Chapter twenty one

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Demi's POV

I could barely get the word out, I kind of chocked on it thinking about what I was saying but I saw her face and knew it was clear "save.... Alexis" I managed to get out and broke down. I had pretty much just given them permission to let my nephew die.
"Are you sure miss Lovato" the main doctor said while the rest starred at me.
"Yes positive. Now please save my sister" I said in between sobs.
"Miss Callahan do you agree with Miss Lovato?" He asked.
"Of course I fucken agree now go save her before its to late" she yelled hysterically crying.
"We will be back for an update as soon as possible" he said and when neither of us responded he walked out.

I placed my lips on top of Marissa's head and she looked up into my eyes. We didn't have to say anything we just knew and we sat there crying for what seemed like forever. Maddie was the first one to run back into the room, carrying one of the twins, I couldn't make out which one it is. She took one look at me and Marissa and broke down, running over and throwing herself on top of Marissa. Mar tried to raise her arms to comfort her but couldn't so i reached out taking her hand, trying to speak but failing miserably. The rest of the family walked in and Momma rushed over to us, seeing how distort we were.
"What's happened" she said stroking the hair out of my face and bending down to kiss Marissa.
"The doctors just came" I stuttered out, a fresh flow of tears beginning to stream down my face. I heard Marissa sob and knew I had to continue.
"We has to make a decision, just in case they can't save both, between her and the baby. We picked her" I said with the feeling of guilt, disgust and hatred running over me. I pushed my head into Marissa's neck burying my face so nobody could see me.
"Why didn't they ask me?" mr Brown asked.
"When you stood her up those times, Alexis changed us to her next of kin, she thought you weren't going to be there anymore" Marissa said slowly, her voice shaken with every word.
"How were you able to pick?" He asked bluntly.
"We love your daughter more then anything in this world, she deserves the chance to fight. Trust me we both feel horrible with the decision but we had a choice to make and the baby doesn't really know yet, where Alexis has seen, experienced and understands this world." I said feeling the vomit come up in my mouth. I got up running for the bathroom. Bending over the toilet I let all my lunch come out. I fall to the floor crying, I need to release these feelings. I looked around looking for anything sharp to help. I could feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and looked down. It was a message from Marissa.

Mar: babe I know how your feeling, please don't do what I know your about to do. We are going through this together. I need you strong for me. This is not your fault, if you are going to blame yourself I can too, I was the one that left her alone with Jase. I love you Demetria no matter what. Come back to bed.

I read the text and burst our crying, I was being selfish. Mar was going through the exact same thing as me, plus her own shit and I was just worrying about myself. I wiped my tears and shoved my phone back in my pocket. I walked out the room ignoring everyone and focusing only on Marissa. She raised her eyebrows to me and I shock my head and tapped my pocket, where my pone was. She gave me a smile and used her head to indicate to get back on the bed. I obeyed and climbed in next to her. The whole room was silent and one by one they all dropped off to sleep just leaving me and Marissa awake, waiting, wondering and worrying.

Dr Sheldons POV

I ran back to Alexis's room after talking to her family. I rushed in running to her bed and grabbing her chart to check how her stats had been while I was gone.
"Induce her now" I screamed at a nurse. I had to give this baby a fighting chance, it wasn't fear to only focus on his Mom.
A nurse came back a short time later while I was listening to her heart beat with a big needle which she stuck directly into her IV, which will lead straight into her blood line. While I waited for the labour to begin, I checked her vitals again and realised we couldn't wait any longer or we would loose both.
"We have to move now" I yelled at to my team.
"Jane garb, her IV, Harry phone the er tell them we are on our way. The rest of you grab a side of the bed and lets go." I finished yelling and watched as everyone fall into line following my instructions. We made our way down to the er, where I was met by another three doctors who all specialised in different areas. There was the maternity exec pert who was here only for the baby, the cardiac surgeon who will look to stop the bleeding around her chest from where a bone had stabbed and pierced somewhere and the neon surgeon who would help me with her brain injury and stop the bleed that was in there.
I explained to them my plan, the families wishes and that we really had to try our best because of her connection to Demi Lovato.

We all went to scrub in and made our way back into the room. We prepped what we needed and worked out how long they would have to get the baby out before we would really need to start surgery on Alexis.

I watched in fear as the team got to work on her C section, watching as the doctor covered her stomach in the serial yellow lotion, grabbing the scalpel she made one swift cut down the stomach, I watched as blood began to flow and the nurse sucked it away making it clear for the doctor to see.
"It's a mess down here" she said looking at me. I left my post and walked over looking in.
"Get that baby out now, your time has gone down to two minutes then that's it, I'm going in and starting work" I said helping her move some parts around and doing what the doctor dictated at me.

Marissa's POV

It's been 12 hours and 47 minutes and 32 seconds since the last doctor had come to see us. Everyone had gone home, except Demi and Diana. Diana was asleep in the chair again and Demi was steering at the wall I could tell she was cut up and trying so hard to stay strong.
"Sing me that new song of yours" I demanded breaking the silence.
"Why?" She asked
"Cause when you sang it in the studio, it gave me hope and made me feel, that what I need now Dem, now sing it for me please" I said.
She closed her eyes and began to sing softly, Demi's voice always did something for me and I just lied there letting it wash over me. Once she was done she spoke properly for the first time in ages.
"It's been twelve hours already, what do you thinks happening?" Demi asked turning to look at me.
"I don't know babe, but we have to stay positive" I said thing to reassure her and myself.
"Mar if she makes it, you have to tell her" she said giving me a weird look.
"Tell her what" I questioned.
"How you really feel about her, she deserves to know" Demi said looking me dead in her eyes so I knew she was serious.
"I don't want to wreck our friendship, I know she doesn't feel the same" I replied feeling myself go sheepish.
"Me and you both know Lexi and that won't wreck the friendship and if she doesn't feel the same then oh well at least tried and everything's out in the open" she said.

I couldn't help but agree. I could feel myself dozing off, when I heard a faint knock on the door. Demi shot up, knocking me in my bruised ribs. I couldn't care less though I had to know how my baby girl was.
"Sorry to interrupt, are you the family of Alexis Brown" the young girl asked.
"Yeah" me and Demi both said at the same time.
"We managed to get the baby out of her before conducting surgery in her. She is in a serious condition as her ribs were crushed in the incident causing them to stab an artery close to heart and causing some damage to her intestines. She is still being operated on for this but we are happy to say that her neon surgery was as successful as we could hope. We will know more about that once she wakes up and the swelling goes down" the young girl said really fast like she had been practicing.
"Wait so she's still in surgery?" Demi asked as I choked back my tears my poor baby was broken and I couldn't fix her.
"Yes that correct, Demi, I mean Miss Lovato" she stumbled.
"And you said you got the baby out, is head dead?" She asked again resting her head on mine as we awaited the answer.
"No he is not dead, we did have to operate because of complications that I do not know the extent of. He is now in an incubator, as he is very prem and needs help growing. We are unsure of how well he is going to do, but right now he is proving to me a fighter just like you Miss Lovato" she said. This chick was starting to piss me off, all over Demi why we try to cope with our news.
"Can we see him?" I asked trying to snap this bitch back out of fangirling mode, don't get me wrong, I love Demi's fans but now is not the time.
"Yes you can, but you won't be able to touch him just yet" she finished.
That was good enough for me and Demi who ran to get me a wheel chair so we could go meet our little fighter.

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