Chapter 17

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Sorry I haven't been very constant with updating this story . . . but here's another update to keep you all going :)

Kez struggled to keep up with the Captain and both Kirk and Spock as they stormed ahead.

“Captain!” She finally said, jogging to keep up and walking alongside Pike, “Sorry Sir but I can’t help but think that we have nothing to gain from diplomacy. If he wanted to agree to a cease-fire wouldn’t he have done that with the other commanders of the other ships? You know, the ones he destroyed?”

 “Cadet Stibbons has a point, Captain. I do not believe that, although a logical choice, this act will go without the destruction of our ship.”

 Pike stopped so suddenly that Kez walked into him. He turned abruptly and sternly looked at her, “Look around us.” He gestured to all the destruction, “You’ll recognise that without transporter capability not only can we not leave the ship but we also cannot assist Vulcan. We also can’t contact Starfleet to tell them what is happening here.” He turned and stood straight.

 “I realise this but-,” Kez began, forgetting formalities.

“So,” Pike said over her, “I’m creating an opportunity to get a team to the drill to disable it. While Nero is preoccupied with me let’s hope he leaves the Enterprise alone. It might give us a fighting chance to reassign the wounded personnel and tend to the weapons.”

Kez looked at Kirk who was processing the information.

“Sorry Captain, I might have misheard you but did you say onto the drill?” He suddenly questioned, “Meaning what exactly?”

 “Meaning you, Mister Sulu and Chief Engineer Olson will do a space jump from the shuttle onto the drill and disable it in any way possible. That way maybe transporter capabilities will be restored. You’ll be able to beam back aboard.

 Kez raised her hand, “Ugh, so why am I here?”

 Pike looked at her squarely, “How far can you port?”

 “Wooh!” Kirk said suddenly, “This might be a suicide mission but you are not sending Kez secretly aboard that ship!”

 Pike looked appalled, “I wouldn’t risk the life of one of my officers like that!” He snapped, “I actually wondered whether you could get onto the planets’ surface?”

 “I could try.” Kez muttered, not wanting to say that, while on the bridge she’d tried to port onto the Romulan ship and couldn’t. That’s why she’d flickered.

 “Anyone you come across down there, port them back up here. One of the medical bays might be able to accommodate them all.” Pike said then turned to Spock, “I’m leaving you in command, Mister Spock. Reach out to Starfleet once the communications have been restored.” He turned to Kirk again, “Kirk I’m promoting you to First Officer.”

 “What?” Kez stuttered, taken completely by surprise.

 “Captain, please. I apologise, but the complexities of human pranks escape me.”

 “It’s not a prank, Mister Spock. And I’m not the Captain, you are.”

 “What if you end up stuck on the ship,l Sir?” Kez asked as Pike followed Sulu into the lift.

 “I guess you’ll have to come and get me. Careful with the ship Spock, she’s new.”

 Spock arched an eyebrow just as Kez grabbed Kirk’s arm as he entered the lift, “Don’t you dare fall off that drill.” She warned.

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