Chapter 13

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“How the bloody hell did you get him here?!” Kez screeched almost on the verge of a fit when she saw Kirk’s body sprawled out over one of the surgery beds in one main medical practise room.

Bones looked at her then held up a syringe of some sort, “I gave him a vaccine to prevent the infection of the bite of the Melvarian mud flea. It gave him some of the side effects and some of the less fatal symptoms of the serum.” Bones said as if it was something good.

Kez blinked slightly at the doctor then said, “You gave him an alien mud flea virus?” She hissed then held her head, “Oh god, when I said do anything, this was totally not what I was thinking.” She despaired.

“Well you didn’t exactly give me many options!” Bones hissed back as if they were trying to prevent the flat out Kirk from hearing, “You should have seen him back there. He looked like a kicked puppy! I couldn’t just leave him. I mean what did you expect me to do? Smuggle him in under my coat?!”

Kez waved her arms to maintain calm and try not to attract too much attention from the wondering doctors and nurses.

“Okay, sorry. Well done, you got him on board that’s the main thing I guess. We just gotta make sure no one sees him or else we’re all dead.” Kez said quickly. Bones nodded.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep him here and watch him carefully until everything’s good. As long as he stays away from the nurses . . .” Bones was cut off by an announcement over the communications channel.

“Your attention please,” A thick Russian accent called everyone attention not just those in the med bay, “This is Ensign Pavel Chekov speaking from the bridge. The Keptin has asked me to brief you on our rescue mission. At twenty-two hundred hours GMT long-range sensors detected an energy surge of astronomical proportions in the Vulcan quadrant of Federation space. It was described as a ‘lightning storm in space’. Soon after, Starfleet command decoded a distress signal from the Vulcan high council declaring that seismic sensors situated across the entire surface of the planet were experiencing massive tectonic shifts. Our mission is to confirm the tectonic shifts and to prepare to assist in evacuations should the need arise.”

Kez listened to the report with a frown. Vulcan was a pretty secure planet, it wouldn’t just experience tectonic activity. Were there even any tectonic plates under the planet’s surface? Kez’s Vulcan geographic knowledge wasn’t the best but she was still pretty sure.

“Please review all report details thoroughly before our arrival. Thank you for your attention.” Chekov’s voice concluded before the connection was cut off.

Kez looked around her then jumped up violently when Kirk snapped awake and sat up.

“Jim!” Kez cried happily causing McCoy to turn away from his work.

“Ah Jim, you’re awake. How ‘ya feel?”

Jim moaned and shuffled slightly then began freaking out when Kez yelled, “Ohmygod! What’s wrong with his hands, Bones!?”

Bones concluded this by saying, “Good God man!”

“What?” Kirk asked before bringing his hands up for studying. They were elephantine, massive – each finger swollen to twice the size and his palms so badly blown out of proportion that it looked like someone had stuck a balloon under his skin and had been pumping it up to full size.

“What the hell is this?” Jim cried as Kez continues to glare at Bones.

“A reaction to the vaccine, damnit!” Bones cried before running over to a case and began looking for some kind of counter agent.

“What the hell, Bones? You said it was safe!” Kez yelled before running to Jim’s side as he scrambled from the bed.

“I thought it was okay!” Bones snapped back, “I didn’t know he’d react this way! And it’s your fault!”

“How’s it my fault?” Kez cried back, moving with Kirk as he made his way over to the communications panel on the wall and began flicking through the recent broadcast.

“You said get him aboard no matter what!” Bones glared.

This argument was childish, she knew that, but Kez couldn’t help but keep retaliating, “Ohhhhh, so that makes it my fault does it? Well you know, shoving him in your coat is looking like a whole other better option now!”

“A lightning storm in space . . . . Best described as a lightning storm in space . . . . A lightning storm in space . . . –nig storm in space . . .” Kirk kept rewinding the same couple of seconds of the broad cast and suddenly he turned to Kez, white as a sheet.

“Jim? – Jim, what?” Kez asked then was forced to move when he flung himself from the room, “Jim?! – Kirk! Where you going?!” She yelled glancing back at Bones who was gathering portable injections before sprinting from the room in hot pursuit of a flailing Jim.

“We need to stop the ship!” Jim yelled over his shoulder as Kez and Bones caught up to him slightly.

“Why? What the hell are you do-?” Bones broke off as Jim snapped at him.

“Something’s not right. Something is seriously, seriously wrong.”

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