Chapter three

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I must of passed out after awhile, as I was startled hearing Suzzie call my name. I tried to move but I couldn't. My head was spinning and everything hurt. I felt Suzzie slip an arm under mine and pull me up. She practically dragged me to the couch where she just dumped me. I heard her walk away as I repositioned myself on the couch. Then I heard her footsteps again. I slowly opened my eyes to glance at her.
"Here" she said thrusting some pills into my hand and some water.
"Take these I will go get you something to eat"
"No" I said reaching for her hand. "I'm not hungry".
I pushed the pills into my mouth and swallowed with a big gulp of water, instantly feeling better as my mouth felt less dry and I perked up a bit.

"Alex, you need to eat. Even if its something small, please eat for me" she begged looking straight into my eyes. She knew all of my weaknesses and knew how to play them. I looked at her and nodded, biting my lip. I knew there was no way I could win this so it was better to agree now before her disappointed talk started. Anyway I could just throw it up later.

Suzzie walked back into the room holding a big plate of sandwiches. I felt the vomit come up just looking at them but managed to swallow it back for Suzzie's sack. She sat next to me, resting her head on my shoulder.
"Here babe, eat now, I promise it will make you feel better."

Suzzie's POV

I sat silently watching Alex force every bite of the sandwich down. It was hard forcing her to do something she did t want to do it it needed to be done. Over the last months Alex has become one of my best friends and I know she is suffering more then I know. I just wish there was someway to help her. But the truth is I'm scared. I know it sounds selfish. It I have no idea what will happen to me if I try to intervene. I looked at Alex taking in her small frame and focusing on her face. There were fresh bruises from where Beau got her last night while I just sat there and pretended nothing was happening. I felt a tears building in my eyes and I had to say something.

"You know I'm here for you aye, if you never need to talk or need help with anything you just have to ask."
I could feel Alex surveying my face, she was starring at me as a small smile crept on her face. I didn't know what she meant by the smile but I could feel things get awkward. She was probably thinking how I could say that when I just let him beat her every night. I had to try again.

"Really Alex, don't you think it's been going on long enough? Can you really sit here and tell me your happy? Babe you don't deserve to be treated like this, no matter what he says. You are a beautiful, strong, incredible woman, you don't need him when all he does is bring you down. I want to help you so bad Alex but I can't help you till your ready to help your self. I know what you do to yourself Alex, I've seen the scars, I've heard your purge and its not okay. Baby you have to learn to love yourself and respect yourself. Nobody else can love you till your able to love yourself" I wrapt her in my arms holding her tight as she broke down. I started crying too, it was hard not too.
Alex began speaking and it took me by surprise.
"I have tried so many times Suzzie, to try get away, to leave him and start fresh but it never works. He always finds me and brings me back. Everyday I sit here and think of a way to leave but I'm scared. I know one day he will take it to far and kill me. But then on another day that's what I want because then this torture called life will be over" she began to sob violently, I could tell she wasn't finished so I pulled her in tighter stroking her here.

"The day my mum died I lost everything and I don't know how to get it back. My life has changed so much and I have no idea who I am any more. I look in the mirror and hardy recognise the person starring back at me. If you had told me six years ago that I wouldn't have my best friends any more, that I self harmed, purged and was addicted to drugs and alcohol I would of laughed in your face and thought that was the biggest joke ever. But look at me know. Fuck I'm a disgrace! I bet my mother is rolling over in her grave looking at what her daughters become. I can't do it any more I just want it to end. I want him to leave. I want control of my...."

She stopped mid sentence paralysed. I looked at her confused at why she had stopped and slowly I followed her gaze to see Beau standing there watching us. "Fuck" I said under my breath. How much of that had he heard. I let go of Alex fast and stood trying to convince Beau to come have a drink with me in the kitchen. I looked straight into his eyes and realised at that moment this was not going to end good. I have never seen him look like this, not even when he was drunk. I was scared.

I walked over to him and he pushed me out the way, knocking me into the book shelf hard. Tears leaked from my eyes as my body filled with pain. I watched as he walked over to where Alex was paralysed on the couch. He reached down and dragged her up by her hair. Spitting in her eye as he did so. Beau never said anything. But he didn't have too, his face said it all. Then without warning he hit her straight in the face letting her body fall hard onto the coffee table where he laid into her. I ran and tried to pull him off but it was no good, it just made him angrier. I fall on the couch unsure of want to do, that's when I heard it the loud crack as she was flung against the wall. I got up and ran looking for the phone. Fucken hell where is it. I ran up the stairs and into my room grabbing my cell from the bed. I quickly dial for an ambulance explains as fast as I could what had happened.

I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I waited till I heard the door slam shut and ran back downstairs. This is all my fault. I made her talk, she didn't want too but I made her. I ran into the lounge and saw her body crumpled on the floor next to the wall. There was blood everywhere and I couldn't exactly workout where it was all coming from. I pulled Alex close and just held her until finally I could hear the sirens.

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