Chapter elevn

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Demi's POV

It's my last day in rehab today. I can't believe it I'm finally getting out of here. I walked out of my counsellors office and sprinted down to Alexis's room.
"Babe" I screamed flinging the door and running in. "Alexis where are you? I'm going soon". There was no answer. I walked to her bathroom and knocked before opening the door but she wasn't there. I ran to my room in case she was waiting there for me. I was a bout to turn around and leave when Mum, Dallas and Marissa walked into the room.
"Hey baby girl, how you doing? Mum said wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed tight. There is nothing like a mothers hug to make you feel good.
"I'm alright Mum" I said not letting go "happy to be going home but guttered and hurting to be leaving Alexis here." I pulled away from mum and moved to hug Dallas next.
"I know it must be tough but just think this is the best place for her for now" Dallas said while squeezing me. Next I made my way over to Marissa, I looked deep into her eyes before hugging her trying to send her a message without speaking.
"What's wrong, where's Lexi?"she whispered quietly in my ear holding me close.
"Don't know, need you to find out, I'm worried, I'll stall mum, don't want her worrying" I said trying to get it all out as quickly as possible. I went to let go of Marissa and she grabbed me again squeezing hard.
"I fucken missed you" she screamed so the whole place could hear.
"I missed you to ya goose" I said pushing her off me.
"While you guys go do all the paperwork stuff, I'm going to go pay a surprise visit to my other best friend" she announced walking towards the door. Dallas stood up fast.
"I'll go with you too, I miss that kid." She said walking to Marissa.
"Maybe I wanted some alone time with her Dallas" Marissa said in a joking way
"Plus I kind of wanted my big sister with me, promise you can see her before we leave" I threw in. Dallas agreed to stay with me, grabbing ahold of my hand and Marissa made her way out of the room.

Alex's POV

I have been sitting in this stupid meeting room with my therapist for an hour now. She keeps on asking questions but I'm not ready to talk yet can't they just understand and respect that. But no I'm expected to sit here till I can explain what happened. Another 10 minutes go by of me playing with my fingers and therapist saying my name softly. When there's a knock at the door. I shoot my head in the way of the door praying for my escape. The therapist gets up and walks to the door and Jill walks in.
"Hi Alex" she said giving me a small smile.
"Hey Jills" I responded with a big smile. I have gown to like her over the last few months. My therapist shoots me a filthy look, probably thinking, oh you will talk to her but not me.
Jill speaks agin this time to the therapist and not to me.
"There's somebody here to see Alex, they say its really important" I heard say.
"Fine, let her go. I'll try again later" was her response and I got up and ran practically knocking Jill over in my hurry to get out of there.
"Alex I'm going to take you to your room okay there's someone there to see you." Jill Sid taking my hand gently and leading me to my room. Omg I yell in my head they are going to start treating me like a freaking child again cause I screwed up once. Fuck them.
We get to my room and Jill finally lets go of my hand. "Alex you know I'm here if you need me. Even though you may feel alone in this, your not".
"Thanks Jill, I'll come find you later" I said hoping that if I talk to at least one of them I can have some of my freedom back.
I opened the door to my room wondering who could be here to see me and what could be so important. I walked in slowly scared of who I might find. If it was my dad he could just piss off, right back to where he came from. He's just a huge disappointment one after another. There was someone lying on my bed.
"Hi" I said making them sit up. "Sissy" I screamed running and jumping on the bed knocking her down with me.
"Anyone would think your happy to see me" she laughed pushing me off her.
"Trust me I'm over the moon. What you doing here?" I asked sitting up at the other end of the bed.
"Came to pick up Demi with Diana and Dallas" she said smiling at me.
"Oh" was all I could manage out. I forgot that today was the day Demi was leaving me. I tried not to think about because it hurt to bad knowing I won't have her to lean on anymore. I could see on Marissa's face that she knew she had upset me so I forced a smile on.
"Must suck she's leaving aye" she asked looking concerned
"Yeah it does but ill get by and I'm sure this time she will stay in my life so that's so etching to look forward to" I was trying hard to fight back tears. "Where is she anyway?" I asked.
"They have gone to sort the paperwork. She was worried about you and sent me looking and here I am. So tell me why she was worried" she said getting that look on her face that said don't bull shit me.
"I don't know why she was worried. Guess cause she couldn't find me?" I said in all honesty.
"So where were you?" She asked easing up on the stern voice.
"With the therapist, they called me in for an urgent meeting. Saturdays are usually my free day and I wait for Demi in my room aka why she couldn't find me" I knew I was going to have to tell her the truth soon enough and I was surprisingly okay with that. Marissa was easy to talk too and I knew she wouldn't judge me.

"What was with the urgent meeting then?" Wow she wasn't going to let up.
I looked her dead in the eye before answering so she could see just how sorry I was.
"I relapsed last night" I said aster tears ran down my face.
"Come here" she said ordering me over to her. I got up and crawled over to her and she pulled me onto her lap wrapping me up in her arms likes mother would a new born baby. I felt her lips touch my head as she kissed me softly and then she spoke.
"What happened Lex?"
"I don't know sissy. Everything got to much for me. I thought I was doing so well but then Dad let me down three times and Demi got to check out and I was told that I wasn't ready like some fucked up moron and I snapped and I know I shouldn't of and I fucken regret it but" I couldn't finish. The tears built up blocking my throat as I thought to breathe. Marissa stroked the hair from my face wiping the tears away.

"It's ok babe, I've got you" she said holding me tight against her. "But?" She pressed on.
"But I couldn't take it. I was scared of being alone. What might happen. The fact that Demi could go and I couldn't made me feel liked failure. I was never good enough and that just proved it I guess. I'm so sorry Marissa.. Please forgive me" I was choking trying to get my words out.
"Hey now Lexi, you never have to apologise to me. I know how hard your trying and that's the main thing. Your not a failure babe you just need some more time to sort out your past and make a future for yourself. I don't want to sound like a bitch but did you think about baby before your relapse?"
She took me surprise with that question. She must think I am a total self centred bitch and she would be right. I didn't even think about the baby or the stress I would be putting it through. I only though about myself. The guilt came over me like a tone of bricks and I screamed grabbing my stomach trying to protect my unborn child now. But right then I realised the only person this baby needed protection from was me.
"Marissa how can I do this? How can I look after a baby when I can't even look after myself" I asked
Her arms tightened around me
"Well baby that's why you got to stay here a little while longer. To get strong for your baby, to learn how to look after yourself. I know you Lexi and I know your going to be the best mum in the world and I'm going to be there every step of the way helping. Your not alone in this anymore. You have me and I swear on my life I'm never going to leave you." She said tears beginning to roll down her face. I knew then that I had to do this. I had to get strong not only for myself but for my baby and for my friends.

Just then the door flew open and Demi and her family walked in. She took one look of the scene before her and ran to me. I know I shouldn't be scared of Demi but I was. She had that look on her face like she could kill someone. I moved my body carefully on Marissa making sure she wouldn't let go as Demi got up to me. And then the look of anger on her face just vanished and she was in tears crying along side me and Marissa. I reached out and pulled her into the hug and we just sat there crying. Till her mum finally spoke
"Anyone going to fill us in on what happened" she asked.
Demi laughed "the funny thing is Mom, I don't even know what happened". I looked up at Demi and into her eyes and I could tell from the look she gave me she knew. She pulled me off Marissa and sat me on her lap and whispered in my ear
"Why didn't you come get me?"
"I wasn't thinking. I lost control but I promise it won't happen again" I said snuggling my head into her neck. She grabbed my wrist and I let her. I knew she had my best interest at heart. She rolled up my sleeve and gasped as she saw my arm was covered in a white bandage. She moved for the other arm and saw the exact same thing.
"How many stitches?" She asked knowing that it must be deep.
"5 or more" I said sheepishly.
"Is the baby ok?" She asked moving her hand to my stomach. I nodded. I'm 25 weeks pregnant now. I went for my 20 week scan a few weeks back with some of the workers but the baby was in an awkward position so we couldn't see the sex. We are going to try again next week. Fingers crossed we find out cause I really need to know.
"Hey guys not to be a party popper but its three o'clock already, we have to go if we are going to make our flight at 5" Dallas announced to the room. Oh shit I forgot for a minute they would be leaving. I hurriedly got off Demi and stood. I walked over to Diana and gave her a big hug. She was always like a second mum to me. "Look after my Demi" I said as I let go.
"I will and look after yourself. Just remember sweetheart, we are your family too and I love you like my own daughter".
I gave her another quick hug unsure what to say back. Next was Dallas's turn. She walked up and wrapped her arms around my waist for a second I thought she was going to kiss me. "Good luck in here kiddo, if ya need anything give me a call. This is my number. I'll be back in town next week for work. Ok I love you" she said pushing a piece of paper into my hand.
"Love you too dal" I said stepping back.
"We will give you girls some privacy" Diana said opening the door. "Take care my Alexis, we love you" she said and then her and Dallas disappeared.
I turned to Demi and Marissa. Demi was crying already, I put my arms around her.
"It's going to be ok Dem, we can do this even if we are far apart. We just need to stay strong ok"
"Stay strong"she whispered back.
I turned letting go of Demi and looked at Marissa. I took one of her hands and one of Demi's
"I'm so thankful that you guys are part of my life again. I don't think you guys will ever true,y understand what it means to me. I love you more then anything else and no matter what I will always be so great full and thankful to say I know you" I said to them both.
"Sissy, you need to look after my Demi. This isn't going to be easy for her and she's going to need you more now then ever. Make sure when I get out in a couple of weeks she's still in one piece."
Marissa nodded "you know I'm always going to be there for her, no matter what and you too. I love you both."
I hugged each one of them again saying my final farewells. I thought back the tears and they headed for the door. Demi stood at the door and looked back at me "like a skyscraper" she whispered and I mouthed it back and then she was gone. I was left standing in my room on my own. I decided to go find my therapist, I needed to start talking. It was the only way to get out of here and the only way to move forward and get strong for myself, for my baby and for Demi and Marissa.

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