

Kirk nodded in satisfaction, “Fire on all enemy ships, one shot each. Don’t want to waste ammunition.”

“Yes sir!” Kez said finally able to do something productive.

Everyone watched the forward screen as shots were fired and the Klingon warships exploded to the immense satisfaction of all the cadets.

“Signal the Kobayashi Maru. Tell them their rescue is underway and to begin evacuation starting with those greatly injured. So begin rescue of the stranded crew.” Then he shot out of his chair and addressed the bridge, arms wide, apple in hand.

“So! We’ve eliminated all enemy ships, no one on board was injured and a successful rescue of the stranded crew is underway. Anything else?” Kez watched as Kirk’s final words were directed to the assessors at the window, watching the undergoing simulation.

Only Kez clapped but even she knew that something wasn’t quite right.

No one beat the test.


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