Chapter Sixteen

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Alex's POV

I slowly wake up. I feel drained after the emotional break down I had yesterday. I can hear Demi and Marissa talking. I roll over in bed and keep my eyes close not wanting to interrupt their bonding time. I hear a sniff and the bed moves a little mi guess its ok to take a peak and see what's happening. I open one eye slightly and see Demi wrapped up in Marissa's arms. I shut my eyes again quickly and listen.
"Everyone's like stay strong and I'm over here like what the fuck do you think I'm trying to do, it's a lot easier to say then do" I heard Demi cry out.
"Everybody just has your best interest at heart. They know your trying to stay strong and they just want to remind you of this inner strength you have. Dem I know you better then anyone else. We can get through this, I'm here for you no matter what. That's just something your going to have to suck up and deal with" marissa said.
I could Demi laugh.
"You know I'm never going to complain about having you around" Demi said.
"How do you think Alexis is really coping" Demi asked marissa. I let out a pretend snore so they would think I was still sleeping.
"I don't know Demi, she's so strong but I still think there's so much she's holding back from us. I really just want her to open up to us but I'm scared that if we push her she will run again and we both know how much that killed us last time" Marissa answered.
"Yeah I get that feeling too. I'm trying to be the for her but I'm scared the whole time of losing her. I don't think I can loose her agin, she will never know how bad it hurt us the last time" Demi replied.
"Exactly, I think we just keep doing what we are doing and maybe she will surprise us. I think having this baby is going to be the making of her" Marissa said I heard Demi agree as Diana called for her. I felt the bed tilt as Demi climbed off and ran to see what her Mum wanted. I felt the bed move again as the bed titled into me and Marissa's arms wrapped tight around me.
"You will never know how much, I love you" she whispered in my ear.
"Get off me pervert" I mumbled still keeping my eyes closed.
Marissa crawled on top of me and pinned me down.
"What did you call me?" She said laughing.
"You heard me pervert" I replied
She started tickling me as I tried to wriggle and squirm my way free from her.
"Pervert" I yelled again and Demi walked in.
"Whose a pervert" Demi asked.
"Sissy is" I said laughing as she continued tickling me.
Demi jumped on the bed and started smothering my face in kisses.
"Ewwww your both perverts" I screamed laughing. Marissa joined in on the action kissing my other cheek. I just gave up and lied there letting them at me.

Demi's POV
We were heading to the studio today to start work on my new album. Marissa and Alexis were coming with me which I was really excited about. Things between us three were just great, it really felt like we had never been apart.

We arrived at the studio just after lunch. My whole team was there when we walked in. I was welcomed by a round of applause, I did a little bow and thanked everyone for being really sweet. I was about to step out with some of my writers and manager when Alexis asked for a word.
"What's up?" I asked walking over to the couch with her.
"I just want to make sure your up to this," she said "you have only been out of treatment for two weeks" she finished looking into my eyes.
"I'm ok babe, I'll let you know if it all gets to much" I said. She gave me a quick hug and I walked into the meeting with my team.

An hour later after discussing which songs they like for the album of mine and suggesting some of others I walked out to jump in the booth. I noticed that Marissa and Alexis were both in the booth mucking around and all my tech guys were laughing. I walked behind one of them so I could hear and heard Alexis busting out Mary had a little lamb while Marissa did the harmonies. I couldn't help but let out a little giggle. Alexis could actually sing where as it sounded like Marissa was trying to murder it. I then heard Marissa saying
"Wait, wait, wait guess who I am?" She fixed her hair and put a ridiculous smile on her face and turned to the microphone.
"I am confident, but I still have my moments" she sung and then deliberately feel on the floor "but baby that's just me" she said rolling around laughing on the floor. Alexis walked to the microphone and added with a huge smile on her face.
"I'm not a supermodel, I still eat McDonald's" she stuck out her ass like I do when I sing it and carried on "baby that's just me" she finished. I cracked up laughing at them and walked into my booth.
"I saw everything you bitches" I laughed "I swear I don't fall over that much" and just to prove my point accidentally tripped on a chord and fall on my ass. Everybody laughed at me.
"Alright, get out of my booth" I yelled pretending to be mad. "Lets get this done, I'm hungry".

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