Chapter thirty one

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Demi's POV

I was awaken by a piercing scream coming from beside me. I shot my eyes open as panic took over my whole body. I heard the screws again and shot up, I could feel the bed thrashing around and looked over to check Alexis. She was screaming, tears running down her face and shaking violently.

"Lexi" I said giving her a shake and realising she was still asleep. I sat up on my knees and bent over her. Shaking her slightly I tried to wake her.

"Lexi, baby wake up its just a dream" I said brushing the hair off her face, she screamed again and my stomach turned seeing her in so much fair. It felt like I had fallen a great height.

"Lexi" I yelled and she sat up, punching me straight in the eye. I screamed in pain and shock, I wasn't expecting her to punch me. Marissa came running in with barely anything on, flicking on the light so she could see what was happening. I tried to push the pain building in my eye and turned back to Lexi.

"Babe, it's ok. It was just a dream. Your safe, I'm here with you, I won't let anyone hurt you" I said as I tried to move closer to her, scared of what her reaction might be. I mean she just punched me in the face.

"Marissa, Marissa's dead" she said bursting out into hysterical sobs. Obviously she didn't see Marissa walk into our room.

"I'm here baby girl, I'm not dead" Marissa said moving closer to the bed so she was in Alexis direct line of view. Alexis looked at her and then collapsed down into the bed, crying hysterically. I lied back down and put an arm over her stomach.

"What was our dream about lex?" I asked her as Marissa made her way to join us on the bed.

"Beau, he was mad cause I killed Demetrius. He shot and killed Marissa because of me, then he tied me up and did stuff to me before killing you and then he was about to kill me when you woke me up" she said sobbing and sighing between each word.

"Babe he's locked up for a long time ok, he can't hurt you or us for that matter. We are safe ok. And you always will be safe because we won't let anyone ever hurt you again" I told her moving closer to her to make the cuddle more fulfilling.

"It was so real" she said burying my head into my shoulder and crying.

"I know babe but your ok and we are both ok" I rubbed her back as I talked.

"What happened to your eye Demi?" Marissa asked looking at me with concern written all over her face.

"Doesn't matter. What happened to your clothes?" I shot back at her pissed off that she would ask that and make Alexis feel worse.

"Really Demi, that's mature, just make us all feel like shit" she snapped back getting up to go.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel like shit" I yelled making her stop and look at me. I put on my best puppy dog face. "Please come and cuddle with us" I said as she turned around to walk back to the bed. "But first put some clothes" on I said with a laugh pointing to lexis draws. She laughed to and pulled out a pear of sweats for her and a hoodie. She grabbed another pair out and chucked them at Alexis.

"If I remember correct your naked under that robe" she said to Lexi who looked like she was in a state of confusion. Lexi gave a small smile and rolled away from me, pulling the covers over her head and getting changed without leaving the bed. Marissa chucked on her clothes and came for in bed with us. We all cuddled up, snuggling into each other with me in the middle.

"Did I give you that black eye" Alexis asked suddenly breaking the silence.

"Yeah turns out you have a good right hook" I said with a laugh. Seeing the expression on her face I added "but it was my own fault I got right in your bubble, I should of expected it" I said with a laugh trying to make it a joke.

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