Chapter 6

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Four years later.



“See you in a moment!” Uhura called down the corridor to where Kez stood with an eyebrow raised, halfway through walking into her own dorm room.

Uhura passed into her own and swept into the bedroom area, pausing to regard her roommate who was sprawled over her own bed, only wearing underwear, in an unnatural pose, smiling too sweetly.

Uhura eyed up Gaila before proceeding to her bedside and unzipping her uniform.

“You’re back early; I thought you were working late.” Gaila said with another smile that made Uhura suspicious.

“I finished early. I was in the languages lab.”

“Oh, anything going on?” Gaila never inquired as to Uhura’s work.

“We were picking up some chatter about a prison escape and a stolen vessel that destroyed an entire Klingon fleet. Why do you ask?” Uhura continued to get undressed.

“Oh, no reason,” The green girl on the matrass said with what Uhura could only say was a fake yawn.

“I’m just so tired, been running simulations all week.”

Then Uhura heard it. Just faintly but still she heard it.

“Who is he Gaila?”

“Who is who?”

“The mouth breather hiding under your bed!”

Kirk shot up, naked apart from his boxers, “You can hear me breathing?” He said in disbelief.

“Get out!” Uhura demanded, kicking up Kirks clothes.

He scrambled from the room laughing and called over his shoulder, “I still need that first name!”

“Never.” Uhura said with a smile and sealed the bedroom door.

Kirk turned around and walked straight into Kez who had been waiting for Uhura in the corridor.

Kirk looked at his best friend and could only smile awkwardly as Kez looked him up and down.

Finally she rolled her eyes, “Kirk, what the hell?”

“Oh chill, I was just getting to know Gaila.”

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