Chapter thirty six

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Marissa's POV

I woke up alone in my bed. I missed Alexis's arms around me, but we agreed to take things slow and she had the girls to look after. I rolled over and looked at the time. Shit it's 11.30 I slept in, they will all be up without me. I sit up and notice a single black rose on my pillow. My heart melted, she knew my favourite. Of course she did, she knows me better then anyone else. I jump out of bed fast not even caring what I look like, I just want to see my Lexi. I run out the door and to her bedroom, she's not there. I run out to the lounge but no ones there. My heart drops. I walk to the kitchen and that's when I notice a bouquet of flowers on a tray, with my favourite breakfast panini, a Danish and my favourite green tea, which had melted a bit. Omg I could feel butterfly's in my tummy. I picked up the flowers to smell them and a letter fall out. I opened it with trembling fingers.

My dearest Marissa,
I am sorry I'm not hear to share this beautiful morning with you. I got a few of your favourite things to try and make it up to you. I love you more then words can describe, your the air I need to breathe. Your the reason I still have a heartbeat. I owe you my everything and then that will still not be enough. Put your feet up and relax my beautiful, you deserve it. I ensure I'll make everything up to you tonight till then, just remember the worlds only spinning because of you.
Love you my Darling
Lexi xx

I got a little teary eyed reading her letter. I out it down and grab my tray of food and make my way to the couch. I guess all I can do is take her advice. I eat my breakfast while watching some shit on tv. Once I'm finish I walk back to my room and text Lexi. I miss her like crazy. 'Morning Lex, thanks for breakfast and my beautiful flowers. You made my day love you' I sent and then decided to ring Demi.

(Phone convo)
D- hey mar, what's up
M- where are you?
D-interviews why what's up?
M- nothing just home alone and bored
D- we will be home in two hours.
M- we?
D- Alexis and the girls are with me. She wouldn't let me wake you.
M- did you see what she did this morning?
D- who? What?
M- Lexi you geek!! I woke up to find a black rose on my pillow, then when I walked out to the kitchen there was a bouquet of flowers and my favourite breakfast. Then there was this letter that said really cute stuff like how I'm the air she needs to breathe and all this cute stuff.
D- oh well that's awesome. Sounds like your new girlfriend is a keeper, I can't wait to meet her.
M-she really is. Give her a hug and kiss for me and I'll see you soon.
D- that's a bit awkward, she's my sister.
M- why must you always be a dick? Love you
D- love you too

Alexis's POV

I was sitting on a chair with the girls on my knees spinning round and round. Demi was on the phone and I could hear her laughing. Once she hanged up I stopped us and turned to face her.
"Who was that?" I said being nosey.
"Marissa, she was just telling me about this new girl she's seeing and how amazing she is" Demi said with a smirk.
"Oh really I didn't know she was dating somebody" I said laughing too.
"Seriously though Lex, thank you. I've never seen her so happy and excited over somebody before." Demi said getting all serious on me.
"That makes two of us" I said starting to spin round on the chair again.
Demi's manager and some other people walked into the room. I stopped spinning and looked up trying to act serious and professional.
"Guys, I would like to introduce you to Alexis she is coming on as my music advisor and will be an active member of my team" Demi said addressing the room.
"I'm sorry Demi but what experience does she have?" Some guys with glasses asked.
"She's helped me write skyscraper and has a good ear for music, she can play any musical instrument you place in her hands and I'm really starting to think she should just join the band" Demi said sounding pissed that she had to explain herself. There was a few mumbles around the room and then Demi's manager began to talk.
"This is Chris and his team, he said pointing to a guy in a baseball cap and some people around him. He will be directing your music video for skyscraper which is awesome news. However because of his schedule, we will be shooting it tomorrow. I have discussed with him your vision and he agrees. I need you up by 6 as we are flying by helicopter into the dessert. Let me know how many of your people are coming by 4 so I can book for them" said Dave. Man he talked really fast and didn't even stop to let someone put their thoughts forward.
"That's fine with me. I take that you have organised hair and makeup and all that important stuff" Demi said looking back at Dave.
"Yes all that's been organised. This is the script here so you can filmier rise yourself with the shoot" Dave said, passing her some papers.
"Ok and yesterday you said something about a concert" she said skimming over the script.
"Yeah we have one for Friday and one for Saturday. Are you ready for that?" Dave asked giving Demi a concerned look.
"I can make myself ready" she said. The room went quiet and looked at her.
"I think that's enough talk for one day then" she said standing up and banging her hands again. I could tell the way they were looking at her was making her pissed. She reached down and grabbed Emily off my knee and walked out the door. I clutched lily to me and got up and followed her. She stormed into the car, buckled Emily into her seat and slammed the door behind her. I followed suite and soon found myself sitting beside a crying Demi.

"Wanna tell me what that was about?" I asked her.
"I'm just sick of everyone doubting me. It's like how am I suppose to believe in myself if no one else believes in me" she said hitting her hands on the steering wheel.
"Demi forget them and forget what they think. They haven't seen the progress you have made, they don't fully understand what you have been through. They are just worried about you babe. You should be grateful they care enough about you to be worried babe. You just need to show them that you believe in yourself and they will soon follow. As you once told me, for someone to be able to truly love you, first you must love yourself. It's the same thing with believing in yourself" I said placing my hand on her shoulder as she began to sob.
"Do you know how hard it is to believe in myself? I wake up everyday and ask myself if I, really talented or just some sick joke they are playing on me. The hardest thing in the world right now is for me to stand there and say I love myself." Demi said tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Honey I know, but we can do this together. I believe in you, I see how talented you are. I know your going to be the biggest thing this year. I'll be by your side the whole time, you just need to learn to see yourself the way I see you and you will someday. It may not be soon but one day you will." I said. She leant over and hugged me tight.
"This is why I love you" she said letting go of me and wiping her cheeks.
"If you love me so much can we make a stop on the way home" I asked giving her my biggest smile.
"Where too" she said dragging out the o.
"Grocery store please oh and by the way your watching the girls tonight" I said with a grin.
"Fine, but you owe me" she said back.

We arrived back at the apartment and I turned to Demi.
"One more favour" I asked putting my best smile on my face.
"What?" She said trying to sound grumpy.
"Can you lock Marissa in the game room with you guys, tell her I've gone to the hospital to see dad or something I just need two hours to cook. Promise you get some" I said putting my best pleading voice on.
"Fine. Are you going to go see ya dad?" She asked.
"No, he doesn't want to see us yet so I'll just give him some time" I said playing with my fingers trying not to think about.
"Do you think they will let us take the girls to the dessert tomorrow?" She asked
"Yeah I don't see why not" I said with a smile.
"Ok I'll take the girls up and text you when the coast is clear" Demi said hoping out the car. I climbed out and undid the girls seat belts. I lifted each one out giving them a tight hug. Demi took their hands and made her way over to the elevator. I leaned up against the car waiting for Demi to text. After 10 minutes my phone finally beeps.
'Coast is clear, keep your phone on you incase we need to communicate during mission keep Marissa blind' I read the text and cracked up.
'Yes sir, over and out' I text back laughing.
I grabbed my groceries and made my way back up to the apartment.

Alexis's POV

Demi dragged me into the games room over an hour ago with the girls. She's acting really weird and won't tell me what's going on. I text Lexi, I haven't heard from her all day, I know she has a lot going on but I missed her.
'Demis acting weird, come home and save me' I sent.
'Lol when isn't she weird, be home soon xx' she text back.
'Fair point, hurry I miss you and want to thank you properly for this morning' I sent back.
'Give me one more hour, miss you too xx' she replied instantly.
"Fine :(' I sent her and got no reply. Demi came and sat next to me on the couch resting her head on my shoulder.
"Forgot to tell you, you need to be up at 4 tomorrow, we are flying to the dessert to film my music video" Demi said focusing on the tv.
"I like how I don't get a choice" I said playfully.
"I thought because Lexi is going it would be a dead set thing you would go" Demi said with a laugh. I pushed her and she grabbed my hand.
"Hey I have an idea" Demi said standing up. "Wait here and watch the girls" Demi said running out of the room. She was back really soon, holding a sexy red dress, her make up bag and a hair straightener. She pushed me down on the couch and started attacking my face with makeup.
"What are you doing" I asked when she gave me opportunity to talk.
"Makeover" she said biting her bottom lip as she concentrated.
"Why?" I said
"Because you have a girlfriend now and she deserves you to look your best so shutup and go with it" she said plucking a random hair out of my eyebrows. I did as she said and just sat there letting her pull at me in every direction.

Once my hair and make up was done she forced me to stand up.
"Strip" she demanded. I did as she said taking my clothes off an dumping them on the floor she handed me the red dress which I put on. It hugged my body in all the right places and made me look amazing if I do say so myself. She made me sit again and put some black heels on my feet. Finally she was happy with what she saw.
"You look stunning Mar" she said holding my hand.
"Thanks, can I go to the bathroom and look now?" I asked. She picked up her phone and looked at it before answering.
" yup let us escort you though" she said pulling me up. I found my feet and followed her and the girls out the room. There was a beautiful smell that filled the house.
"In here" Demi said walking into the spare bedroom, I followed and she pointed to the mirror. I hardly recognised myself. I couldn't believe it. I stood there looking at my body in different angels taking it all in. I hear Demi's phone go again and she immediately grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door, the girls in toe. We made our way out to the lounge and there standing before me was Lexi. She was wearing an electric blue dress that hugged her body and showed just how fragile she was. Her makeup was done stunningly and her looked gorgeous lightly curled. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was holding a bag of my favourite lollies.
"You look stunning, I got you these since I already used my flowers this morning" she said with a grin handing me my bag of lollies.
"Thank you" I said reaching out and taking them.
"Will you care to escort me" she said holding out a hand for me.
"Of course" I said taking it. She turned to Demi and gave her a quick hug.
"Dinner for you is in the oven, girls dinner is on the bench. Make sure you eat and if you get a chance come see what I did on the roof top" she said to Demi with a wink. And then we were off.

We got up to the rooftop and I could tell Lexi was nervous because her hand was sweating in mine. The doors opened and I looked out. It was beautiful, there was fairy lights everywhere which added to the beauty of the night view. The pool had floating lanterns in it, which light up the whole pool. In the middle was a table set up for two, with candles in the middle. Lexi lead me over to the table and pulled the chair out for me. I gracefully sat down and she pushed me in slightly before making her way to the the other side. I noticed the dinner sitting before me. Chicken fettuccine. She really had gone all out. She reached out into the wine cooler and pulled a bottle out. Oh no this isn't good, she must of seen the look on my face because she turned the bottle around to show me that it was grape juice. I smiled as she poured me a glass.
"Let's make a toast" she said and held up her glass. I did the same and waited for her to speak.
"To us and the bright future we share ahead" she said clinking her glass to mine.
"To us" I said and took a sip. We indulged in small talk over dinner discussing her new job and our plans for tomorrow. We finished our last mouthful of the chocolate pudding she had made and went to sit by the edge of the pool. I took off my shoes and dangled my feet in the water, she did the same leaving a small gap between us. I moved closer to her and rested my head on her shoulder, she rested her head on mine, I took her hand and began playing with her fingers. I could stay like this forever, it's perfect. Lexi is perfect.
"Lex" I said snapping her out of her dream.
"Yeah babe" she said turning her head to look at me.
"Can I kiss you?" I asked.
"Never ask just do" she said moving her head closer to mine. I moved in, brushing my forehead against hers, I pressed my nose against hers and felt her warm breath on my face, my heart rate got faster as I looked deep into her eyes before closing mine and fining her lips. Our kiss started off soft and slow but soon I was wanting more, I deepened it, sucking on her bottom lip and pressing my tongue against her mouth looking for entrance. She granted me entrance and our tongues wrestled. I felt electricity running through my body as I guided my hands over her body trying to soak in every part of her like it was the last chance I had. All of a sudden I broke away gasping for air. She looked at me lost for words. I guess that was as good for her as it was for me. I bend in and kiss her lips tenderly, reassuring her that I was happy. I stood up knowing well that her eyes were on me and weren't leaving. I unzipped my dress at the back and let it drop. Her eye grew wider.
"What are you doing?" She asked breathlessly.
"Something I've wanted to do for a long time" I replied. I held out a hand and pulled her up. She stood in front of me and moved in going for the kiss, just as our lips were about to touch I pulled away and dived into the pool laughing.
"What the fuck sissy" she yelled once I came up.
"I told you I wanted to do this for a long time" I said laughing and splashing her.
"Oh it's on" Lexi said undoing her zip and letting her dress drop. She was standing in front of me in the sexiest black under wear I've ever seen. My breath caught in my throat as I admired her. Next thing I knew she was flipping into the pool. I looked around the pool trying to find her but she didn't come up where I expected her too. I felt a tug on my foot and felt myself be pulled under. We both came up laughing. I wrapped my arms around her neck and got lost in her eyes. Just as I was about to kiss her she pushed my head down and under the water and swam away. I chased her splashing her as I went. I got her trapped in a corner and picked her up in my arms.
"Now you have me, what are you going to do with me" she said laughing.
"I'm never letting you go" I said and she has know idea how much I mean that. I'm never letting her get away from me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.
"Shall we get out of here" I asked suggestively.
"So much for taking things slow" she said with a laugh kissing me again before swimming to the edge and pulling herself up. I followed suite, grabbing Demi's and hers dress and shoes before jumping on lexis back so she could piggy back me to my room.

Hey guys sorry this chapters pretty shit, I just wanted to get one up because I don't know if I can tomorrow. So I kind of rushed it. Please comment and let me know where you want this story to go with the squeal. Thanks for reading guys, stay strong kt xxo

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